Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

You can't demonstrate 2000/2004 was rigged but you keep claiming it was.
Look into all the shady shit when you google diebold. Now you had NOTHING sinister with Dominion yet so many of you were willing to believe those are hacked. Even today, FINALLY Republicans agree with me that electronic voting machines can be and probably are rigged. I've known it since 2000. Now you Trumpsters don't trust them.

I have more evidence against them than you. I've shown it. Emmy winning shit bitch. What did you have? Sidney Powell and affidivits? You traitor bitch!
More hyper-partisan bigotry.
American democracy is resilient. It has withstood attacks from enemies, both foreign and domestic, for more than two centuries.

But never has the United States been led by a president who has so flagrantly lied and so incessantly debased our democratic values and our institutions of self-government as President Donald J. Trump. We know of no president in the history of the country, other than Donald Trump, who has:

  • Told more than 2,100 lies, false and misleading statements and untruths in his first year in office, an average of nearly 5.9 per day;
  • Attacked the media as an “enemy of the American people,” placing Trump in direct conflict with founders John Adams and Thomas Jefferson;
  • Attacked his own law enforcement and intelligence agencies;
  • Attacked our strongest foreign allies while embracing our major foreign adversaries;
  • Sided with a major adversary over the consensus views of his own intelligence agencies;
  • Attacked the FBI as the “worst in history,” and accused an FBI agent of “treason” for the “crime” of making negative comments about him;
  • Asserted an “absolute right to do what I want to do with the Justice Department,” a right Trump does not have;
  • Attacked the entire court system as “broken and unfair”;
  • Attacked judges repeatedly for decisions which he disagreed with;
  • Refused to divest his vast business holdings, leaving him with massive conflicts of interest and major Emolument Clause problems;
  • Falsely claimed that millions of individuals voted illegally in the presidential election to explain losing the popular election by nearly 2.9 million votes.
In the one year since he swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, President Trump’s failures on government integrity and accountability continue to reach new lows. Rarely has a day gone by when he has not egregiously broken from democratic norms and the values that are central to building trust in our government.

The lies, false and misleading statements and untruths continue unabated. President Trump even lies when the truth will serve, as the saying goes. At the same time, Trump has purposefully attacked and sought to undermine the institutions responsible for holding him accountable: the other two constitutionally embedded branches of government – the courts and the Congress – and the media.

Given the chaotic and erratic nature of President Trump and his administration, it is easy for Americans to become overwhelmed. Some of Trump’s wrongful actions have been high-profile; others are more subtle. But President Trump’s record must be preserved and documented. That is the purpose of this report.

You can't demonstrate 2000/2004 was rigged but you keep claiming it was.
Keep repeating a lie. I think that is a tactic Trump and Republicans use to make lies into facts. Just keep repeating it.

I have already demonstrated. What you are asking for is more proof than I am able to give. In other words, until they are found guilty in court of law. And even with those you are a hypocrite. If a con is found guilty, the justice system is corrupt. Must have had 1 person on the jury with TDS. RINO's.

It's scary but we got you cons figured out.
You can't demonstrate 2020 was rigged but you keep claiming it was. And even if you aren't, you're going to vote for a liar who said it was. Explain this.

I explained it to you that America has covered up 2000 and 2004. We have also covered up the fact Bush lied us into Iraq.

Funny, who's the one guy who doesn't mind embarrassing America as he screams 2020 was STOLEN? Trump. And who wasn't afraid to embarrass America when he said in a GOP debate BUSH LIED US INTO IRAQ? It was Trump!!!

The one guy not worried about embarrassing the country. Why? It's all about him. Fuck the country.

Yeah, and Dementia is allowing millions of illegals into this country because it benefits us--not the Communists, right?

2020 was rigged. The Communists sent their FBI goons to silence the story of Hunter's laptop and investigation from social media. This was confirmed by Suckerberg and Musk after he took over Twitter. A good percentage of voters get their political news from social media unfortunately. In fact a survey done showed that 16% of Biden voters would not have voted for him had they known about the Hunter story which would easily have given Trump the win. Yes, that's a rigged election and the greatest attack on our democracy in history because not only did they rig the election for Dementia, but violated our free speech listed in the US Constitution.
Yeah, and Dementia is allowing millions of illegals into this country because it benefits us--not the Communists, right?

