Ohio moves to stamp out voter fraud

Mindless, unsupportable, bigoted, hyper-partisan nonsense.
Oh so suddenly you see racism when I mention a black man? That's funny. Trump says things all the time that appear racist and you defend him.

But now I simply mention a black man's name and you come at me with bigoted???

So you guys aren't as stupid as you pretend to be. Got it.
Oh so suddenly you see racism when I mention a black man?
More mindless nonsense.
You cannot demonstrate you claim re: Blackwell/2004 to be true; you will continue to make that claim because of your hyperpartisan bigotry.
But now I simply mention a black man's name and you come at me with bigoted??
There is no necessary relationship between bigotry and race.
More mindless nonsense.
You cannot demonstrate you claim re: Blackwell/2004 to be true; you will continue to make that claim because of your hyperpartisan bigotry.

There is no necessary relationship between bigotry and race.

This is just great. This reminds me of when Wall Street collapsed. We couldn't fire the CEO's who did it because who could replace them? So the ones who crashed the economy were best suited to fix the mess they caused.

Well that reminds me of this

Trump put Ken Blackwell on his voter fraud panel? That's hilarious. But like Wall Street, who better to catch voter fraud than a guy who committed voter fraud himself?

Every significant decision that Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell made regarding the 2004 presidential election benefited George W. Bush. Blackwell was honorary co-chair of Bush's 2004 Ohio campaign and served as an election expert in the Florida fiasco that ensued after the 2000 campaign, spinning the Bush campaign's case to the media.

Perhaps the most contentious of Blackwell's pro-Bush decisions was his directive to county boards of election concerning provisional ballots. Provisional ballots, whose purpose is to ensure citizens aren't incorrectly disenfranchised, go to individuals who claim to be eligible to vote but whose names don't appear on a voter registration list at the polling location.

Also included in the litany of Blackwell's pro-Bush decisions was his directive to ignore voter registration cards not printed on 80-pound stock. No substantive reason for requiring the heavy paper exists, leaving many to conjecture that Blackwell's intent was to exclude as many newly registered voters as possible.

By all counts, Democrats registered far more Ohio voters in 2004 than did Republicans.

Then he quickly certified the vote for Bush before Kerry could ask for a recount. And Ohio law says it's too late once certified. Pretty slick for an uncle Tom huh?
What is with you leftists always lying even when proven you lied. I posted the factcheck article that said there was no election fraud in 2004.

Although Kerry was careful not to suggest that Blackwell and the Republicans manipulated the Ohio vote to cost him the presidential election, he shoved a stick into a very angry hornets' nest. It was George Bush's narrow victory in Ohio that secured his re-election, and livid Democrats and the liberal end of the blogosphere have challenged those numbers since election day.

The issue erupted again in June when Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote an article in Rolling Stone magazine asking "Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" In the piece, he echoed much of the Democratic and progressive left when he said Kerry should be in the White House today.

"After carefully examining the evidence, I've become convinced that the president's party mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to subvert the will of the people in 2004," Kennedy said in the article.
Every significant decision that Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell made regarding the 2004 presidential election benefited George W. Bush.
Nothing here proves your claim.
Perhaps the most contentious of Blackwell's pro-Bush decisions was his directive to county boards of election concerning provisional ballots. Provisional ballots, whose purpose is to ensure citizens aren't incorrectly disenfranchised, go to individuals who claim to be eligible to vote but whose names don't appear on a voter registration list at the polling location.
Nothing here proves your claim.
Also included in the litany of Blackwell's pro-Bush decisions was his directive to ignore voter registration cards not printed on 80-pound stock. No substantive reason for requiring the heavy paper exists, leaving many to conjecture that Blackwell's intent was to exclude as many newly registered voters as possible.
Nothing here proves your claim.
By all counts, Democrats registered far more Ohio voters in 2004 than did Republicans.
Nothing here proves your claim.
Then he quickly certified the vote for Bush before Kerry could ask for a recount. And Ohio law says it's too late once certified. Pretty slick for an uncle Tom huh?
Nothing here proves your claim.

