Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

More hyper-partisan bigotry.
Me? Ha!!!!

We had so much information on Diebold Voting Machines in 2006

Hacking Democracy has been broadcast many times on HBO, exposing the dangers of the voting machines used in America's mid-term and presidential elections. Electronic voting machines count almost 100% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections. The Diebold voting machines and their hackable software are still used today in twenty eight states. The security holes and complete lack of transparency still pose an extraordinary risk to US elections.

Notice Diebold didn't sue the makers of this? If they were lying about Diebold, why didn't they sue? Because it's not a lie.

Anyways, this is what we were saying ever since 2000. The 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen. Probably not the only elections stolen. So we've been saying that for 20 years.

Suddenly Trump loses and without any evidence says Dominion voting machines were hacked, and boy have you suckers swallowed it whole.

And I'm the partisan? Wake up idiot
More hyper-partisan bigotry.
Our expert hacker, Harri Hursti, shocked the nation when he successfully hacked the entire Diebold voting system, in Leon County, Florida. He did it using just one memory card and he changed all the votes, virtually undetectably.

The memory cards are America's electronic ballot boxes – they contain the votes. Diebold Election Systems went on the record, making the claim that there is "no executable program" in their memory cards. Harri Hursti suspected that their claim was false, and we set out to prove it.

Florida's courageous Election Supervisor, Ion Sancho, gave us permission to prove that Diebold was lying about their machine's security. A mini election was held, with our hacker excluded from the county's computer room. Not only did Harri change all the votes, he even made the machine print out a false 'Zero Tape' – the paper safeguard that is supposed to show that there are no votes pre-loaded inside the voting machine.

Following our hack, California's Secretary of State ordered an investigation by the top computer scientists at UC Berkeley. Their report confirms that, "Mr Hursti's attack on the AV-OS is definitely real."

This all really happened. Not like Trump's claims about rigged elections against him.
I love that you said that. What was she 4 years earlier? She was a fucking REPUBLICAN you little bitch! That's not shady right?

And the conspiracy grows bigger. Here's the plan that you have uncovered. Let's see if we have it straight. 4 years before the 2000 election, Bush knew he was going to need Florida to win, so he convinced a Republican to switch parties so she would be tasked with designing the ballot in such a way that Algore wouldn't get all the votes he demanded he should have. Then, he nefariously waited and watched his plot come to fruition as it came down to Florida, just as as had planned all those years ago. Notice that he had no other plans in place, not even to win Algore's home state, something that should have been impossible, but no, not for for W. He had it all planned out. Even Algore knew there was no way he could win his own home state.
Our expert hacker, Harri Hursti, shocked the nation when he successfully hacked the entire Diebold voting system, in Leon County, Florida. He did it using just one memory card and he changed all the votes, virtually undetectably.

The memory cards are America's electronic ballot boxes – they contain the votes. Diebold Election Systems went on the record, making the claim that there is "no executable program" in their memory cards. Harri Hursti suspected that their claim was false, and we set out to prove it.

Florida's courageous Election Supervisor, Ion Sancho, gave us permission to prove that Diebold was lying about their machine's security. A mini election was held, with our hacker excluded from the county's computer room. Not only did Harri change all the votes, he even made the machine print out a false 'Zero Tape' – the paper safeguard that is supposed to show that there are no votes pre-loaded inside the voting machine.

Following our hack, California's Secretary of State ordered an investigation by the top computer scientists at UC Berkeley. Their report confirms that, "Mr Hursti's attack on the AV-OS is definitely real."

This all really happened. Not like Trump's claims about rigged elections against him.
Coulda, maybe, might have. We got the best result, so you'll need to prove it actually happened, not that it maybe happened.
That's because it never happened.
You live in Ohio and don't even know what's going on there you dummy

Diebold: the controversial manufacturer of voting and ATM machines, whose name conjures up the demons of Ohio’s 2004 presidential election irregularities, is now finally under indictment for a “worldwide pattern of criminal conduct.” Federal prosecutors filed charges against Diebold, Inc. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 alleging that the North Canton, Ohio-based security and manufacturing company bribed government officials and falsified documents to obtain business in China, Indonesia and Russia. Diebold has agreed to pay $50 million to settle the two criminal counts against it. This is not the first time Diebold’s been accused of bribery. In 2005, the Free Press exposed that Matt Damschroder, Republican chair of the Franklin County of Elections in 2004, reported that a key Diebold operative told Damschroder he made a $50,000 contribution to then-Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell's “political interests” while Blackwell was evaluating Diebold's bids for state purchasing contracts.

And you trust their voting machines???
Coulda, maybe, might have. We got the best result, so you'll need to prove it actually happened, not that it maybe happened.

