Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

Mindless nonsense.
Well if you really don't believe Bush stole the 2000 election you'll at least admit Trump tried to steal 2020. Right?

It's funny Dominion is completely innocent yet LA Ram Fan still accuses them because Trump, Rudy and Fox accused them of rigging the election. He will swallow that. But he doesn't believe Diebold Voting Machines stole Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004

My choice won in 2000 and all of the Democrats were screaming the Election was stolen. My choice won again 2004 and Democrats screamed the Election was stolen. In both instances, I encouraged them to support voter integrity enhancements such as Voter ID and they didn’t want to support it or argued against it.
My choice won in 2000 and all of the Democrats were screaming the Election was stolen. My choice won again 2004 and Democrats screamed the Election was stolen. In both instances, I encouraged them to support voter integrity enhancements such as Voter ID and they didn’t want to support it or argued against it.
Funny how Democrats only talk about election "irregularities" when they lose.
Funny how Democrats only talk about election "irregularities" when they lose.
I noticed that trend as well. I forgot to mention 2016 when they said the election was stolen and Democrat members of Congress did not want the Election to be certified.
Well it is a fact that Republicans started a riot during the Florida recount to get the recount stopped. The objective was to cause enough confusion that it muddied up the process. They would stop the recount (which would have shown Gore won) and instead they sent it to the right leaning Supreme Court, who gave it to Bush.
Are you still on about that?
1. It was hardly a riot. Some people got mad because they insisted on hiding the count out of sight. They moved the count to another place and continued. The count showed that Bush won.
2. The SC had to weigh in because Algore cherrypicked the counties he wanted recounted because he thought he would gain more in them, which put the others under unequal application of the law. Also, they were dragging out the recount to give more time to create more boxes of ballots in somebody's trunk.
The current day Supreme's would have given it to Trump too if it was close. But it wasn't close.
Oh, it was close all right, but you do know, don't you, that recounts done after the election was decided all showed Bush winning, so it was the right call, right?
In fact, if they would have went along, they'd be co conspirators of his just like the unknown co conspirators are being charged. So the Supreme Court in 2020 stayed out of it. Trump was pissed because he appointed 3 of those judges. But he got no "loyalty"

And I am willing to bet the guy who likes to take credit for the 2000 riots, Roger Stone, is one of Trump's unknown co conspirators in 2020. We know Trump pardoned Roger before he was forced out of office. Bet you anything Roger is behind this insurrection just like the 2000 one he was involved in. Google Brooks Brother Riots.

You may not know 2000 was stolen, but it was.
I was around then and it wasn't. Algore tried to steal it but failed. He would probably have better luck today because the media as well as the alphabet orgs are much more in the democrats' grip. Then, of course, you have the sky screamers who can't handle losing.
And Trump tried to use a lot of those tactics Republicans used in 2000 but he was so off base. Plus in 2000 it was only Florida and the Republican governor was BUSH.

There's a bunch of other shady shit that happened in 2000.
Yes there was, and Algore was prevented from pulling it off, thank God.
Same way Trump didn't just use one way to steal the election. He made up fake electors in MI. He called the Georgia SOS and asked him to "FIND" him 15000 votes. Or he had poll watchers fill out affidavits.

ABC this morning reminded me of when Republicans said they had video of someone sneaking in boxes of fake votes in the middle of the night. It was ABC they were bringing in camera equipment.

So how does it feel to be a Nazi? I mean, isn't this what happened in Germany back then? Hitler tried to pull a coup, went to jail for a minute, then got out and rose to power? Well Trump may not get out in time to run again. Not in 2024 and he'll be dead by 2028.