The fact you contine to make a claim you cannot prove only serves to demonstrate your obstinate and intolerant devotion to your own opinions and prejudices - that is, your bigotry.
What is with you leftists always lying even when proven you lied. I posted the factcheck article that said there was no election fraud in 2004.
Just like Republicans used many different tactics to steal Florida, they did the same in Ohio.

If Kerry would have got a recount we would have found he won. But Blackwell QUICKLY certified the vote for Bush and Ohio election law says no recount after the certification. Pretty slick.

Then there was this

Blackwell issued Directive 2004-33 to Ohio's local election officials which instructed poll workers to confirm a voter's eligibility before issuing a provisional ballot. Thousands of voters were denied a provisional ballot because of his exclusionary voting directives.
Nothing here proves your claim.

Nothing here proves your claim.

Nothing here proves your claim.

Nothing here proves your claim.

Nothing here proves your claim.

The fact you contine to make a claim you cannot prove only serves to demonstrate your obstinate and intolerant devotion to your own opinions and prejudices - that is, your bigotry.

Blackwell tried to reject thousands of voter registration formsbecause they were on the wrong weight of paper.

  1. He prohibited people who requested an absentee ballot from voting provisionally if they did not receive their absentee ballot in the mail
  2. Blackwell and 21 other county boards of elections were sued by the Ohio Justice and Policy Center for advising voters they could not vote while on probation or parole. If Blackwell had instructed election officials to properly inform individuals with criminal convictions about their right to vote, several thousand more Ohioans would have participated in the 2004 elections.
  3. Blackwell and former Director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Barbara Rile were sued for failing to provide voter registration opportunities in public assistance offices as required by the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.
  4. Lastly, Blackwell’s track record as Ohio’s election officer demonstrates a man dedicated to partisan politics. In October 2004, Blackwell sent a letter to GOP supporters while he was serving as Secretary of State, stressing the importance of the anti-gay marriage ballot issue.
Blackwell showed no inclination for fair voting practices while he was Ohio Secretary of State, and there is no indication he has had a change of heart. The primary perpetrators of voter fraud are not the electorate or political organizations, but the state governments that seek to disenfranchise the most vulnerable.
Yea and Trump claims the election was rigged before the election even happens. Then he shuts up if he wins.

Hedging his bet
everyone knows the election was stolen. It isn't going to happen again because it's going to be monitored through a microscope.
Just like Republicans used many different tactics to steal Florida, they did the same in Ohio.
You cannot demonstrate this to be true.
If Kerry would have got a recount we would have found he won.
You cannot demonstrate this to be true.

Bush won by more than 2% - over a million votes - in Ohio.
Your fantasies have no rational or factual basis.
But, like a good hyper-partisan bigot, you will confinue to make your claims.



Although Kerry was careful not to suggest that Blackwell and the Republicans manipulated the Ohio vote to cost him the presidential election, he shoved a stick into a very angry hornets' nest. It was George Bush's narrow victory in Ohio that secured his re-election, and livid Democrats and the liberal end of the blogosphere have challenged those numbers since election day.

The issue erupted again in June when Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote an article in Rolling Stone magazine asking "Was the 2004 Election Stolen?" In the piece, he echoed much of the Democratic and progressive left when he said Kerry should be in the White House today.

"After carefully examining the evidence, I've become convinced that the president's party mounted a massive, coordinated campaign to subvert the will of the people in 2004," Kennedy said in the article.

First off Congress has no right to create guidelines of states. All states make their own guidelines. That's why they're allowed to vote by mail and ballot harvesting. It can't be stopped on the federal level. Careforall who lives in Maine told me people in her state can vote from prison. I'm totally against it, but states get to determine who can and can't vote and nobody has squat to say about it.

