Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

It was a right decision.

It wasn't murder. Murder is a legal term and means the unlawful killing of another.

Since abortion was a constitutional right, it can't be definition, be murder.

You have fallen into the trap of using sensationalized words to push an agenda.
Then why is it charged as a double murder when a pregnant woman is murdered?
Then why is it charged as a double murder when a pregnant woman is murdered?
Because the fetus was killed without the mother's consent.

The same reason when a relative pulls the plug on life support of a loved one or when cops shoot a criminal in the line of defense.

Hell, even you can shoot someone in the face in defense of your life and that isn't murder.
Because the fetus was killed without the mother's consent.

The same reason when a relative pulls the plug on life support of a loved one or when cops shoot a criminal in the line of defense.

Hell, even you can shoot someone in the face in defense of your life and that isn't murder.
Same ole same ole.

When does life begin?
What does that mean? Do you disagree with my point?

I would have to look it up to verify but I believe a majority of experts believe it begins at fertilization.
The main argument forever has been when life begins. Most countries in the world has set a time in weeks on that. 15 weeks maybe about norm. After that for the life of mother with Doc backing it up.
Everyone alive and who have ever lived, their life began at fertilization. However not every Zygote created grows into a full term baby. It is an imperfect reproduction system but it is all we have.
And if you are 20 weeks in the womb and mom changes her mind you will never be. Where does the babys tight to life begin?
The main argument forever has been when life begins. Most countries in the world has set a time in weeks on that. 15 weeks maybe about norm. After that for the life of mother with Doc backing it up.
I thought the arguement was usually fetal viability outside the womb? Isn't that what Roe v Wade was based on?

I can't think of too many instances where people argued life doesn't begin at fertilization.
I thought the arguement was usually fetal viability outside the womb? Isn't that what Roe v Wade was based on?

I can't think of too many instances where people argued life doesn't begin at fertilization.
Roe versus Wade used that yes. But in that decision they kicked it back to the legislature to answer when life begins.

There has Never been a compromise solution like pretty much the whole world has done and not us.

States Rights was served by overturning Roe V Wade. As intended by the Constitution.

Funny that every time you goons celebrate, it is a win for the party, but never a win for the people. Only whores and skanks are that concerned about the need for an abortion! In my whole life, I've never known a woman to ever have one, need one or want one. Abortion is the wanton murder of a human being.

As to the war on women, the only war on women is the democrats LGBTQ transgender freaks who can't even tell me what a woman is, but sure know how to destroy their privacy, dignity, and lifetime efforts to get ahead in sports and competition.

But thank you for the nicely made lies, misinformation and usual propaganda.
At this point, I say let them have their way, no opposition. The faster to the bottom we go, the better, we're going to get there eventually anyway. Sadly, that's the only way people will ever learn, they have to live with the consequences of their choices.
If this country is to be destroyed, I do not want it on my conscience that i consented to or was party to its destruction.
And if you are 20 weeks in the womb and mom changes her mind you will never be. Where does the babys tight to life begin?
Now it depends on which state you live in.

"Data from 2020 found that four in ten (40%) abortions occurred by six weeks of gestation, another four in ten (39%) occurred between seven and nine weeks, and 13% at 10-13 weeks. Just 8% of abortions occurred after the first trimester."
The main argument forever has been when life begins. Most countries in the world has set a time in weeks on that. 15 weeks maybe about norm. After that for the life of mother with Doc backing it up.
So the same as Roe Vs Wade...
Roe versus Wade used that yes. But in that decision they kicked it back to the legislature to answer when life begins.

Do you mean when the fetus is viable?

I thought they included a breakdown of viability when roe v Wade was decided?

Although it may have been just a guideline; I don't remember to well. It's been a while since I read into it but at this point I guess it is moot.

There has Never been a compromise solution like pretty much the whole world has done and not us.

Probably because our constitution complicates things.

States Rights was served by overturning Roe V Wade. As intended by the Constitution.
It wasn't necessarily intended by the constitution which is why we have the 9th amendment.

Presumption of innocence is a right because of the 9th amendment but it is not mentioned in the constitution.

Also, why do so many red states refuse to put abortion on the ballot if it is a state right?

You would think every state would do what Ohio just did...but some don't. Why?
Now it depends on which state you live in.

"Data from 2020 found that four in ten (40%) abortions occurred by six weeks of gestation, another four in ten (39%) occurred between seven and nine weeks, and 13% at 10-13 weeks. Just 8% of abortions occurred after the first trimester."
So. 8% out of a million is a whole lot of dead babies.

After say 15 weeks why is it a problem saying save the baby??

Most of the world has already done this.
I also think I need to move to Cleveland.


God let you lose.

Republicans keep losing because they go full nutter. You don't like abortion don't have one. You don't like marijuana don't smoke or buy any. Whenever these idiots go full nutter and try to ban shit they lose. I see nothing wrong with there beliefs but quit trying to make others abide by what you believe. Prohibition doesn't work!! We know cigarettes are bad, ban them tomorrow and see what happens. Fuckers will be growing tobacco in there house. All you can do is try to regulate the Vice. I am Anti Nutter- Biden is too fucking old to make any decision for me. AOC is a nutter, Cori Bush fucking nutter, Omar and Talib fucking nutter, Boebert fucking iliterate nutter, Marjorie Green caveman jaw nutter, Tuberville fucking abortion nutter etc...

Innocent lives are now going to be slaughtered and put at risk. Why wouldn't we be upset about it?

Personal freedoms won out
Republocans hate personal freedoms and try to take them from us any chance they get

Why is murdering babies now considered a personal freedom?
Not one time in my 48 years has abortion come up in any conversation I have had with anyone. Who gives a shit! You don't like it don't have one. Seems pretty simple to me! I don't like cigarettes or alcohol, so I don't drink. I don't try to tell anyone not to smoke or drink. Not a hard concept.
It has nothing to do with 'holy rollers', if you think killing your own child is okay just because you don't believe there is a God, then you're a shit person, simple as that. I guess murder is okay as well since there isn't a God, if not, why not? Man thinks he is so sophisticated and knows everything there is to know about human existence, complete arrogance, yet what he knows in actuality is nothing. Humans will pay the price for their arrogance.
Go smite yourself.

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