Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

Why does Trump lie about both big and small things? Like he keeps going around telling this story about people who see him crying. One week he's talking to firefighters it was a firefighter who cried. One week he's in coal country it was a miner who cried. He's told this story a dozen times each time it's a different type of person crying. Why does Trump feel the need to lie so much?

Pride? This is not pride in its more positive sense — pride in your accomplishments, for example, or in the merits of your city or loved ones — but at its most destructive. In fact, it borders on delusion.


Camouflage? In this explanation, Trump lies incessantly so the little, pointless lies can provide cover for the big, important ones.

Trump could also lie because his subordinates and supporters will loyally participate in his deception, and Trump is all about loyalty.

One way Trump requires his underlings to lie is lying himself, telling a falsehood they must then perpetuate. George Mason University economist Tyler Cowen has theorizedthat this functions as a test of trust: "If you want to ascertain if someone is truly loyal to you, ask them to do something outrageous or stupid." And beyond demonstrating loyalty, Cowen says, this forced deception actively cultivates it by making subordinates "grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command."

The loyalty explanation works with Trump's fans, too. Believing or pretending to believe — it doesn't really matter, psychologically — Trump's outrageous claims fosters a sense of in-group solidarity. It's a sign of tribalism, sort of like a secret handshake or codeword. Talking about how Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd of all time shows you're in, and whether you sincerely believe the crowd was record-setting is irrelevant.

This final option may be the least conscious and strategic of them all: Maybe Trump tells useless, obvious lies because it never occurs to him not to do so. And maybe it doesn't occur to him because he struggles to relate constructively to the past and future. He cannot think long-term, so he never considers that his lies will be found out in short order.
Yeah, so? Has Joe Biden ever told stories about himself or events that aren't true?
It doesn't take "massive" fraud to win a few closely contested swing states. The Democrats mysteriously get just what they need when necessary after election night.
You have no evidence at all except your QAnon faith, which is not allowed in a court of law.
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no MAGA has any certified evidence of massive, systemic voter fraud
No but we have certified evidence of election fraud and Trmp
You know you cannot demonstrate this to be true.
I can better than you can show 2020 was.

Did you see that documentary was so well done it was nominated for a Emmy? So CLEARLY shinanigans went on with Diebold Voting Machines. Don't be stupid. Don't pretend to believe Dominion cheated then ignore the mountains of evidence against Diebold.

Listen all you right wing assholes. It's embarrassing for the USA to admit to the world that our elections are not free and fair. So we have covered up 2000 and 2004. Don't you remember Al Gore rolled his eyes when he was in Mike Pence's position? He certified the votes for Bush but he wasn't happy about it. That was classy. Not like Trump.

Trump on the other hand didn't care what the rest of the world thinks about us. So he embarrassed the shit out of us with his fake election was stolen bullshit.

Another thing we don't tell the rest of the world because it's embarrassing is that Bush lied us into Iraq. We never say that out loud. Not even Democrats. But guess who said it in a Republican primary? You guessed it. TRUMP!
No, because that disenfranchises third parties and further concentrates political power on the two main parties. Just let me watch them with a referee's whistle. When I catch democrats cheating (as I inevitably will), I blow the whistle and they get penalized 5000 votes for every infraction.

I would LOVE IT if the team overseeing our elections in each and every state were 3 Democrats, 3 Republicans, 3 Green Party, 3 Libertarians and 3 independents!!!!
Yeah, so? Has Joe Biden ever told stories about himself or events that aren't true?
You aren't comparing apples to apples. This is why you went on and on about Hillary lying when she said she was under sniper fire. Remember that? That was to show they all lie. But if you analyze all the politicians, Hillary is one of the most honest politicians. And Trump is the king of all liars.

Besides, no one was as corrupt as Trump except Bush. Bush actually did steal 2 elections and he lied us into a war. Trump only kept corona a secret and that led to 1 million Americans needlessly dying.

Republicans are always good running the country, when the economy is already good. But don't throw them a curve or they will shit the bed. Every time.
You aren't comparing apples to apples. This is why you went on and on about Hillary lying when she said she was under sniper fire. Remember that? That was to show they all lie. But if you analyze all the politicians, Hillary is one of the most honest politicians. And Trump is the king of all liars.

Besides, no one was as corrupt as Trump except Bush. Bush actually did steal 2 elections and he lied us into a war. Trump only kept corona a secret and that led to 1 million Americans needlessly dying.

