Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

For me the issue isn't voter fraud so much. We know it happens--I have witnessed it happening personally--but because so much evidence was destroyed we have no way to know to what it extent it has affected elections. And that is the number one problem.

A large majority of the electorate has no confidence that only those eligible to vote are able to vote, no confidence that their vote is counted or counted for whom they cast it. Without that confidence we are going to have a huge mess in every election for the foreseeable future.

All states should tighten up the process of registration to ensure that only eligible citizens register to vote, the voter rolls include only those properly registered and eligible to vote, and the election process should be tightened with policy, ability for verification and chain of custody that removes all doubt.

In my opinion, anybody who doesn't agree with that wants the current systems in place that make it much easier to cheat, falsify, scam, commit fraud.

There will never be any faith in our elections until we get rid of all technology in voting and bring back in person voting except for those incapable of voting in person. Just like they do in Europe, paper ballots only. If there is any evidence something may be amiss, you can always go back and recount paper ballots.
Yeah, that's why Biden won't take a cognitive test, huh. Wikipedia is for amateurs. It's not a secure site and can be edited by anyone. Get serious and I'll give you a little more respect.
It's alternative facts. What source would you prefer? Please find me another source on Alternative Facts.
There will never be any faith in our elections until we get rid of all technology in voting and bring back in person voting except for those incapable of voting in person. Just like they do in Europe, paper ballots only. If there is any evidence something may be amiss, you can always go back and recount paper ballots.
No one gives a fuck if you are confident stupid.
No one gives a fuck if you are confident stupid.

A lot of people are not confident moron. How many elections have we been through where one side suspects the other side of fraud? I have no idea what that machine says about what I voted for.

The past several years we've been catering to the good for nothing lazy SOBs on welfare so they vote from home. IMO, if you're too lazy to vote in person, stay home. Let the people that actually care about the country and know the issues vote instead.
What do they say is the definition of alternative facts?

The term came to existence when Kelly Ann Conway got called out because Sean Spicer lied about how many people were at Trump's inauguration. When asked why he would lie when he could so easily be proven wrong she said, "alternative facts".

Republicans live in bizarro world. Alternative facts and reality.
What do they say is the definition of alternative facts?

The term came to existence when Kelly Ann Conway got called out because Sean Spicer lied about how many people were at Trump's inauguration. When asked why he would lie when he could so easily be proven wrong she said, "alternative facts".

Republicans live in bizarro world. Alternative facts and reality.
It's been called a difference of opinion for centuries.
What do they say is the definition of alternative facts?

The term came to existence when Kelly Ann Conway got called out because Sean Spicer lied about how many people were at Trump's inauguration. When asked why he would lie when he could so easily be proven wrong she said, "alternative facts".

Republicans live in bizarro world. Alternative facts and reality.
Thus speaketh the denizens of the fever swamp.
There will never be any faith in our elections until we get rid of all technology in voting and bring back in person voting except for those incapable of voting in person. Just like they do in Europe, paper ballots only. If there is any evidence something may be amiss, you can always go back and recount paper ballots.
I honestly don't mind a very short early voting period so long as those who are able vote in person. It is a godsend for especially older folks or others who can't easily tolerate standing in line for awhile. But I agree that they should ditch all the electronics:


Require those who register to vote to show proof of citizenship and proof of address. (Certified driver's license or photo ID should be sufficient for this for most.)

Require all who are able to vote in person. Absentee ballots should be sent only upon request and signatures on them should be notarized. (The political parties who say this is an unacceptable burden on the disabled can pay for a notary to go to the very few homes in which the voter cannot get to a notary.) There should be absolutely no other mail in ballots. Special arrangements can be made for deployed military but processes should be in place to ensure that military vote is also honest and above board.

Those unable to sign their own absentee ballot must either have a court order for a POA to sign it for them or will not vote. They must give permission for such order. Those unable to do that simply are not capable of voting their convictions and should not vote.

People must vote in the precinct in which they are registered and cast one vote only. Registration should be completed 2 to 4 weeks before the election so that the names can get on the rolls and be published and the rolls will be purged of all voters who do not vote in either the primary or general election. (This is so officials can know no more votes were cast than those eligible to vote.)

Voting should be done in person whenever possible and there should be a very secure bipartisan chain of custody of the ballots cast.

Photo ID should be required to vote. The states can provide these to the miniscule number of people who don't have one when they register.

Ballots, both mail in and those cast in person, should be hand counted with bipartisan observers who will be given a copy of the count and certify that when counting is complete. (This is so unethical people cannot add ballots to the count later.)

Ballots should be counted and certified by poll watchers at the location in which they are cast. No transporting of ballots to other locations for counting.

No drop boxes or any other method other than the U.S. mail will be used for absentee ballots. No ballot harvesting is allowed. Those requesting absentee ballots must use them and mail them. The voters who request them will be marked on the register and cannot vote in person.

No ballots will be accepted after the polls close on election day.

Any person deliberately delaying mailed ballots or otherwise interfering with the process in any way that delays the vote or counting process or otherwise committing voter/election fraud can be charged with a Class 1 felony.
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I honestly don't mind a very short early voting period so long as those who are able vote in person. It is a godsend for especially older folks who can't easily tolerate standing in line for awhile. But I agree that they should ditch all the electronics:


Require those who register to vote to show proof of citizenship and proof of address.

