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Ohio gunman described himself as pro Satan 'leftist' supported Liz Warren

My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.
I posted this in another thread. Nothing but crickets.

The left run to the tv cameras and claim white racist Trump supporter for maximum damage BEFORE any facts can be gathered. They know by the time the facts come out any retractions will be buried on page 28.
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My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

Disband the NRA, gun sales, and take the guns away from all the good guys. Now you got a bigger problem..... crime cartels will backfill the market demand for guns by bad guys. I’d rather deal with your problem of the good guy not planning to get into a shooting match. Bad guys are not afraid to die. Their satisfaction is taking out innocents and as many as possible. They know that with near 99 percent certainty no one will have a gun and return fire to stop them. What if that certainty got reduced by a 1/3? That and proactive mental health profiling are the only paths I see towards reducing violence - whether the means are guns, knives, cars machetes, fertilizer. It’s not perfect but it beats taking away guns from good guys which will only make things worse.
Disband the NRA, gun sales, and take the guns away from all the good guys. Now you got a bigger problem..... crime cartels will backfill the market demand for guns by bad guys.

Okay, buddy, we've heard this shit from you guys before... funny thing.

The Europeans did all that... they have a LOT less crime than we do.

Then move to Europe. We are not Europe. I suppose you are going to tell the criminals that we are like Europe now. Think boy, think.
Disband the NRA, gun sales, and take the guns away from all the good guys. Now you got a bigger problem..... crime cartels will backfill the market demand for guns by bad guys.

Okay, buddy, we've heard this shit from you guys before... funny thing.

The Europeans did all that... they have a LOT less crime than we do.

There are all kinds of crime. What crimes do you speak of? Robbery, rape, assault, what?

After murder rate passes NYC, London Mayor Sadiq Khan calls for sharper knife control

As has been said many times, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Blaming guns for murders is like me blaming my neighbors chain saw when a cut limb landed on my garage roof instead of blaming my neighbor.

Take his chain saw away and he will use a circular saw or a hand saw. It may require more work, but if he wants to cut that limb down, he's going to do it no matter what.
My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

What did the NRA have to do with it?
Why would they be encouraged by that? Frankly, the only thing that indicates that it's "conservatives" being hunted is that they all say where they are from, and they are red states. (Although none of them have red state accents.)

Because you leftists don't live in reality, you live in fantasy land, that's why.

Leftists don't think for themselves. Others think for them. They get so involved in what others are saying they act on it. When was the last time you seen a riot by conservatives?

Leftists are more likely to act on a movie than us on the right. We live in reality and understand that it's just a movie with a bunch of people playing parts.

I used to listen to Howard Stern all the time. He constantly talked about how it's impossible to see a movie at a theater with blacks. They scream and yell at the movie screen because they are so overwhelmed by what they see. They don't understand the characters can't hear them and they are screaming at images and sound. Stern is far from a racist. In fact his co-host is black. The reason I quit listening to him is because much like most entertainers, he too got so far left I couldn't stand him anymore.

None of them had a red state accent? What accent do you speak of? This perhaps?

I'm sure you could find a group of capitalists too shoot if you really wanted to. But this guy hated Mexicans... you know, because they are "all around"...

Frankly, the real problem, his rants about Mexicans sound JUST LIKE THE RANTS OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!

When will you get it in your head the guy was a kook, just like the one here in Dayton Ohio who worshiped Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren? You know, those people who constantly call our President racist, and tell their followers to harass Republicans wherever you may find them.

Now Warren is digging up the Brown shooting from several years ago trying to restore racial strife in our country. I'm sure she's hoping she can start another race riot. The Dayton shooting didn't even phase her. If that's not bad enough, she's promoting the Brown lies of hand up don't shoot that never happened, that was even investigated by the Brown's family lawyers and Racist Holder who was the AG of DumBama.

Again, nope. only 200 cases of justified homicide by civilians, and most of those are people who shoot their abusive spouse.