2020 was rigged. The Communists sent their FBI goons to silence the story of Hunter's laptop and investigation from social media. This was confirmed by Suckerberg and Musk after he took over Twitter. A good percentage of voters get their political news from social media unfortunately. In fact a survey done showed that 16% of Biden voters would not have voted for him had they known about the Hunter story which would easily have given Trump the win. Yes, that's a rigged election and the greatest attack on our democracy in history because not only did they rig the election for Dementia, but violated our free speech listed in the US Constitution.
The Hunter thing is nothing. What do those voters feel about this?

I don't think this has been addressed yet. Are you sure you want to talk about what Hunter did?
Keep repeating a lie.

And thus, you admit you have not demonstrated your claim to be true.
Well done.

Do you have faith in Diebold after your investigation of that company?

How come they didn't sue like Dominion?

How come documentaries were nominated for Emmy's about how Diebold voting machines were hacked?

Why do you find this hard to believe but you so easily swallowed Trump's jizz of lies?
Keep repeating a lie. I think that is a tactic Trump and Republicans use to make lies into facts. Just keep repeating it.

I have already demonstrated. What you are asking for is more proof than I am able to give. In other words, until they are found guilty in court of law. And even with those you are a hypocrite. If a con is found guilty, the justice system is corrupt. Must have had 1 person on the jury with TDS. RINO's.

It's scary but we got you cons figured out.
I think you know what I mean. If it could be provable, which I believe it can, it would also then have to be prosecuted, which it won't, because America is embarrassed that 2000 and 2004 were stolen. It's one of our countries little secrets. Like we lied our way into Iraq.

And only one man has the balls to scream voting machines are rigged and that's Trump. How does he know? Because he knows Diebold were.

And Trump is also not afraid of embarrassing America when he admits that yes, Bush lied us into Iraq.
The Hunter thing is nothing. What do those voters feel about this?

I don't think this has been addressed yet. Are you sure you want to talk about what Hunter did?

He made the deal on behalf of his company AFTER his father in law was out of office. Much different than keeping damaging information from the public months before an election.

apple: orange.jpeg
You can't demonstrate 2000/2004 was rigged but you keep claiming it was.

OK I found something that backs what you are saying up. This could have happened and it would have been pefectly legal

Republican-controlled Florida legislature could have simply overridden the results of the count and handed the state to Bush

So it was a Republican controlled state. They can do whatever they want. It's up to the voters to vote them out in the next elections or have recalls but the GOP in Florida could have simply handed Bush the states electoral votes. So it didn't have to be the Supreme Court.

For the good of the country, Bush was awarded Florida. It was bullshit, but that was that. And Gore had to ride off into the sunset and be a multi millionaire.
Do you have faith in Diebold after your investigation of that company?
How come they didn't sue like Dominion?
How come documentaries were nominated for Emmy's about how Diebold voting machines were hacked?
Why do you find this hard to believe but you so easily swallowed Trump's jizz of lies?
And thus:
You -can't- demonstrate 2000/2004 was rigged - but you keep claiming it was.
And thus:
You -can't- demonstrate 2000/2004 was rigged but you keep claiming it was.

Hanging chads
butterfly ballots
Diebold hacked voting machines
Supreme Court
Roger Stone

Yea, nothing happened. LOL

I've shown you tons of evidence. You just keep ignoring it.

For god sakes the owner of Diebold was a huge Bush supporter and was a big part of the theft in Ohio.
Hopefully other states will follow.

---Ohio To Hire Special Investigators in New Election Integrity Initiative---

Here is a great article explaining that us liberals are hypocrites for blowing off Trump's claims of a stolen election. Because he sounds just like us in 2000 and 2004. Trump remembers how first Gore then Kerry got FUCKED by Bush and Co in those elections.

Donald Trump has repeatedly warned that the election is “rigged,”. Many have denounced him as dangerous to democracy. But Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney calls these warnings liberal hypocrisy, because Democrats disputed the legitimacy of the 2000 election

If you want to read a longer version of what happened, try a book like Jeffrey Toobin’s account. But the summary is that George W. Bush was not supported by a plurality of voters in Florida, yet he received that state’s electoral votes through a combination of unfair factors. Some of these were said to be mere mistakes without bad intent at all: Faulty ballot design caused tens of thousands of Democrats to mistakenly vote for Pat Buchanan; Republican-leaning counties had better election technology that produced fewer ballot-reading errors than Democratic counties, causing Democratic ballots to be discarded at a higher rate.

In the category of semi-bad faith acts, the state’s governor, Jeb Bush, used a sweeping, error-riddled method to purge 12,000 legal voters, of whom a vastly disproportionate number were minorities, from the rolls.

