Ohio Representative Robert Young (GOP) charged for wife beating: Is This What 'Family Values' Look Like?

LOL, so you figure domestic violence is OK as long as it is not a republican politician eh? Got it. You're a moron. You can't give a pass to ANYONE who commits domestic violence. See that is the difference between conservative values and moronic democrats. We say "hang that bastard. Domestic violence is not acceptable!" And you say, "Look at that terrible conservative--but it is OK if a democrat shoves a gun into the belly of a pregnant woman." You people are real pieces of work.
I was under the impression that George Floyd did time for it. Anyways, no Dem ever elected George Floyd to any public office, remember. And why does the chipmunk still has his job???????
Yeah, right....Barr had the laptop for nearly two years, and didn't lift a finger on the low hanging Crossfire-Hurricane fruit...That bloated simp was a total jobber.

Not here to entertain your fantasies....just to give you the answer you sought.
Where did you get your doctorate in Whataboutism? Trump U?
Anyways, we don't claim to be the party of Family Values. And the kids saw it all. Daughter traumatized. Yeah, family values my ass.

No, of course you don't, that would be an outrageous lie, wouldn't it. :dunno:
As a proud member of the Republican Party, I can't help but feel ashamed at the recent news of this Ohio Representative of our own committing such a horrific act of domestic violence against his wife. This goes against everything that we stand for as a party - including family values and respect for all individuals.

It's hard enough trying to defend our beliefs and policies without having to deal with stories like these that make us look hypocritical and insincere. How can we expect others to take us seriously when we can't even practice what we preach?

You fool nobody with your false username and your dishonest claim of being a Republican.

You’re actually a libtard. And as the libtard you are, you seem to also forget that being accused isn’t always the same as being guilty. Somehow, you’d remember that if it were a Democrat being accused.

For being the habitual liar that you are, you’re surprisingly bad at it. You fool nobody.
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I was under the impression that George Floyd did time for it. Anyways, no Dem ever elected George Floyd to any public office, remember. And why does the chipmunk still has his job???????
What difference does a criminal's job have to do with it, moron? You are excusing normal liberals because they are liberals and using partisan attacks to further your liberal agenda. This guy is being held accountable. Maybe you should shelve your partisan vitriol and start hold CRIMINALS, regardless of party, accountable. Your arguments are laughable.
No, of course you don't, that would be an outrageous lie, wouldn't it. :dunno:

Like a 36 year old grandmother (divorced from her registered sex offending groomer - I should have added, for emphasis) being a symbol of family values.
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I was under the impression that George Floyd did time for it. Anyways, no Dem ever elected George Floyd to any public office, remember. And why does the chipmunk still has his job???????

The republican speaker asked him to resign, did you read the article at all?
Would wife beating be OK with you if he was a democrat?
You are one of the fucking morons who dutifully believes what you’re instructed to believe.

I know such things are beyond your tragically limited skill set, but still: does it ever dawn on you that being accused isn’t the same thing as being guilty?

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