Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

It wasn't the ad buys as much as it was the Russian Intelligence folks who met with Trump's team and did the hacking of the DNC. All of this was proven by the Trump DOJ.
Show your proof..

Regardless, nothing nearly as bad as the DNC paying for disinformation in the Steele Dossier and basing years and years of Democrat investigations in Congress, a coordinated political attack abusing congressional resources in concert with a leftist MSM to apply the attack… on said planted disinformation they created and paid for.
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  • Across the country, 1 in 16 Black Americans cannot vote due to disenfranchisement laws.


Total horseshit
  • 25 percent of voting-age Black Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID.

MORE bullshit.

So full of shit.

  • Geographic isolation is a major barrier to Native American voters due to the inaccessibility of nearby polling locations in many reservations. In South Dakota, 32 percent of Native voters cite travel distance as a factor in deciding whether to vote.

So? Travel distance is a factor for EVERYONE, not just Native Americans

  • More than one-sixth (18 percent) of voters with disabilities reported difficulties voting in person in 2020.

Whose fault is that?

The government is required to provide ADA compliant facilities
Show your proof..

The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

  • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
  • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
  • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]

The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

  • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
  • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
  • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]
Where does it say the Trump was involved with the hacking of the DNC…

Lots of assumptions going on in that article.. like “they were guilty of crimes”… well, what crimes? Did they have anything to do with the topic?
  • Across the country, 1 in 16 Black Americans cannot vote due to disenfranchisement laws.
  • Counties with larger minority populations have fewer polling sites and poll workers per voter.
  • In 2018, Latinx and Black Americans were twice as likely as whites to be unable to get off work while polls were open.
  • 25 percent of voting-age Black Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID.
  • Geographic isolation is a major barrier to Native American voters due to the inaccessibility of nearby polling locations in many reservations. In South Dakota, 32 percent of Native voters cite travel distance as a factor in deciding whether to vote.
  • More than one-sixth (18 percent) of voters with disabilities reported difficulties voting in person in 2020.

Horse shit. Your first point is a total lie because there is no such thing as disenfranchise laws. Nobody is disenfranchised in this country. Everybody that is legally allowed to vote does vote if they want. The lie that Republicans control all voting in this country is just that, a lie. Election places and staff are determined by the county election board. That means if a county is Democrat led and has a large minority population, it's their own people that screwed them, not the Republican party. They decide on locations and staff size based on past elections.

In Ohio our laws force employers to give ample time for employees to vote, and most states do the same. States that have voter-ID give them out for free to people that can't afford them. They have many places in which to get ID's, not just at the election board. If blacks don't get an ID, that's their problem. They are easy enough to get.
Horse shit. Your first point is a total lie because there is no such thing as disenfranchise laws. Nobody is disenfranchised in this country. Everybody that is legally allowed to vote does vote if they want. The lie that Republicans control all voting in this country is just that, a lie. Election places and staff are determined by the county election board. That means if a county is Democrat led and has a large minority population, it's their own people that screwed them, not the Republican party. They decide on locations and staff size based on past elections.

In Ohio our laws force employers to give ample time for employees to vote, and most states do the same. States that have voter-ID give them out for free to people that can't afford them. They have many places in which to get ID's, not just at the election board. If blacks don't get an ID, that's their problem. They are easy enough to get.
They can’t point to any laws, I challenge the poster to name the law
And didn't Trump win Ohio? Are they claiming he did so by cheating??? :dunno:

The illegals voting crap is simply a right wing lie, that your handlers know you'll believe without ever researching the actual statistics.... :rolleyes:

The hundreds of thousands of people who did not have govt issued Picture IDs when republicans first introduced it, were American CITIZENS who did not drive, and did not own cars.....mostly poor people, or people who lived in big cities with mass transit available, or people like my mother in law who voted in every election but did not learn how to drive until she was 75, after my father in law passed away.

Those with more money that owned cars, didn't have to do a damn thing to be able to vote, they already had a govt issued picture I'd via their drivers licence..... But those who did not drive, mostly democratic voters, had several hurdles to jump, in order to get an approved id, ....

There was virtually no in person fraud taking place prior to these new ID laws....it's a FELONY, and way too easy to get caught voting in another person's place.... In person voter fraud, never existed....

the ID requirement put in by republicans was solely to make it harder for mostly Democratic leaning citizens to vote..... Just another way Republicans legally suppressed citizen votes of their opponents.....cheating....thru unfair legislation.

You are so FOS. My mother, like your mother-in-law, never drove a car in her life. She has a government ID and needs to renew it every couple of years. My mother is not rich. I have to take her grocery shopping, to the bank and her doctors appointments. She also has my sister and father to get rides from, although I don't like my father driving unless he has to. At 91, he's not a very good or safe driver.

My mother needs her ID not only to vote, but to buy alcohol and cigarettes. Yes, in my state, even my 87 year old mother has to present an ID. You need an ID to travel on a plane, you need ID to get a passport, you need ID to open up a bank account, you virtually need an ID to live a normal life in this country, so I don't buy that BS that an ID is too hard for people to get.