And then the actions of the state’s officials during the recount, as Toobin aptly recounts, reeked of partisan bad faith. Bush and his campaign continued to insist every day the votes had been counted and recounted, when they had not. (The tabulations had been checked, but most ballots that had not recorded a vote in a machine had never been examined.) The state’s decisions disregarded any interest in reflecting voter intent, and instead manically ran out the clock, in the ultimately correct belief that it could prevent a recount through delay. Ultimately, five Republican Supreme Court justices joined in that strategy, halting the statewide recount that was ordered by the Democratic-controlled state supreme court. The Court’s decision was so ludicrously reverse-engineered to justify ending the recount that its majority had to insist that the “precedent” it used as its basis was “limited to the present circumstances” — which is to say, the Court invented a principle that had never been used before, and would never be used again, for the sole purpose of making George W. Bush president.

You can keep reading if you want.
Here is a great article explaining that us liberals are hypocrites for blowing off Trump's claims of a stolen election. Because he sounds just like us in 2000 and 2004. Trump remembers how first Gore then Kerry got FUCKED by Bush and Co in those elections.

Donald Trump has repeatedly warned that the election is “rigged,”. Many have denounced him as dangerous to democracy. But Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney calls these warnings liberal hypocrisy, because Democrats disputed the legitimacy of the 2000 election

If you want to read a longer version of what happened, try a book like Jeffrey Toobin’s account. But the summary is that George W. Bush was not supported by a plurality of voters in Florida, yet he received that state’s electoral votes through a combination of unfair factors. Some of these were said to be mere mistakes without bad intent at all: Faulty ballot design caused tens of thousands of Democrats to mistakenly vote for Pat Buchanan; Republican-leaning counties had better election technology that produced fewer ballot-reading errors than Democratic counties, causing Democratic ballots to be discarded at a higher rate.

In the category of semi-bad faith acts, the state’s governor, Jeb Bush, used a sweeping, error-riddled method to purge 12,000 legal voters, of whom a vastly disproportionate number were minorities, from the rolls.

And then the actions of the state’s officials during the recount, as Toobin aptly recounts, reeked of partisan bad faith. Bush and his campaign continued to insist every day the votes had been counted and recounted, when they had not. (The tabulations had been checked, but most ballots that had not recorded a vote in a machine had never been examined.) The state’s decisions disregarded any interest in reflecting voter intent, and instead manically ran out the clock, in the ultimately correct belief that it could prevent a recount through delay. Ultimately, five Republican Supreme Court justices joined in that strategy, halting the statewide recount that was ordered by the Democratic-controlled state supreme court. The Court’s decision was so ludicrously reverse-engineered to justify ending the recount that its majority had to insist that the “precedent” it used as its basis was “limited to the present circumstances” — which is to say, the Court invented a principle that had never been used before, and would never be used again, for the sole purpose of making George W. Bush president.

You can keep reading if you want.

What leftist lying bullshit.

The law in Florida was that all ballots had to be certified and turned in within 5 days of the election. If you want a recount, fine, have a recount but have those ballots turned in within 5 days.

What the Florida justices did was say "We don't care about the law. This is our buddy Al Gore, and Al Gore can recount for as long as he wants until he finds the votes he needs!"

This is called judicial legislation; changing laws on the bench and totally unconstitutional as it violates our separation of powers clause.

When it got to the Supreme Court, they just looked at this in dismay. They sent the decision back to the Florida courts asking them to explain WTF they were doing. Of course they couldn't, and that's why the recounts were stopped and Bush won. Prior to that, the same court allowed Gore to do recounts only in heavily Democrat districts only which again, is against Florida state laws. The law in Florida is if you have recounts in three Democrat districts, you must have recounts in three Republican districts.

What Democrats are pissed about is Gore (using the Fl courts) tried to cheat the election, and was stopped by the highest court in the country.
Payback for the nuclear technology and weapons POTUS Trump sold them.

What's the saying? Some of the worst things done in Washington are legal.

He provided those weapons for the defense of SA from Iran after they made various threats against them. No, none of them had anything to do with nuclear technology. It was your standard fighter planes and bombs. The amount given was 8 billion dollars. Compare that to the hundreds of billions Dementia gave Ukraine for the no-show job Hunter got while HE WAS IN OFFICE.
What Democrats are pissed about is Gore (using the Fl courts) tried to cheat the election, and was stopped by the highest court in the country.
And Democrats will never tell you the USSC ruled 7-2 that FL election law, in its failure to provde a consistent standard of evaluating questionable ballots, did not provide equal protection to the voters of FL.
--This-- halted the recounts, as it invalidated the law which allowed for same.

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