Republicans are always good running the country, when the economy is already good. But don't throw them a curve or they will shit the bed. Every time.
You're a fucking idiot.
I wouldn't go that far. Even though our Governors have been mostly Republican, I can't remember the last one that wasn't a RINO like we have today.
now if only they did this in pennsylvania before november 2024. then maybe we will have a republican win in 2024 by the expected 50 million vote victory if we have an honest election nationally
I can better than you can show 2020 was.
I haven't said anything about 2020.
Did you see that documentary was so well done it was nominated for a Emmy? So CLEARLY shinanigans went on with Diebold Voting Machines. Don't be stupid. Don't pretend to believe Dominion cheated then ignore the mountains of evidence against Diebold.''
Nothing here proves your claim.
Listen all you right wing assholes. It's embarrassing for the USA to admit to the world that our elections are not free and fair. So we have covered up 2000 and 2004. Don't you remember Al Gore rolled his eyes when he was in Mike Pence's position? He certified the votes for Bush but he wasn't happy about it. That was classy. Not like Trump.
Nothng here proves your claim.
Trump on the other hand didn't care what the rest of the world thinks about us. So he embarrassed the shit out of us with his fake election was stolen bullshit.
Noting here proves your claim.
Another thing we don't tell the rest of the world because it's embarrassing is that Bush lied us into Iraq. We never say that out loud. Not even Democrats. But guess who said it in a Republican primary? You guessed it. TRUMP!
Nothing here proves your claim.

Thank you for proving me correct.
You live in Ohio and don't even know what's going on there you dummy

Diebold: the controversial manufacturer of voting and ATM machines, whose name conjures up the demons of Ohio’s 2004 presidential election irregularities, is now finally under indictment for a “worldwide pattern of criminal conduct.” Federal prosecutors filed charges against Diebold, Inc. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 alleging that the North Canton, Ohio-based security and manufacturing company bribed government officials and falsified documents to obtain business in China, Indonesia and Russia. Diebold has agreed to pay $50 million to settle the two criminal counts against it. This is not the first time Diebold’s been accused of bribery. In 2005, the Free Press exposed that Matt Damschroder, Republican chair of the Franklin County of Elections in 2004, reported that a key Diebold operative told Damschroder he made a $50,000 contribution to then-Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell's “political interests” while Blackwell was evaluating Diebold's bids for state purchasing contracts.

And you trust their voting machines???

Even if this was true, WTF does bribery of foreign officials have to do with the election?
That's probably not safe.

I think it is HILARIOUS that you think 2000 wasn't stolen, when it was, by Diebold voting machines. The owner was also heavily involved in getting Bush re elected in Ohio. Yea, nothing shady here brother.

But now you want to do away with electronic voting machines, because you THINK they stole the election for Trump, when they didn't.

Okay if Florida wasn't stolen and 2020 wasn't why you so paranoid suddenly?

This is hilarious. You don't trust electronic voting machines because of 2020, when the machines didn't do anything wrong. But you think I'd a nutjob when I suggest Diebold voting machines were hacked, which they were.

Do you hear yourself Ray? Why are you so concerned after 2020 election? You should have been this concerned after 2000 and 2004 when our elections were actually stolen.

Here is something you can't deny dummy. Dominion sued and won because Fox lied about them. So how come Diebold didn't sue the maker of this?

Because it all happened you dumb fuck!

Look...... it's you commies that demanded electronic machines when it was discovered Democrats were too Fn stupid to punch a hole in a card the right way. I was against them at that point. So the country spent hundred of millions on advanced voting machines. After the 2004 elections, you bitched again about losing the election, so everybody had to get rid of the Diebold machines, spend millions more on new voting machines.

We did everything you on the left wanted, and you're still bitching. We should have told the Democrats to go F themselves and kept the punch card ballots. But here we are. Thanks Democrats.
No, but he's happy living in his own little world, and that's all that counts.

You can't demonstrate 2020 was rigged but you keep claiming it was. And even if you aren't, you're going to vote for a liar who said it was. Explain this.

I explained it to you that America has covered up 2000 and 2004. We have also covered up the fact Bush lied us into Iraq.

Funny, who's the one guy who doesn't mind embarrassing America as he screams 2020 was STOLEN? Trump. And who wasn't afraid to embarrass America when he said in a GOP debate BUSH LIED US INTO IRAQ? It was Trump!!!

The one guy not worried about embarrassing the country. Why? It's all about him. Fuck the country.

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