If the people at the polls suspect something is wrong, they simply refuse to allow you to vote and give you instructions on how to correct any problems you may have. They don't have you arrested. About ten years ago my fathers signature didn't match the one on record. They stopped him from voting. The supervisor came out and my father showed him the scar from his arm surgery that disabled him from writing his name as normal. He was allowed to fill out a provisional ballot, but nobody called the cops on the guy.

So we have no idea how many people are fraudulently voting unless there are safeguards to prevent it. In CA and NY, they automatically register you to vote when you renew your drivers license unless you sign a form stating you do not want to be registered. Why do you suppose they do that if not for cheating? After all, an illegal that gets automatically registered can legally vote by the drivers license bureau making an error, which I'm sure happens all the time, and certainly no error. Therefore if an illegal votes, there is nothing they can charge them with.
It wasn't the ad buys as much as it was the Russian Intelligence folks who met with Trump's team and did the hacking of the DNC. All of this was proven by the Trump DOJ.

No, none of it was proven. The only thing they did was run some Facebook ads, and nobody makes their voting decisions on what's posted on Facebook. Trump had nothing to do with it. The only reason they picked Trump because he was up in the polls. If Hillary was up, they would have promoted her. Their entire goal was to screw around with our election system.
Horse shit. Your first point is a total lie because there is no such thing as disenfranchise laws. Nobody is disenfranchised in this country. Everybody that is legally allowed to vote does vote if they want. The lie that Republicans control all voting in this country is just that, a lie. Election places and staff are determined by the county election board. That means if a county is Democrat led and has a large minority population, it's their own people that screwed them, not the Republican party. They decide on locations and staff size based on past elections.

In Ohio our laws force employers to give ample time for employees to vote, and most states do the same. States that have voter-ID give them out for free to people that can't afford them. They have many places in which to get ID's, not just at the election board. If blacks don't get an ID, that's their problem. They are easy enough to get.
More leftard lies.

Progtards can't be trusted. At all.
Hopefully other states will follow.

---Ohio To Hire Special Investigators in New Election Integrity Initiative---

They need to

A township trustee in Delaware County has agreed to serve three days in jail and pay a $500 fine for voting twice in the 2020 general election — once for himself and a second absentee ballot for his deceased father.

Edward Snodgrass, 57, a Porter Township trustee and a registered Republican, admitted to casting a ballot for his newly deceased father after forging his signature on an absentee ballot, Delaware County officials have said.

He got caught btw. So it gets caught.
They need to

A township trustee in Delaware County has agreed to serve three days in jail and pay a $500 fine for voting twice in the 2020 general election — once for himself and a second absentee ballot for his deceased father.

Edward Snodgrass, 57, a Porter Township trustee and a registered Republican, admitted to casting a ballot for his newly deceased father after forging his signature on an absentee ballot, Delaware County officials have said.

He got caught btw. So it gets caught.
And as we all know, what gets caught is but the tip of the iceberg. How many speeders on the highway get caught vs the number that speed and do not get caught? How many burgleries go unsolved, etc.? IOW, no one should pretend that fraud doesn't happen just because it's not caught terribly often.
And as we all know, what gets caught is but the tip of the iceberg. How many speeders on the highway get caught vs the number that speed and do not get caught? How many burgleries go unsolved, etc.? IOW, no one should pretend that fraud doesn't happen just because it's not caught terribly often.
No. They caught it. That means they check the signature. And they remove people who are dead. All this PROVES is people who try to commit voter fraud get caught.

And these things don't swing elections. Your side rigging entire state elections. ELECTION fraud. That's what we need to be looking at. Diebold Voting Machines in 2000 were rigged/hacked. The guy who owned the company was a HUGE Bush supporter. Wake up Republicans.
Hopefully other states will follow.

---Ohio To Hire Special Investigators in New Election Integrity Initiative---

Meanwhile over in PA

PA is already telegraphing that there will be mischief in counting the votes same as there was in 2020.
No. They caught it. That means they check the signature. And they remove people who are dead. All this PROVES is people who try to commit voter fraud get caught.

And these things don't swing elections. Your side rigging entire state elections. ELECTION fraud. That's what we need to be looking at. Diebold Voting Machines in 2000 were rigged/hacked. The guy who owned the company was a HUGE Bush supporter. Wake up Republicans.
No, we need to keep looking at everything, not just the things you think Republicans are responsible for doing.
No. They caught it. That means they check the signature. And they remove people who are dead. All this PROVES is people who try to commit voter fraud get caught.

And these things don't swing elections. Your side rigging entire state elections. ELECTION fraud. That's what we need to be looking at. Diebold Voting Machines in 2000 were rigged/hacked. The guy who owned the company was a HUGE Bush supporter. Wake up Republicans.

And as I already posted, FactCheck says you're FOS and there was nothing inconsistent about that election. As far as I'm concerned, they should get rid of all technology in our elections and just hand count ballots only.
They need to

A township trustee in Delaware County has agreed to serve three days in jail and pay a $500 fine for voting twice in the 2020 general election — once for himself and a second absentee ballot for his deceased father.

Edward Snodgrass, 57, a Porter Township trustee and a registered Republican, admitted to casting a ballot for his newly deceased father after forging his signature on an absentee ballot, Delaware County officials have said.

He got caught btw. So it gets caught.
Thanks for admitting voter fraud does happen. Now we need recounts and audit after elections.

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