Most cases of CCW holders saving the day don't involve a shooting. The mere presence of a citizen with the legal authority to use deadly force is enough to stop most criminals. Although we had one here in late spring, where a pizza restaurant worker exchanged gunfire with three robbers. When he and the police got to the hospital, the workers there told the officers of another man that came in with an unexplained gun wound. He was identified by the pizza shop worker and was arrested.
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
What a hoot, this clown also supported Gun control. Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again.
My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

What did the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA , the group that is holding hands with our Russian enemy's . I support the 2nd 100% and despise The NRA . If there is a reasons out there that will take the second out of the constitution, it will be the goofball Commie kissers in the NRA.
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
What a hoot, this clown also supported Gun control. Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again.

What is a hate crime? A white guy kills a black it’s a hate crime but when a black guy lights a white child on fire or a group of black kids kill a white couple, that’s not s hate crime. When whites trash a mosque it’s a hate crime. When Muslim shoots up an Army base, it’s workplace violence not a hate crime.

Hate crime is a bullshit term create as a tool by you lefties. There is no official definition or consensus on it.
Then move to Europe. We are not Europe. I suppose you are going to tell the criminals that we are like Europe now. Think boy, think.

No, we don't have to tell them... the reality will be, with no guns to buy or steal, they won't have guns.

This isn't complicated. Beyond your thinking, of course, you just aren't very smart.

Because you leftists don't live in reality, you live in fantasy land, that's why.

Leftists don't think for themselves. Others think for them. They get so involved in what others are saying they act on it. When was the last time you seen a riot by conservatives?

Leftists are more likely to act on a movie than us on the right. We live in reality and understand that it's just a movie with a bunch of people playing parts.

Okay, you do realize that actors can DO a Red State accent, right. It's called "Acting". In fact, the usual fast way to demonstrate a character is all sorts of pig ignorant in a movie is to give him a Southern Accent.

The reality.. they'll edit the heck out of this movie to placate the Red State nutters, and then it won't make a lick of sense.

When will you get it in your head the guy was a kook, just like the one here in Dayton Ohio ...

Here's the problem... I could probably take some of his racist rantings and compare them to your racist rantings, and it would be very hard to tell the difference....

Now Warren is digging up the Brown shooting from several years ago trying to restore racial strife in our country. I'm sure she's hoping she can start another race riot.

No, it's the fifth anniversary of the murder of Michael Brown... that' why people are bringing it up. You are stupid, aren't you?

Most cases of CCW holders saving the day don't involve a shooting. The mere presence of a citizen with the legal authority to use deadly force is enough to stop most criminals.

Again, it's not credible.

You'd have to believe that out of 1,500,000 cases where some tiny-dick racist got to finally pull out his gun and point it at a darkie, 1,499,800 of those times, he didn't kill him. It strains credulity.
No, we don't have to tell them... the reality will be, with no guns to buy or steal, they won't have guns.

Oh, you mean like recreational narcotics in this country?

Okay, you do realize that actors can DO a Red State accent, right. It's called "Acting". In fact, the usual fast way to demonstrate a character is all sorts of pig ignorant in a movie is to give him a Southern Accent.

The reality.. they'll edit the heck out of this movie to placate the Red State nutters, and then it won't make a lick of sense.

It's funny how you stereotype all people of red states. Guess what? Many of them don't talk like that. It furthers my point that you leftists believe what is shown on movies and television shows are reality. How would you like if I said a person in a movie didn't talk like a black person?

Here's the problem... I could probably take some of his racist rantings and compare them to your racist rantings, and it would be very hard to tell the difference....

No you couldn't. What you could do is what you always do, and that is turn everything into race. If I told you I liked my coffee with cream, you would call it racist. It's just how you think.

No, it's the fifth anniversary of the murder of Michael Brown... that' why people are bringing it up. You are stupid, aren't you?

Nobody is bringing it up but her.

Again, it's not credible.

You'd have to believe that out of 1,500,000 cases where some tiny-dick racist got to finally pull out his gun and point it at a darkie, 1,499,800 of those times, he didn't kill him. It strains credulity.

