Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors

so the medical community makes the decisions for parents and state?
The medical community makes the decision of what gets to be called medical treatment. You don't get to administer hemlock while taking the pretense of it being legitimate medicine.
No. I mean should the State have the power to force families to abide by its current notions of "best practices".
Ultimately yes. At least for minors. I don't think it really applies to this area because trans care is more nuanced and personal than something straightforward as cancer but say a parent wanted to forgo live saving cancer care to their child or a blood transfusion so they could instead pray to Jesus or to rub crystals on them, in cases like that I believe court's have up held medical practitioners suing for temporary custodial ship so they can administer care and I'm okay with that.

That's a bit different than you wanting to pretend that conversion therapy is healthcare like trans care is. It isn't and no professional medical institution claims it as such.
Ultimately yes. At least for minors. I don't think it really applies to this area because trans care is more nuanced and personal than something straightforward as cancer but say a parent wanted to forgo live saving cancer care to their child or a blood transfusion so they could instead pray to Jesus or to rub crystals on them, in cases like that I believe court's have up held medical practitioners suing for temporary custodial ship so they can administer care and I'm okay with that.
That's fine if there is broad consensus on the matter. But that power shouldn't be used as a weapon in the culture war, which, in the cases of banning both "conversion therapy" and "gender affirming care", is what's going on.
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Reality proves it.
The reality is every professional medical institution supports trans patients and trans care. What reality are you referring to you cosplaying Bingo? :dunno:
No minor should be operated on or drugged to create a no come back from situation if they decide later that the trans thing was a phase or something pushed on them by their parents or peers.
Your opinion will matter when trans children start coming to you for advice over their Healthcare providers. :itsok:
The reality is every professional medical institution supports trans patients and trans care. What reality are you referring to you cosplaying Bingo? :dunno:

Your opinion will matter when trans children start coming to you for advice over their Healthcare providers. :itsok:

Not every one, just the woke idiotic ones.
That's fine if there is broad consensus on the matter. But that power shouldn't be used as a weapon in the culture war, which, in the cases of both "conversion therapy" and "gender affirming care", is what is currently going on.
Except you can't provide any evidence to support your premise that conversion therapy is on the same level as gender affirming care. One is supported by the medical community, the other isn't and is listed by that same medical community as a harmful practice administered by ignorant bingos.
Ohio’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has vetoed legislation that would have barred transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming care.

DeWine said signing the bill would “be saying that the state, the government” knows what’s better for youth than their parents.

Just as abortion bans would be saying that the state, the government knows what’s better for women than their doctors and family.

Perhaps one Republican is finally understanding that limited government, less government is much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
You kooks need to go to a veterinarian for your healthcare.
Then list one that agrees with you. I'll wait.

Some professionals disagree on the treatment for gender dysphoria in young people

And NHS England, which is in the midst of an independent review of gender identity services, recently stated that there is "scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making" for minors with gender dysphoria, and that for most who present before puberty it will be a "transient phase," requiring clinicians to focus on psychological support and to be "mindful" of the risks of even social transition
Except you can't provide any evidence to support your premise that conversion therapy is on the same level as gender affirming care. One is supported by the medical community, the other isn't and is listed by that same medical community as a harmful practice administered by ignorant bingos.
I don't support either, so I have no interest in providing "evidence". I'm speaking up for the rights of families to make extremely personal decisions on behalf of their children. Again, Governor Dewine nailed it:

Were I to sign House Bill 68 or were House Bill 68 to become law, Ohio would be saying that the State -- that the government -- knows better what is medically best for a child than the two people who love that child the most -- the parents.
The medical community makes the decision of what gets to be called medical treatment. You don't get to administer hemlock while taking the pretense of it being legitimate medicine.
sucka, we're talking forced procedures, do you get that? are you that ignorant in this discussion thread? Wow!!!
I asked for evidence of any professional medical community that supports you bigots. I understand different institutions are going to have different approaches to care, what none of them are going to do is demean trans children or call what they're going through, "pretend". You're not going to find a single professional medical institution that is in support of your ignorant bigotry.
I asked for evidence of any professional medical community that supports you bigots. I understand different institutions are going to have different approaches to care, what none of them are going to do is demean trans children or call what they're going through, "pretend". You're not going to find a single professional medical institution that is in support of your ignorant bigotry.
what the fk is this word salad meaning?

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