Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors

Lol, Devine was doing nothing but vetting a scam. A worthless and repetitive law. You can not receive a sex change nor hormone therapy in the state of Ohio. Till the age of 18 under current law.
Can you cite the current law?
Can you cite the current law?
I can look it up. I am familiar with the situation because my sister is the current head shrink at OSU hospital. Even after the age of 18 you must get counseling and approval from a board certified psychiatrist. It is very rare that any one goes through the process in the state of Ohio.
it is to ensure no one tries to do it,,

if one child can be saved from you sick fucks its worth it,,
Excellent. When is Ohio banning vampires, zombie, and Catholic Priests? If one child can be saved...
I can look it up. I am familiar with the situation because my sister is the current head shrink at OSU hospital. Even after the age of 18 you must get counseling and approval from a board certified psychiatrist. It is very rare that any one goes through the process in the state of Ohio.
This is what I expected, but didn't know if there was an actual law in place, or if that was hospital ethics policy.
When it comes to child abuse, the state should step in only when there's clear consensus on the matter. Government shouldn't be used to force conformity on the proper way to raise our children. I happen to agree that the sex change stuff has gone off the rails, that we're going to end up with people who have made permanent changes to their bodies and come to regret it. But lots of people disagree with me, and I'm not willing to use the state to force my values on them.
When it comes to child abuse, the state should step in only when there's clear consensus on the matter. Government shouldn't be used to force conformity on the proper way to raise our children. I happen to agree that the sex change stuff has gone off the rails, that we're going to end up with people who have made permanent changes to their bodies and come to regret it. But lots of people disagree with me, and I'm not willing to use the state to force my values on them.
the consensus is clear that castrating and mutilating the genitals of children is the wrong thing to do,,
Excellent. When is Ohio banning vampires, zombie, and Catholic Priests? If one child can be saved...

This is what I expected, but didn't know if there was an actual law in place, or if that was hospital ethics policy.
Ya, today's repug are citing non problems. There is also not one documented case of a school in the United State installing a litter box for students that identify as a cat. This did not prevent some idiot repug from introducing a bill to outlaw it.
Ohio’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has vetoed legislation that would have barred transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming care.

DeWine said signing the bill would “be saying that the state, the government” knows what’s better for youth than their parents.

Just as abortion bans would be saying that the state, the government knows what’s better for women than their doctors and family.

Perhaps one Republican is finally understanding that limited government, less government is much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

I used to be against mutilating kids, but then it occurred to me that trans vote dem 98% of the time. So, if they can stop the metal case kids from reproducing, that is a good thing. Mutilate away! And maybe if they can ruin their lives enough, they will commit suicide and that will be a home fun for America.

Same way it would good for America if we can encourage dems to abort every little baby a dem wants to bring into this world. It is a big win for America, aborting the little dem scum before they grow up to destroy the America.

wheeling wv run away.jpg

Here, check out just one out of the tens of millions of the filthy dem sickies out there.

via Reddit (They lifetime banned me.)

Posted by u/fiery_baptismdetrans

I have permanently fucked my life up VENT

"I’ll never have fully functioning genitals again. I can never have blood children. I’m the antithesis of impulsive, but the one time I act too swiftly, I end up fucking my life up.I am an outcast. I am unloveable. What was done to me as a child isn’t to blame for my choice to transition and neither is anyone/anything else. The blame is on me because I walked into that clinic and made my decision. And I made a horrible fucking decision. How can I ever trust myself again? How can I be certain about anything if I felt so certain about that? I’m a fucking nutcase. What am I living for? I just have drifted through my life so far. The only place I belong is a jail cell because it feels like a matter of time before I hurt someone. I’m just so damn angry at everything and I want revenge against the whole fucking world."


Now this poor soul is a transfreak, but you don't have to be a transfreak to be a dem sicky. Dems on the whole are a sick lot irrespective of being trans, homosexual or not...the liberal mind is just a diseased brain. And despite all of what I say here, I'm not against the liberals or the transfreaks. Do as you like...as long as it just affects YOU! The problem is the dems and their base work tirelessly to force it on everyone else...that is the problem. The non conformists demand everyone else to conforms to them. You can never mind your own business when it comes to a filthy dem...they take the fight to you!

liberal brain cure cen.jpg
It’s within your power for you and others on the right to stop being big government authoritarians:

Stop banning abortion, books, gender-affirming care, disenfranchising voters, and using government to attack private businesses and social media.
Other than preventing the killing of inborn humans beings none of that is happening

Oh wait, we do want to protect impressionable children who are too young to transform their bodies and ruin their lives
It’s possible DeWine got the message from the reproductive rights referendum, that the people of the state don’t want government interfering with citizens’ personal, private matters – that individuals know best how to conduct their private lives, not the state.

DeWine is clearly alone among Republicans.
Not alone.
As usual your post is meaningless kinda use to it by now.
Your white wing fear porn post was useless and embarrassing. What response did you want? A tongue bath from your fellow mouth breathing twats?

How about you halfwits mind your own goddamn business? Thanks.
Not alone.

Your white wing fear porn post was useless and embarrassing. What response did you want? A tongue bath from your fellow mouth breathing twats?

How about you halfwits mind your own goddamn business? Thanks.
Idiot racist pos.
its whatb youre advocating for,, if that putds to much reality into the discussion maybe you should reconsider your stance,,

what youre saying is none of our business results in the sterilization and genital mutilation of children
This is a lie.

Gender-affirming care is neither sterilization nor genital mutilation of children.

Conservatives attempt to hide behind this lie in an effort to conceal their bigotry, hate, and authoritarianism.
This is a lie.

Gender-affirming care is neither sterilization nor genital mutilation of children.

Conservatives attempt to hide behind this lie in an effort to conceal their bigotry, hate, and authoritarianism.
what other type is there??

of course anyone that thinks they are a gender they are not should go to therapy,, but whats beyond that??

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