Do you want Trump to get a sweetheart deal like Hunter or should they throw the book at him?
Tsk, tsk, you went Godwin's. Never go Godwin's, you automatically lose.
Funny how Democrats only talk about election "irregularities" when they lose.
Isn't it amazing how we went in four short years from "It was rigged, I tell ya, it was rigged!!! Russia, Russia, Russia!!!", to "It was the most secure election in our nation's history", yet TRUMP! had nothing whatsoever to do with making it that way?
Are you still on about that?
1. It was hardly a riot. Some people got mad because they insisted on hiding the count out of sight. They moved the count to another place and continued. The count showed that Bush won.
2. The SC had to weigh in because Algore cherrypicked the counties he wanted recounted because he thought he would gain more in them, which put the others under unequal application of the law. Also, they were dragging out the recount to give more time to create more boxes of ballots in somebody's trunk.

Oh, it was close all right, but you do know, don't you, that recounts done after the election was decided all showed Bush winning, so it was the right call, right?

I was around then and it wasn't. Algore tried to steal it but failed. He would probably have better luck today because the media as well as the alphabet orgs are much more in the democrats' grip. Then, of course, you have the sky screamers who can't handle losing.

Yes there was, and Algore was prevented from pulling it off, thank God.

Tsk, tsk, you went Godwin's. Never go Godwin's, you automatically lose.

So your position is Bush didn't steal Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004 and Trump didn't try stealing 2020? I just want to make sure I have your position on all four elections correct.
So your position is Bush didn't steal Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004 and Trump didn't try stealing 2020? I just want to make sure I have your position on all four elections correct.
My position on the elections does not have to be monolithic, you know. One does not require the other. And no, Bush did not steal anything in 2000 or 2004. We'll find out in the trial soon if TRUMP! broke the law in 2020.
Isn't it amazing how we went in four short years from "It was rigged, I tell ya, it was rigged!!! Russia, Russia, Russia!!!", to "It was the most secure election in our nation's history", yet TRUMP! had nothing whatsoever to do with making it that way?
Democrats lie.
In other news - Water: Wet!
And that you admit you cannot prove Bush tried to steal 2000 / 2004.
It sure looks fishy. Diebold Voting Machines being shown to be easily hackable. Starting a riot to stop the recount. Hanging Chads. Butterfly ballots.

Republicans say, "the person in charge of the 2000 election was a Democrat you idiot" Not realizing that in 1996 she was a registered Democrat.

The Bush team was determined to win 2000 no matter what. 2004 too. They must have known they weren't going to win Florida in 2004 too because with Ken Blackwell and all the shady shit that went on there. For god sakes the Head of RE Elect Bush 2004 Ohio was the fucking owner of Diebold.

Republicans were a lot slicker about their theft back then. Trump was too obvious. Fake electors and all that. Sidney Powell. Lies.

In fact, we know based on Trump insiders testimonies that Trump KNOWINGLY lied about the election being rigged. He didn't believe it but kept insisting. He's a good liar.

I think he knew if he got away with it today you'd be saying he didn't. Just like 2000.
It sure looks fishy. Diebold Voting Machines being shown to be easily hackable. Starting a riot to stop the recount. Hanging Chads. Butterfly ballots.

Republicans say, "the person in charge of the 2000 election was a Democrat you idiot" Not realizing that in 1996 she was a registered Democrat.

The Bush team was determined to win 2000 no matter what. 2004 too. They must have known they weren't going to win Florida in 2004 too because with Ken Blackwell and all the shady shit that went on there. For god sakes the Head of RE Elect Bush 2004 Ohio was the fucking owner of Diebold.

Republicans were a lot slicker about their theft back then. Trump was too obvious. Fake electors and all that. Sidney Powell. Lies.

In fact, we know based on Trump insiders testimonies that Trump KNOWINGLY lied about the election being rigged. He didn't believe it but kept insisting. He's a good liar.

I think he knew if he got away with it today you'd be saying he didn't. Just like 2000.
And just like you can go around waving cherry-picked headlines claiming to support your assertion that Bush stole 2000 and 2004, others can likewise wave around headlines about strange things that happened in 2020 that are not easily explained away. Things like TRUMP! being solidly ahead in several critical states, the counting being shut down in multiple places, then miraculously on restart, would you look at that, a whole cache of thousands upon thousands of ballots ALL marked for Quid Pro Joe. Imagine that!

