Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

Thanks for admitting voter fraud does happen. Now we need recounts and audit after elections.
He got caught. I only proved Republicans try to cheat. It's called projection. They worry we're cheating because they are trying. Do you know of any Republicans who tried and got away with it? Now that would be proof voter fraud happens.

Voter fraud is nothing btw. It's a distraction from the real problem. ELECTION fraud. That happens. Happened in FL 2000, OH 2004 and Trump tried it in 2020. He just failed miserably. Even still you guys continue to stick to your lying story. Liars.
Democrats have been committing large scale voter fraud for decades now. They are very good at it and it’s the only way they can can win. The 2020 election was their masterpiece of organized voter fraud.
He got caught. I only proved Republicans try to cheat. It's called projection. They worry we're cheating because they are trying. Do you know of any Republicans who tried and got away with it? Now that would be proof voter fraud happens.

Voter fraud is nothing btw. It's a distraction from the real problem. ELECTION fraud. That happens. Happened in FL 2000, OH 2004 and Trump tried it in 2020. He just failed miserably. Even still you guys continue to stick to your lying story. Liars.

I don't know how the leftist mind works. They make a statement out of lies, you prove it's a lie, and it's like talking to a wall. No ears to hear and no mind to process information.
I wish Ohio the best of luck in stamping out voter fraud, they will need it!

Our Governor is a RINO but we have a pretty conservative legislature and if anybody is going to lead the way, it will be our state. Thank you for your good wishes.
I don't know how the leftist mind works. They make a statement out of lies, you prove it's a lie, and it's like talking to a wall. No ears to hear and no mind to process information.
I feel the same way about you guys.

This morning they were talking about people who vote without an ID. It's like 1%. And each of them has to fill out and sign a sworn afterdavid. LOL

You guys argued during the 2020 election that sworn afterdavids were legit and should basically be accepted as EVIDENCE the election was stolen. In other words you put a lot of value on afterdavids. So you should be okay with it that if someone shows up without an ID, that they can vote and sign an affidavit and have their fucking vote counted.

And they really check these votes out to make sure they are legit. And they all are.

What you cons want to do is say, "sorry blacky, you can't vote, turn your ass around and get to stepping".

Because most people who don't have an ID tend to be black.

I'm not black. But if I wake up on election day and can't find my ID, I still should be allowed to vote. Don't you agree?
I feel the same way about you guys.

This morning they were talking about people who vote without an ID. It's like 1%. And each of them has to fill out and sign a sworn afterdavid. LOL

You guys argued during the 2020 election that sworn afterdavids were legit and should basically be accepted as EVIDENCE the election was stolen. In other words you put a lot of value on afterdavids. So you should be okay with it that if someone shows up without an ID, that they can vote and sign an affidavit and have their fucking vote counted.

And they really check these votes out to make sure they are legit. And they all are.

What you cons want to do is say, "sorry blacky, you can't vote, turn your ass around and get to stepping".

Because most people who don't have an ID tend to be black.

I'm not black. But if I wake up on election day and can't find my ID, I still should be allowed to vote. Don't you agree?

No, what you folks do is tell blacks they're too stupid to get an ID, and that's reason enough for not being a requirement. You people on the left have been treating blacks like the kids on the short bus for generations, but now some are waking up to this and you're losing their votes too.

I don't get into this stolen election thing. I don't like to take a stand on something unless I have evidence in which to take that stand. My theory has been Trump only lost because of mail-in ballots. When you have mail-in, you draw more of the politically ignorant to vote and they always vote Democrat. I will say that mail-in makes it much easier to cheat an election because you are not there personally to show yourself and your ID at the same time.
No, what you folks do is tell blacks they're too stupid to get an ID, and that's reason enough for not being a requirement. You people on the left have been treating blacks like the kids on the short bus for generations, but now some are waking up to this and you're losing their votes too.

I don't get into this stolen election thing. I don't like to take a stand on something unless I have evidence in which to take that stand. My theory has been Trump only lost because of mail-in ballots. When you have mail-in, you draw more of the politically ignorant to vote and they always vote Democrat. I will say that mail-in makes it much easier to cheat an election because you are not there personally to show yourself and your ID at the same time.
Not too stupid. They know to get an id. But if they don't have one. If they can't get one. If they can't find theirs, we have a process where they and you can still vote. You want them to turn you away?