We accused Diebold of having hacked voting machines. We won awards. Fox lied about Dominion and had to pay $750 million dollars. Big diff.

Hacking Democracy is a 2006 Emmy nominated documentary film broadcast on HBO and created by producer / directors Russell Michaels and Simon Ardizzone, with producer Robert Carrillo Cohen, and executive producers Sarah Teale, Sian Edwards & Earl Katz. Filmed over three years it documents American citizens investigating anomalies and irregularities with 'e-voting' (electronic voting) systems that occurred during the 2000 and 2004 elections in the United States, especially in Volusia County, Florida. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software. The film culminates dramatically in the on-camera hacking of the in-use / working Diebold election system in Leon County, Florida - the same computer voting system which has been used in actual American elections across thirty-three states, and which still counts tens of millions of America's votes today.

In 2007 Hacking Democracy was nominated for an Emmy award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism

None of these people were sued by Diebold. Why? Because they weren't lyin.
Coulda, maybe, might have. We got the best result, so you'll need to prove it actually happened, not that it maybe happened.

I guess I should just be glad that you and Ray finally agree with me that electronic voting machines need to go.

But it's more than just that. I believe a bi partisan team should be in charge of each states' elections. So every 2 years we have 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans run the Florida election. The Florida governor and secretary of state have nothing to do with the election. NOTHING. A bipartisan team is appointed and it's IMPOSSIBLE to cheat because the 3 on the other side will catch you.

And at every voting station, 1 Republican and 1 Democrat gather up all the votes and take them to HQ. No Republican is ever left alone with the votes. Not even in the reddest states.
no MAGA has any certified evidence of massive, systemic voter fraud

And no MAGA will ever be nominated for an EMMY for their lies about Dominion.

Hacking Democracy is a 2006 Emmy nominated documentary film broadcast on HBO and created by producer / directors Russell Michaels and Simon Ardizzone, with producer Robert Carrillo Cohen, and executive producers Sarah Teale, Sian Edwards & Earl Katz. Filmed over three years it documents American citizens investigating anomalies and irregularities with 'e-voting' (electronic voting) systems that occurred during the 2000 and 2004 elections in the United States, especially in Volusia County, Florida. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software.

Notice Diebold didn't sue them for this "slander"? It's because it wasn't slander. It was facts. 2000 and 2004 were stolen.

For this, I agree with Ray we need to fix our voting process.

But I don't care if people absentee vote. Each vote can be verified. No need to make people go stand in line.

Republicans love to worry about voter fraud when it never swings elections. They need to focus on election fraud. Like what Ken Blackwell did in Ohio in 2004
no MAGA has any certified evidence of massive, systemic voter fraud
And no MAGA will ever be nominated for an EMMY for their lies about Dominion.

Hacking Democracy is a 2006 Emmy nominated documentary film broadcast on HBO and created by producer / directors Russell Michaels and Simon Ardizzone, with producer Robert Carrillo Cohen, and executive producers Sarah Teale, Sian Edwards & Earl Katz. Filmed over three years it documents American citizens investigating anomalies and irregularities with 'e-voting' (electronic voting) systems that occurred during the 2000 and 2004 elections in the United States, especially in Volusia County, Florida. The film investigates the flawed integrity of electronic voting machines, particularly those made by Diebold Election Systems, exposing previously unknown backdoors in the Diebold trade secret computer software.

Notice Diebold didn't sue them for this "slander"? It's because it wasn't slander. It was facts. 2000 and 2004 were stolen.

For this, I agree with Ray we need to fix our voting process.

But I don't care if people absentee vote. Each vote can be verified. No need to make people go stand in line.

Republicans love to worry about voter fraud when it never swings elections. They need to focus on election fraud. Like what Ken Blackwell did in Ohio in 2004
Oh, boy.
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no MAGA has any certified evidence of massive, systemic voter fraud
It doesn't take "massive" fraud to win a few closely contested swing states. The Democrats mysteriously get just what they need when necessary after election night.
I guess I should just be glad that you and Ray finally agree with me that electronic voting machines need to go.

But it's more than just that. I believe a bi partisan team should be in charge of each states' elections. So every 2 years we have 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans run the Florida election. The Florida governor and secretary of state have nothing to do with the election. NOTHING. A bipartisan team is appointed and it's IMPOSSIBLE to cheat because the 3 on the other side will catch you.

And at every voting station, 1 Republican and 1 Democrat gather up all the votes and take them to HQ. No Republican is ever left alone with the votes. Not even in the reddest states.
No, because that disenfranchises third parties and further concentrates political power on the two main parties. Just let me watch them with a referee's whistle. When I catch democrats cheating (as I inevitably will), I blow the whistle and they get penalized 5000 votes for every infraction.

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