Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

We've been through your conspiracy stories before and I posted a leftist fact check site that says you're full of shit. Nothing was stolen.

My idea is to divide the country north to south with even square mileage on both sides. This way each country has north and a south to live in. Next we have a national vote on who gets what side. If you're a liberal living in the new Republican country, you have to move. If you're a Republican living in the new Communist country, you have to move as well.

Once we are divided we put up a huge Trump wall to keep all the Communists out. Commerce can remain as usual, but like our border, we would have guards checking everybody out. You can still do business, but not allowed to own a business or live in our new country.

If we can work on doing that, we can still save half of this country which is better than nothing.

We get California and NY. Sorry you can't handle either. No one there wants you.

My way, less people have to move. If you lost, that means fewer people in your state agree with you. So you 45% are free to go. Only half will. So still 22.5% of the voters will be Republicans in my state for example.

And Republicans can still lose the state. It's not your state forever, right? If the voters decide to elect Democrats, they can can't they? Let's say I'm one of the 20% Democrats in your state. Is it going to be illegal for me to run in a red state? No. If the Republicans are doing that bad the citizens should be able to turn the state blue right? Or if you don't like it you just have to leave? Doesn't sound like you have elections in your part of the country.
We get California and NY. Sorry you can't handle either. No one there wants you.

My way, less people have to move. If you lost, that means fewer people in your state agree with you. So you 45% are free to go. Only half will. So still 22.5% of the voters will be Republicans in my state for example.

And Republicans can still lose the state. It's not your state forever, right? If the voters decide to elect Democrats, they can can't they? Let's say I'm one of the 20% Democrats in your state. Is it going to be illegal for me to run in a red state? No. If the Republicans are doing that bad the citizens should be able to turn the state blue right? Or if you don't like it you just have to leave? Doesn't sound like you have elections in your part of the country.

It wouldn't work any better having mixed red states and blue states because we'd still have to put up with liberal bullshit like we are now. We need an entire split up of the land and create two countries; all states on one side Republican and all states on the other side liberal. If we chose the east side to be Republican, you're just going to have to give up NY. But think of the bright side: you'll be in control of your precious border and you can open it up to all of South America for all we care. They'll be your problem--not ours.

Plus being on the east side of the country myself, once all you Democrats move out, my property value will double overnight. As far as voting goes, no liberals or Democrats would be allowed to run. Only Establishment and conservative Republicans. On your side, your choice will be Socialist or Communist. It depends on how you write your constitution.
Thanks for admitting voter fraud does happen. Now we need recounts and audit after elections.
He didn't get away with it. Neither did this Republican.

ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia congressman voted three times this year in a county where he no longer lives, possibly violating state law, state records show.
Republican U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson
Fetterman got elected.......Proof of fraud.

Remember Trump called the Georgia SoS and told him to find him a few thousand votes? He said, "come on give me a break" like coming up with thousands of votes to put Trump in the lead would be easy?

If every Republican in Georgia voted 3 times, maybe. To me, this is proof Red states need to be audited by the Federal Government. I don't believe ANY of them are voting for Republicans. I think red states are rigged and Trump has exposed it.

ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia congressman voted three times this year in a county where he no longer lives, possibly violating state law, state records show.
Republican U.S. Rep. Drew Ferguson

It's like when Trump admitted Bush lied us into Iraq. Trump has exposed the right a few times in his presidency. This is one of them.
Am I reading this correctly? The only serious voter fraud we've had recently is this trump piece piece of shit. trying to prove there was voter fraud. And then the only bitchers and whiners seem to be the republicans trying to convince that demorats are doing the fraud. Link below.
Am I reading this correctly? The only serious voter fraud we've had recently is this trump piece piece of shit. trying to prove there was voter fraud. And then the only bitchers and whiners seem to be the republicans trying to convince that demorats are doing the fraud. Link below.

When it comes to something as important as voting, you can't take enough precautions. I'm proud of my state for being proactive. Since 911 we haven't had any hijacked planes. That's because we took and are still taking maximum precautions to make sure it doesn't happen.
When it comes to something as important as voting, you can't take enough precautions. I'm proud of my state for being proactive. Since 911 we haven't had any hijacked planes. That's because we took and are still taking maximum precautions to make sure it doesn't happen.
Need to take precautions with that trump character we voted for. He's already tried to over throw our government once. Can't trust him.
As Ohio voter law become more fraud-resistant, the state votes more red.

All three withdrew their states last month from the Electronic Registration Information Center, a bipartisan, multistate effort to ensure accurate voter lists. LaRose did so less than a month after calling the group “one of the best fraud-fighting tools that we have” and vowing to maintain Ohio’s membership.

I told you red states are rigged.


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