Only because you are dug in liar. If you couldn't find your license on election day, you'd want there to be a process where you can vote. And I recall you guys before during the 2020 election trusted people's SWORN AFFIDAVITS. Some of you even considered them EVIDENCE that the election was rigged.

But now you won't let a person fill out a affidavit and vote? Fuck you Ray. If you are serious, you're dumb. But I think you are being dishonest. You know you just want to make something out of nothing in order to make it harder for liberals to vote.
Not too stupid. They know to get an id. But if they don't have one. If they can't get one. If they can't find theirs, we have a process where they and you can still vote. You want them to turn you away?

Only because you are dug in liar. If you couldn't find your license on election day, you'd want there to be a process where you can vote. And I recall you guys before during the 2020 election trusted people's SWORN AFFIDAVITS. Some of you even considered them EVIDENCE that the election was rigged.

But now you won't let a person fill out a affidavit and vote? Fuck you Ray. If you are serious, you're dumb. But I think you are being dishonest. You know you just want to make something out of nothing in order to make it harder for liberals to vote.

No, in such a circumstance you fill out a provisional ballot. That ballot undergoes more scrutiny than even a regular ballot.

Some years ago they stopped my father because the machine detected a signature mismatch. My father told the worker it was really him but the problem was he had arm surgery and it screwed up his writing. He had several forms of photo ID but still wouldn't allow him to vote. The supervisor was summoned and my father went through the story with him. After some discussion the supervisor gave him a provisional ballot and after my father filled it out, handed it back to the supervisor personally. They made a copy of his license and sent that and his provisional to the election board. About a week later my father got a letter confirming his vote was cast.
No, in such a circumstance you fill out a provisional ballot. That ballot undergoes more scrutiny than even a regular ballot.

Some years ago they stopped my father because the machine detected a signature mismatch. My father told the worker it was really him but the problem was he had arm surgery and it screwed up his writing. He had several forms of photo ID but still wouldn't allow him to vote. The supervisor was summoned and my father went through the story with him. After some discussion the supervisor gave him a provisional ballot and after my father filled it out, handed it back to the supervisor personally. They made a copy of his license and sent that and his provisional to the election board. About a week later my father got a letter confirming his vote was cast.
See? So you should be able to vote without an ID. And it should undergo a lot of scrutiny. I agree.
See? So you should be able to vote without an ID. And it should undergo a lot of scrutiny. I agree.

It all depends on why they have no ID. If it's "whoops, I forgot it" then fine. Go back home, get it and come back. If you never had a voter-id in states that require it, then it's your own negligence and no, you should not be allowed to vote. If you did have a voter-id and misplaced it, sure, fill out a provisional ballot and vote.
Hopefully other states will follow.

---Ohio To Hire Special Investigators in New Election Integrity Initiative---

While they are at it, they should hunt for Bigfoot and ghosts. I think they will be more successful.

This "initiative" tickles the testicles of the rubes.
While they are at it, they should hunt for Bigfoot and ghosts. I think they will be more successful.
We already have people looking for Bigfoot.

It all depends on why they have no ID. If it's "whoops, I forgot it" then fine. Go back home, get it and come back. If you never had a voter-id in states that require it, then it's your own negligence and no, you should not be allowed to vote. If you did have a voter-id and misplaced it, sure, fill out a provisional ballot and vote.
OMG shut the fuck up Ray. So you have your white poll people who get to subjectively decide? We have a rule book for who can and can't vote without an id? The circumstances matter? I bet they won't matter when the person is black. DENIED!

GTFO of here Ray. You crack me up.

ANYONE who shows up should be able to say I'm here to vote and I don't have my id. The people running the polls know how to handle that. It's not a big deal. Pull them aside, afterdavid, vote, move on. Shut up Ray! This is what you call a nothing burger. And no amount of transparancy is going to be enough for you if you lose fuckjob.
OMG shut the fuck up Ray. So you have your white poll people who get to subjectively decide? We have a rule book for who can and can't vote without an id? The circumstances matter? I bet they won't matter when the person is black. DENIED!

