Ohio.....Babies out.....Weed In

That's just your point of view. Making it a personal choice wether or not you put a life on the planet to me is an acknowledgement that life has no meaning if you aren't allowed to take responsibility for it. Is mine. I'm perfectly happy to agree to disagree on it.

So 'taking responsibility for it' is killing it after it's already here?
It was the wrong decision! Still is, how they found a constitutional right, to allow women to be the only ones to commit murder is crazy
It was a right decision.

It wasn't murder. Murder is a legal term and means the unlawful killing of another.

Since abortion was a constitutional right, it can't be definition, be murder.

You have fallen into the trap of using sensationalized words to push an agenda.
I'll only address point 2 and 3. You have your point of view. I do however think the "mental decline" of Biden is something that you overestimate the effect of. First, I don't doubt it's an issue that's hammered on Fox every single day. Not everyone watches Fox though. Believe me from what information I see from my preferred sources. I see your "mental decline of Biden" and I raise you the bloviations of a 77-year-old man-child, ranting at 3 o'clock in the morning on truth social in a typo-ridden diatribe. Not to mention in front of a federal judge.

I don't doubt you don't agree with my characterization, on the other hand, from that follows that I don't agree with yours.

As for point 3. They don't have to vote for a Democrat. I'm simply stating they won't vote for Trump.

As long as the leftist 'media' is the one disseminating their leftist views on the populace, the left will continue to make strides, it's quite simple. When people don't know what they don't know, then they can't make appropriate decisions. How long that will last, who knows, but that's how the populace is currently controlled and manipulated.
I don't see how being against killing your own children is only a 'religious stance', if it is, this society is doomed. But I've already come to that determination anyway, there is no saving human kind from itself.
1. Abortion on demand is what women consider their "right". If you do some research you will find that the more they abort the fewer end up in prisons.
2. Society has lost its traditional family values that the US was built upon. Will the Left's promoting of decadence be the undoing of US society? Stay tuned. Hint: Look at how CA is doing vs FL or TX.
3. Its not necessarily humankind that needs saving, its the loss of civility and traditional values that need saving. Otherwise it will become the Wild West and might makes right.
Possibly because he was fucked over by the "deep state" and the FBI, and we know he will reconfigure the Federal government to be more politically neutral.

How will he do that? Just what sort of power do you think the POTUS has?
1. Abortion on demand is what women consider their "right". If you do some research you will find that the more they abort the fewer end up in prisons.
2. Society has lost its traditional family values that the US was built upon. Will the Left's promoting of decadence be the undoing of US society? Stay tuned. Hint: Look at how CA is doing vs FL or TX.
3. Its not necessarily humankind that needs saving, its the loss of civility and traditional values that need saving. Otherwise it will become the Wild West and might makes right.

We're spiraling down, you can slow it down perhaps, but it's going to go that way regardless. They want to live in a hedonistic/Godless society, let them have at it. They currently think there are no consequences, they will find out that's not true. It will be fun to watch when that happens.
How will he do that? Just what sort of power do you think the POTUS has?
Not just POTUS, but congress as well.
Budgets all need to be cut across the Federal government.
I even suggested another "Grace Commission" to streamline government and save money.
I believe that Trump can issue an EO to freeze government hiring as step-1.
Starve the Beast.

Republicans keep losing because they go full nutter. You don't like abortion don't have one. You don't like marijuana don't smoke or buy any. Whenever these idiots go full nutter and try to ban shit they lose. I see nothing wrong with there beliefs but quit trying to make others abide by what you believe. Prohibition doesn't work!! We know cigarettes are bad, ban them tomorrow and see what happens. Fuckers will be growing tobacco in there house. All you can do is try to regulate the Vice. I am Anti Nutter- Biden is too fucking old to make any decision for me. AOC is a nutter, Cori Bush fucking nutter, Omar and Talib fucking nutter, Boebert fucking iliterate nutter, Marjorie Green caveman jaw nutter, Tuberville fucking abortion nutter etc...
It is necessary for it to remain legal because of late term fatal fetal anomalies that still arise. Doctors and women should have a legal option in those cases where the infant, when born, would suffer from the moment of birth until their dying breath.
Which is called medical necessity if your worth a damn writing a law. Its abused.

Why shouldnt you be able to write a law thay way?? Incompetence? Or you want abortion on demand?
Which is called medical necessity if your worth a damn writing a law. Its abused.

Why shouldnt you be able to write a law thay way?? Incompetence? Or you want abortion on demand?

How late into pregnancy abortion is allowed​

As of Aug. 24, 2023
Fertilization to 6 weeks (17 states) 12-15 weeks (4) 18 to 22 weeks (4) 24 weeks to viability (19) No limit (7)
I see it as a blessing in a way....Nothing will really change BUT maybe the gop will toss aside the yoke of the abortion issue that they have willingly put around their neck.

Leave it be, or better yet get on the right side of the utility of abortion.....Less dems is always a good thing. ;)

abort abort.jpg

Nope, reps will always dream of an abortion free America! They will lose ALL for it.

Reps are useless in modern day politics. So out of touch, so utterly stupid. Next step will be to outlaw semi-auto guns in OH.

I am 101% for abortion. This is where stupid reps are lost. They will not save America by banning abortion. Reps should be encouraging dems to abort all their babies...'to save the planet.'

When you ban abortion, all you are doing is bringing more little dems into the world that will grow up to destroy America. Abort those filthy little dems before they can even take their first breath. And I'm all for adult dems aborting themselves as well...we must save the planet!

It may sound like I'm harsh or an evil person, but I'm not. You must understand, this is war. The dems have destroyed America. There will never be any reconciliation or meeting of the minds or going back to normal. We know the score. We know what is in the filthy dems hearts and minds.


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