Two, how would us not allowing provisional ballots to any Tom, Dick, or Harry affect only Democrat voters? Like Voter-ID, it's one rule for all.
everyone knows the election was stolen. It isn't going to happen again because it's going to be monitored through a microscope.
You already did that. And all your fake affidivits. We should throw everyone who signed a sworn affidavit in jail.

That was a tactic. Nothing shady was found. But affidavits were going to be filed no matter what. Treasonist. All part of the plot to steal 2020 you idiots!

If they conned you in 2000 and 2004, of course you're going along with 2020 bullshit. Shows what idiots and hypocrites you are. You didn't see it then but you saw it in 2020 when nothing happened in 2020. Fox News paid $700 million telling that lie.
You already did that. And all your fake affidivits. We should throw everyone who signed a sworn affidavit in jail.

That was a tactic. Nothing shady was found. But affidavits were going to be filed no matter what. Treasonist. All part of the plot to steal 2020 you idiots!

If they conned you in 2000 and 2004, of course you're going along with 2020 bullshit. Shows what idiots and hypocrites you are. You didn't see it then but you saw it in 2020 when nothing happened in 2020. Fox News paid $700 million telling that lie.
Our lies vs your lies.
This is just great. This reminds me of when Wall Street collapsed. We couldn't fire the CEO's who did it because who could replace them? So the ones who crashed the economy were best suited to fix the mess they caused.

Well that reminds me of this

Trump put Ken Blackwell on his voter fraud panel? That's hilarious. But like Wall Street, who better to catch voter fraud than a guy who committed voter fraud himself?

Every significant decision that Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell made regarding the 2004 presidential election benefited George W. Bush. Blackwell was honorary co-chair of Bush's 2004 Ohio campaign and served as an election expert in the Florida fiasco that ensued after the 2000 campaign, spinning the Bush campaign's case to the media.

Perhaps the most contentious of Blackwell's pro-Bush decisions was his directive to county boards of election concerning provisional ballots. Provisional ballots, whose purpose is to ensure citizens aren't incorrectly disenfranchised, go to individuals who claim to be eligible to vote but whose names don't appear on a voter registration list at the polling location.

Also included in the litany of Blackwell's pro-Bush decisions was his directive to ignore voter registration cards not printed on 80-pound stock. No substantive reason for requiring the heavy paper exists, leaving many to conjecture that Blackwell's intent was to exclude as many newly registered voters as possible.

By all counts, Democrats registered far more Ohio voters in 2004 than did Republicans.

Then he quickly certified the vote for Bush before Kerry could ask for a recount. And Ohio law says it's too late once certified. Pretty slick for an uncle Tom huh?
Miss no opportunity to slip in the racist angle, right?
Hopefully other states will follow.

---Ohio To Hire Special Investigators in New Election Integrity Initiative---

For me the issue isn't voter fraud so much. We know it happens--I have witnessed it happening personally--but because so much evidence was destroyed we have no way to know to what it extent it has affected elections. And that is the number one problem.

A large majority of the electorate has no confidence that only those eligible to vote are able to vote, no confidence that their vote is counted or counted for whom they cast it. Without that confidence we are going to have a huge mess in every election for the foreseeable future.

All states should tighten up the process of registration to ensure that only eligible citizens register to vote, the voter rolls include only those properly registered and eligible to vote, and the election process should be tightened with policy, ability for verification and chain of custody that removes all doubt.

In my opinion, anybody who doesn't agree with that wants the current systems in place that make it much easier to cheat, falsify, scam, commit fraud.
You cannot demonstrate this to be true.

You cannot demonstrate this to be true.

Bush won by more than 2% - over a million votes - in Ohio.
Your fantasies have no rational or factual basis.
But, like a good hyper-partisan bigot, you will confinue to make your claims.

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But, but, but he has feelz!!! That's the most important thing, after all. And yes, no matter what reality is presented, he's seen a headline, believes it, and will not deviate from it.

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