GTFO of here Ray. You crack me up.

ANYONE who shows up should be able to say I'm here to vote and I don't have my id. The people running the polls know how to handle that. It's not a big deal. Pull them aside, afterdavid, vote, move on. Shut up Ray! This is what you call a nothing burger. And no amount of transparancy is going to be enough for you if you lose fuckjob.

I have no plans on losing and most every poll shows that. In fact some are predicting a slaughter. Who with an IQ over 40 would say "I'm voting for more of this!!!!!"
I have no plans on losing and most every poll shows that. In fact some are predicting a slaughter. Who with an IQ over 40 would say "I'm voting for more of this!!!!!"
Hey Ray! Go fuck yourself. LOL. Enjoy today. You live in a liberal country my friend. Deal with it. Be happy you have that Supreme Court.
Hey Ray! Go fuck yourself. LOL. Enjoy today. You live in a liberal country my friend. Deal with it. Be happy you have that Supreme Court.

I agree with you. That's why for the past year or so I've been telling my conservative friends and anybody else that's willing to listen of the urgency to support dividing the United States into two countries instead. I told people if we don't start working on that immediately, we stand to lose the entire country, and last night was clear evidence of what I spoke of. It's not just idle conversation anymore, it's happening right in front of our eyes.

So with some hope people will start taking me serious about this. Again, if they don't, the United States will cease to exist as we know it. In 20 or 30 years, we will just be one more Communist shit hole. The great experiment is coming to an end and unfortunately for real Americans, we are witness to this.
I agree with you. That's why for the past year or so I've been telling my conservative friends and anybody else that's willing to listen of the urgency to support dividing the United States into two countries instead. I told people if we don't start working on that immediately, we stand to lose the entire country, and last night was clear evidence of what I spoke of. It's not just idle conversation anymore, it's happening right in front of our eyes.

So with some hope people will start taking me serious about this. Again, if they don't, the United States will cease to exist as we know it. In 20 or 30 years, we will just be one more Communist shit hole. The great experiment is coming to an end and unfortunately for real Americans, we are witness to this.
I would love it Ray. Ohio would be RED. Michigan would be BLUE. If I got a job in Ohio, I would just have to suck it up and deal with it being a conservative state. If I was making good money, i'd be fine with that. I go up north MI all the time. Trump country. I love it up there too. But there is no industry. Chances are your kids will graduate high school and move to Blue states.

I say don't hire them. I'd see on your resume you are from a red state and I'd have to ask you if you plan on bringing that conservative bullshit into the office.

And a state can still flip. Like Florida. Florida isn't as RED as you think. It was stolen in 2000. Hell, Ohio was stolen in 2004. Thanks to Ken Blackwell and the owner of Diebold Voting Machines.
I would love it Ray. Ohio would be RED. Michigan would be BLUE. If I got a job in Ohio, I would just have to suck it up and deal with it being a conservative state. If I was making good money, i'd be fine with that. I go up north MI all the time. Trump country. I love it up there too. But there is no industry. Chances are your kids will graduate high school and move to Blue states.

I say don't hire them. I'd see on your resume you are from a red state and I'd have to ask you if you plan on bringing that conservative bullshit into the office.

And a state can still flip. Like Florida. Florida isn't as RED as you think. It was stolen in 2000. Hell, Ohio was stolen in 2004. Thanks to Ken Blackwell and the owner of Diebold Voting Machines.

We've been through your conspiracy stories before and I posted a leftist fact check site that says you're full of shit. Nothing was stolen.

My idea is to divide the country north to south with even square mileage on both sides. This way each country has north and a south to live in. Next we have a national vote on who gets what side. If you're a liberal living in the new Republican country, you have to move. If you're a Republican living in the new Communist country, you have to move as well.

Once we are divided we put up a huge Trump wall to keep all the Communists out. Commerce can remain as usual, but like our border, we would have guards checking everybody out. You can still do business, but not allowed to own a business or live in our new country.

If we can work on doing that, we can still save half of this country which is better than nothing.

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