Ohio Man Went Viral on FB in April : "“not buying a (expletive) mask”

Another post demeaning the memory of a U.S. Army combat veteran. Where does this stuff come from? We know for sure that George Soros (Media Matters) hired sleazy operatives to malign Sarah Palin. Are they in the business of tracking down every U.S. Military Veteran who died of the Covid virus to see if they disregarded safety precautions? Rose was a nobody. How would the Soros network be aware that he was a vocal opponent regarding wearing masks? Did the Soros detectives hack his computer? This is freaking insane.
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

135 cases? Do you know how they were counted, when, if the person was physically ill, if they died did they have an underlying condition?

They are counted with death certificate information

:iyfyus.jpg: Show me a death certificated that certifies whether the person wore a mask or not. Here lies Bill Smith: Cause of Death: Stubborn Trumpism, refusal to wear face mask. :iyfyus.jpg:
Well, things didn't work out so well for him.
He was only 37 years old.
Note his last FB post that went viral, dated July 1
He died 4 days later.

That's too bad.

That he died and just because he didn't wear a mask, you think you can ascribe it to that.

Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died.

Chances are the guy got sick and let himself be put in a hospital. The hospitals don't care and can write ANYTHING off as due to Covid, so they are putting the non-Covid in with the Covid, letting them get infected and die.

Then they can bump up the Covid numbers and get more funding.

It's called DEATH BY DEMOCRAT, not death by Covid.

"""Now show me the record of how many thousands of dead Covid people wore the fucking mask religiously, stayed away, scrubbed their hands, everything. And still died."""

Keep your eye on the Sun Belt states, especially TX and FL.
They have shucked this whole thing off as a Northern Blue State problem for months.
Did not mask up or social distance.
Watch the numbers there, Sparky, because FL now has new daily cases twice the number NY had in April.
75,000 new cases nationally just yesterday.

I live in Philly, we had 135 new cases yesterday, (1006 statewide).
Florida logged in 11,466 new cases yesterday.

COVID is now a RED STATE problem because they followed Trump's lead.

135 cases? Do you know how they were counted, when, if the person was physically ill, if they died did they have an underlying condition?

What a joke. Locally, they report a thousand new "cases." Then in fine print they admit only 8 of them actually went to the hospital, and in the extra-fine print, only ONE of them died.

But it wouldn't sound horrible to say that ONE person died of Covid, would it? Gee, the hospitals are just OVERRUN! Can you imagine if we reported on every ONE person who died every day?!

I just did the math. Can you imagine if they reported the ACTUAL fatalities from Covid as 17 people dying every day on average per state?

17 people can die in just one bus crash or in one day's shooting in Chicago!
I just did the math. Can you imagine if they reported the ACTUAL fatalities from Covid as 17 people dying every day on average per state?

17 people can die in just one bus crash or in one day's shooting in Chicago!
Yeah, and if those bus crash deaths had Covid they would be listed as Covid deaths. ;)
Lefties didn't concern themselves that they were maligning the memory of a U.S. Military hero. They targeted his facebook account because he was a U.S. Military Veteran and they are willing to ridicule his memory to make a cheap political point. What else can we expect from Soros's (media matter) sleazebag investigators?
I have my doubts about this story, and the dozens of others just like it you can read about.

I suppose that it is "possible" that it happened as suggested.

But too coincidental. The man who is said to have died is young, in tremendous shape and living in small town America.

The average victim of the Corona Pestilence is 85, receiving skilled nursing care, and lived in a large Urban Heck Hole on the coasts.

The chances of this happening are pretty wee to start with, and the idea that the private medical information on this particular case would be dug up and publicized that quickly in such a rare case- just seems too convenient for the fear mongers. This isn't the only case of young guys in Deplorable America being struck down like this. You get a new one every day if you look for it. And they all allegedly said the same thing "it can't happen to me" and "it did".

I don't know anyone who talks like that.

Granted I have not had a FB account since before Trump was POTUS, but unless peoples' posts now come with fancy backgrounds and centered block lettering like a meme, I question the legitimacy of the post.

You idiot, I took a screenshot and cropped the ads out on the right and my FB info at the top.
Fucking A, I've posted a link to his FB page where I took the screenshot.
Fucking A, you people ares stupid.

So you altered his post. How very honest of you.

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