Tell us, why don't you ever reference the recounts that took place AFTER the election in 2000 was decided that agreed, Bush won? Why aren't you honest about the SC, who said the recounts violated election law by only focusing on counties Algore thought he could win?
As I said: You know you cannot prove it.
Not to you I can't.

But I can link you to proof Diebold Voting Machines was shady. Your leader and right wing media tied to say Dominion did what Diebold did and they got sued for billions of dollars and won. Trump must know the facts of 2000 and 2004 like I do so he said Dominion did exactly what Diebold did. Maybe Trump even assumed Dominion voting machines were as hackable as Diebolds but found out they were not. In fact Sydney Powell, Trump's lawyer and co conspirator was busted hacking in to Dominions machines. Look it up. All true. I can prove it.

And it's fact Republicans stopped the recount in Florida. Floridians didn't decide the election the Supreme Court did in Gore v Bush. The right leaning court. Not Florida voters. That's a fact.

Imagine if any of those things happened to Trump for real. He had to make shit up.

I suspect Republicans in 2000 turned in fake ballots. I can't prove it but Republicans taped ABC News moving camera equipment in and claimed it was fake ballots. I think that's projection. This must have happened in Florida or Ohio or BOTH in 2000 and 2004 if Trump is lying and saying it happened in 2020.

Trump put fake electors to send to Mike Pence. That would have delayed the certification of Biden as President. Then all 100 senators would vote and Trump would win. Or the Supreme Court would decide. Sounds like Trump tried to pull a 2000 with his riot.

Much bigger riot than the Brooks Brother Riots. And look who takes credit for the 2000 riot. Roger Stone. Didn't Trump pardon him? Is Roger one of the co conspirators of 2020? I think so.

The truth will make a great movie.
And just like you can go around waving cherry-picked headlines claiming to support your assertion that Bush stole 2000 and 2004, others can likewise wave around headlines about strange things that happened in 2020 that are not easily explained away. Things like TRUMP! being solidly ahead in several critical states, the counting being shut down in multiple places, then miraculously on restart, would you look at that, a whole cache of thousands upon thousands of ballots ALL marked for Quid Pro Joe. Imagine that!

Tell us, why don't you ever reference the recounts that took place AFTER the election in 2000 was decided that agreed, Bush won? Why aren't you honest about the SC, who said the recounts violated election law by only focusing on counties Algore thought he could win?
But they are explained away. Channel 7 Detroit even pointed out how they were part of the news back in 2020 when Trump claimed their camera equipment was boxes of fake votes.

Or the stupid affidavits that were signed. Those people should go to jail. One guys affidavit read, "I can't believe that many military/overseas votes went to Biden. I thought the military votes for Republicans".

Or the fact Trump's accusations had no evidence and were tossed out of every court. Then him and Republicans and fake electors? Sounds like a coup to me. Sinister shit. If you aren't bothered then perhaps you aren't a fan of democracy or free and fair elections, so long as your guy is the one pulling off the coup.


Every claim you make has already been explained away. Did you miss something? What are you still not clear on so you can be educated so when you watch the trials you don't believe alternative facts that aren't facts at all.

God damn.
But they are explained away. Channel 7 Detroit even pointed out how they were part of the news back in 2020 when Trump claimed their camera equipment was boxes of fake votes.

Or the stupid affidavits that were signed. Those people should go to jail. One guys affidavit read, "I can't believe that many military/overseas votes went to Biden. I thought the military votes for Republicans".

Or the fact Trump's accusations had no evidence and were tossed out of every court. Then him and Republicans and fake electors? Sounds like a coup to me. Sinister shit. If you aren't bothered then perhaps you aren't a fan of democracy or free and fair elections, so long as your guy is the one pulling off the coup.


Every claim you make has already been explained away. Did you miss something? What are you still not clear on so you can be educated so when you watch the trials you don't believe alternative facts that aren't facts at all.

God damn.
Like I said, you can run around all day complaining about some headlines that you read that told you Bush stole 2000, or you can look at the totality of the evidence, such as the recounts done after the fact that proved he won Florida, and admit that he just simply won.

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