Require all who are able to vote in person. Absentee ballots should be sent only upon request and signatures on them should be notarized. (The political parties who say this is an unacceptable burden on the disabled can pay for a notary to go to the very few homes in which the homeowner cannot get to a notary.) There should be absolutely no more mail in ballots.

Voting should be done in person whenever possible and there should be a very secure bipartisan chain of custody of the ballots cast.

Ballots, both mail in and those cast in person, should be hand counted with bipartisan observers who will be given a copy of the count and certify that when counting is complete. (This is so unethical people cannot add ballots to the count later.)

Ballots should be counted and certified by poll watchers at the location in which they are cast. No transporting of ballots to other locations for counting.

No drop boxes or any other method other than the U.S. mail will be used for absentee ballots.

No ballots will be accepted after the polls close on election day.

Any person deliberately delaying mail in ballots or otherwise interfering with the process in any way that delays the vote or counting process can be charged with a Class 1 felony.
Funny you guys didn't call for this after Diebold Voting Machines helped Bush steal Florida in 2000.
I honestly don't mind a very short early voting period so long as those who are able vote in person. It is a godsend for especially older folks who can't easily tolerate standing in line for awhile. But I agree that they should ditch all the electronics:


Require those who register to vote to show proof of citizenship and proof of address.

Require all who are able to vote in person. Absentee ballots should be sent only upon request and signatures on them should be notarized. (The political parties who say this is an unacceptable burden on the disabled can pay for a notary to go to the very few homes in which the homeowner cannot get to a notary.) There should be absolutely no more mail in ballots.

Voting should be done in person whenever possible and there should be a very secure bipartisan chain of custody of the ballots cast.

Ballots, both mail in and those cast in person, should be hand counted with bipartisan observers who will be given a copy of the count and certify that when counting is complete. (This is so unethical people cannot add ballots to the count later.)

Ballots should be counted and certified by poll watchers at the location in which they are cast. No transporting of ballots to other locations for counting.

No drop boxes or any other method other than the U.S. mail will be used for absentee ballots.

No ballots will be accepted after the polls close on election day.

Any person deliberately delaying mailed ballots or otherwise interfering with the process in any way that delays the vote or counting process can be charged with a Class 1 felony.

Plus any mail-in ballots should have a space to enter your DL number or state ID, a photocopy of it, and your SS number must be filled out on the ballot itself.
It's been called a difference of opinion for centuries.

Why does Trump lie about both big and small things? Like he keeps going around telling this story about people who see him crying. One week he's talking to firefighters it was a firefighter who cried. One week he's in coal country it was a miner who cried. He's told this story a dozen times each time it's a different type of person crying. Why does Trump feel the need to lie so much?

Pride? This is not pride in its more positive sense — pride in your accomplishments, for example, or in the merits of your city or loved ones — but at its most destructive. In fact, it borders on delusion.


Camouflage? In this explanation, Trump lies incessantly so the little, pointless lies can provide cover for the big, important ones.

Trump could also lie because his subordinates and supporters will loyally participate in his deception, and Trump is all about loyalty.

One way Trump requires his underlings to lie is lying himself, telling a falsehood they must then perpetuate. George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen has theorizedthat this functions as a test of trust: "If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid." And beyond demonstrating loyalty, Cowen says, this forced deception actively cultivates it by making subordinates "grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command."

The loyalty explanation works with Trump's fans, too. Believing or pretending to believe — it doesn't really matter, psychologically — Trump's outrageous claims fosters a sense of in-group solidarity. It's a sign of tribalism, sort of like a secret handshake or codeword. Talking about how Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd of all time shows you're in, and whether you sincerely believe the crowd was record-setting is irrelevant.

This final option may be the least conscious and strategic of them all: Maybe Trump tells useless, obvious lies because it never occurs to him not to do so. And maybe it doesn't occur to him because he struggles to relate constructively to the past and future. He cannot think long-term, so he never considers that his lies will be found out in short order.
Funny you guys didn't call for this after Diebold Voting Machines helped Bush steal Florida in 2000.
Boy, am I glad that didn't happen. That would have been bad. It's almost like they want to forget the ballots were designed by a democrat.
Plus any mail-in ballots should have a space to enter your DL number or state ID, a photocopy of it, and your SS number must be filled out on the ballot itself.
That's probably not safe.

I think it is HILARIOUS that you think 2000 wasn't stolen, when it was, by Diebold voting machines. The owner was also heavily involved in getting Bush re elected in Ohio. Yea, nothing shady here brother.

But now you want to do away with electronic voting machines, because you THINK they stole the election for Trump, when they didn't.

Okay if Florida wasn't stolen and 2020 wasn't why you so paranoid suddenly?

This is hilarious. You don't trust electronic voting machines because of 2020, when the machines didn't do anything wrong. But you think I'd a nutjob when I suggest Diebold voting machines were hacked, which they were.

Do you hear yourself Ray? Why are you so concerned after 2020 election? You should have been this concerned after 2000 and 2004 when our elections were actually stolen.

Here is something you can't deny dummy. Dominion sued and won because Fox lied about them. So how come Diebold didn't sue the maker of this?

Because it all happened you dumb fuck!

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