It's the truth. It's been reported repeatedly. I never said no incidents involved a shooting, I said most didn't. In fact I just gave you a story that happened here a few months ago.

Most cases are not national news, so you don't know about them, nor will you look. They are reported locally all the time. I have a bunch of links from the past in case you care to look, but I know it would be fruitless posting them since you never read links.
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
What a hoot, this clown also supported Gun control. Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you . You gave us one example and I gave you 50 , so I win again.

What is a hate crime? A white guy kills a black it’s a hate crime but when a black guy lights a white child on fire or a group of black kids kill a white couple, that’s not s hate crime. When whites trash a mosque it’s a hate crime. When Muslim shoots up an Army base, it’s workplace violence not a hate crime.

Hate crime is a bullshit term create as a tool by you lefties. There is no official definition or consensus on it.

Hate crime is a law that give special protection to likely Democrat voters. Whites are mixed in their voting patterns. So if you are gay, a minority, a gender confused person who had an act of violence committed against them, it's a hate crime.
My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

What did the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA , the group that is holding hands with our Russian enemy's . I support the 2nd 100% and despise The NRA . If there is a reasons out there that will take the second out of the constitution, it will be the goofball Commie kissers in the NRA.

Oh please. You people blame the NRA for gun violence like you blame Walmart for minimum wage jobs. The NRA (like Walmart) is a threat to the left and stops them from further destroying the country. So they convince people like you they are the enemy.
Here's a real fact that can be verified in many places . In 2018 there was 50 people killed in hate crimes, all of the Killers where right wing sweethearts like you haters here. Not one killer from the left all hater like you .

It can be verified in many places? So provide us with one.
My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

What did the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA , the group that is holding hands with our Russian enemy's . I support the 2nd 100% and despise The NRA . If there is a reasons out there that will take the second out of the constitution, it will be the goofball Commie kissers in the NRA.

Oh please. You people blame the NRA for gun violence like you blame Walmart for minimum wage jobs. The NRA (like Walmart) is a threat to the left and stops them from further destroying the country. So they convince people like you they are the enemy.
The NRA profits nicely from gun violence.
For the last several days all we've heard is "racist white shooter." - "This Trump's fault!"
Leftist lies, talking points that they got together with their Media whores to create that narrative..

Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan ‘leftist’ who supported Elizabeth Warren

This LEFTIST freak was a pathetic Lizzy Fakeass Indian supporter..

You Commies ALWAYS overplay your hand..
Hey! The echo chamber gave you a headline!

As if we can all forget the El Paso shooter's manifesto now.
My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

What did the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA , the group that is holding hands with our Russian enemy's . I support the 2nd 100% and despise The NRA . If there is a reasons out there that will take the second out of the constitution, it will be the goofball Commie kissers in the NRA.

Oh please. You people blame the NRA for gun violence like you blame Walmart for minimum wage jobs. The NRA (like Walmart) is a threat to the left and stops them from further destroying the country. So they convince people like you they are the enemy.
The NRA profits nicely from gun violence.

Hollywood and drug cartels profit from gun violence.
My 16 year old Mexican son decided on his own to join the NRA. He too is tired of crazies gone violent.

And how is that going to help? The NRA made it easy for this guy to get a gun, even though everyone knew he was nuts.

The problem with a "Good Guy" with a gun theory is that the Good Guy with a gun isn't planning to get into a shooting match that day. The bad guy is.

What did the NRA have to do with it?
The NRA , the group that is holding hands with our Russian enemy's . I support the 2nd 100% and despise The NRA . If there is a reasons out there that will take the second out of the constitution, it will be the goofball Commie kissers in the NRA.

Oh please. You people blame the NRA for gun violence like you blame Walmart for minimum wage jobs. The NRA (like Walmart) is a threat to the left and stops them from further destroying the country. So they convince people like you they are the enemy.
The NRA profits nicely from gun violence.

The NRA profits nicely when Democrats talk about more gun control. The Democrats use gun violence to promote their political agenda.

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