Ohio Republicans move to exclude judges from interpreting enshrined abortion rights

maga trash are pretty much nazis. Own it.
I do not know if this is true. I do want Republicans to do what the Progressives do. It will either stop all of this subterfuge or hasten the end of the current United States. Let's get it over with. We have people who die for this nation doing the dirty work needed and most people just channel some words as they have done nothing to put their own lives on the line and live off of it.

I am struggling with this.. Does this mean that the losers can disregard the landslide in favour of freedom And impose their own nutty laws ?

Is that even possible ?

What an absolute shower these people are.
Attempting to circumvent their own constitution by a fascist dictatorial minority against the will of the voters of that state, can only have one outcome. It will fail, and push the citizens to elect representatives (probably Democrat) that will protect their rights. It could affect the viability of other Republican of that state in state and federal elections (as Republicans still hear Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment so will have difficulty distancing), and possibly impact thinking on the upcoming Presidential election in that state.
That is the precedent they are trying to set, yes.

They do not care about will of the people, the results of elections, or the rule of law. They want it their way and they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it.
the will of the people?....does that matter anymore?....
Attempting to circumvent their own constitution by a fascist dictatorial minority against the will of the voters of that state, can only have one outcome. It will fail, and push the citizens to elect representatives (probably Democrat) that will protect their rights. It could affect the viability of other Republican of that state in state and federal elections (as Republicans still hear Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment so will have difficulty distancing), and possibly impact thinking on the upcoming Presidential election in that state.
But is it not an exxtension of the J6th playbook. ? That was an exercise in ignoring the will of the people. And yet trump is still possibly the nxt Prez.

Is it just possible that a large portion of Americans just dont see the need for voting ? They just want their own way.

Thats a dangerous place.
But is it not an exxtension of the J6th playbook. ? That was an exercise in ignoring the will of the people. And yet trump is still possibly the nxt Prez.

Is it just possible that a large portion of Americans just dont see the need for voting ? They just want their own way.

Thats a dangerous place.
I certainly state nothing that would give that impression. I see no relation to J6 and would be hard pressed to make that case. As for Trump, don't believe the polls except on election day. There is no way, Donny's top down authoritarian appeal will be selected by the voters on election day.
I certainly state nothing that would give that impression. I see no relation to J6 and would be hard pressed to make that case. As for Trump, don't believe the polls except on election day. There is no way, Donny's top down authoritarian appeal will be selected by the voters on election day.

I pointed this out before. Many may not choose Trump but many very well choose third party or decide to stay home which very well could give the election to Trump.
I pointed this out before. Many may not choose Trump but many very well choose third party or decide to stay home which very well could give the election to Trump.
I doubt the outcome favoring Trump. We've seen it and rejected it. 2024 will probably not be a good year for Republicans in general.
I doubt the outcome favoring Trump. We've seen it and rejected it. 2024 will probably not be a good year for Republicans in general.

Democrats were arrogant enough to believe that in 2016 also. Biden is falling apart and Harris is incredibly unpopular. Not a winning position.

I am struggling with this.. Does this mean that the losers can disregard the landslide in favour of freedom And impose their own nutty laws ?

Is that even possible ?

What an absolute shower these people are.
Amending the State Constitution usually requires a super majority of the legislature. Not sure how a “ballot initiative” could circumvent that without a 60% passage. But that is the way Democrats roll, mob mentality to take away rights.
Quite literally. However, as you know, personal responsibility is not part of their equation.
^^ says the guy advocating for abortion. The ultimate cop out of responsibility by killing a child you conceived.
That is the precedent they are trying to set, yes.

They do not care about will of the people, the results of elections, or the rule of law. They want it their way and they will lie, cheat, and steal to get it.
^^ says the Party of Vaccine mandates.
Republican governors Justice and DeWine enacted the mandates that affected me.


From what I have seen both those governors opposed the mandates.

Do you believe the legislature makes the law, or judges?

I believe the PEOPLE voted and changed the Constitution.

Do you think the legislature should get to ignore the will of the people just because they do not like the outcome....
I believe the PEOPLE voted and changed the Constitution.

Do you think the legislature should get to ignore the will of the people just because they do not like the outcome....
You should ask California

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