Ohio Representative Robert Young (GOP) charged for wife beating: Is This What 'Family Values' Look Like?

I guess you're not...

Then who are you?
The subject isn’t me. The subject isn’t even you. The subject is some State representative who allegedly committed some crime or crimes.

Didn’t anyone ever tell you about the Board rules? You are supposed to post on topic.
The wife beater blamed it on his job and having four kids.
So now you are saying that you are too stupid to see the GOP in the title. Like I told your moronic buddy--where was your indignation when George Floyd was outed for abusing his baby momma. How about when Clinton abused Lewinsky. Also like I informed her--get off of your partisan high horse and look at the crime and not the party--maybe you'll see you have a criminal in the WH as well as both sides of the aisle in congress. You won't though because your a partisan hack moron.
The subject isn’t me. The subject isn’t even you. The subject is some State representative who allegedly committed some crime or crimes.

Didn’t anyone ever tell you about the Board rules? You are supposed to post on topic.
Anyone can call themselves "Back Again".

Just sayin..
The subject isn’t me. The subject isn’t even you. The subject is some State representative who allegedly committed some crime or crimes.

Didn’t anyone ever tell you about the Board rules? You are supposed to post on topic.
Allegedly? He admitted it.
The thing with rural conholes like this wife beater is that most are into snake charming, moonshine guzzling and of course cousin fucking.
Floyd did time for his crimes. You are just still pissed that Derek Chauvin now does time for his.
No, unlike you, I don't give passes for political leanings. If someone is convicted of a crime they do time, regarless of their politics--it is irrelevant dumbass. It would be refreshing if you held the same high standards but you don't as your own post states, "We don't claim to be the party of Family Values." Freudian slip?
That would be you, bri.
Why talk about family values with a incestuous pervert in the WH?
As a proud member of the Republican Party, I can't help but feel ashamed at the recent news of this Ohio Representative of our own committing such a horrific act of domestic violence against his wife. This goes against everything that we stand for as a party - including family values and respect for all individuals.

It's hard enough trying to defend our beliefs and policies without having to deal with stories like these that make us look hypocritical and insincere. How can we expect others to take us seriously when we can't even practice what we preach?

As a proud member of the Republican Party, I can't help but feel ashamed at the recent news of this Ohio Representative of our own committing such a horrific act of domestic violence against his wife. This goes against everything that we stand for as a party - including family values and respect for all individuals.

It's hard enough trying to defend our beliefs and policies without having to deal with stories like these that make us look hypocritical and insincere. How can we expect others to take us seriously when we can't even practice what we preach?

Good news! An uninformed source told me he's switching Parties and will soon be a democrat! We know they defend their criminals and pedophiles, so he'll feel welcome there

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