Ohio voting for reproductive rights

Ok, now let’s look at that.

Everyone knew that the right always wanted to overturn roe, that was no secret. Either nobody thought they would ever do it, or maybe they just didn’t put a priority on it, I don’t know. However, imagine how far we’d be right now on abortion rights if roe had never been decided, and misunderstood. Yes, overturning roe set that movement back by 50 years, because we’ve been operating on an incorrect assumption for 50 years, and everyone ignored, for 50 years, that the day might come when roe would be overturned. Imagine instead, 50 years of each state refining their own abortion laws, people voting on the issue, people learning and understanding the issues both for and against a constitutional states rights approach to abortion.

That’s 50 years in which more voices could be heard, and more minds could be changed. Sure, it wouldn’t have been all good…or bad. I imagine, in the next 50 years, providing we don’t have a liberal scotus and congress who tries to unconstitutionally codify abortion rights into law, that some of these state abortion laws will be loosened, because over time people will refine their views and be able to see the effects of the pros and cons of abortion, as people’s views change, so will the people they vote into office.

Basically, what we’re about to go through in the next 50 years could have already been done, if roe hadn’t been incorrectly interpreted.
Nah, that's a false narrative. Roe was not overturned on the basis of the "faulty interpretation" to which you refer, in reality. It was a blatant violation of Stare Decisis, whereby they simply called the winning arguments "weak", using the same arguments that lost in Roe v Wade. It was overturned by a predetermined vote of a corrupt court that deceived Congress and the public on this very issue, in order to be confirmed, and that was seated for this singular purpose.

It's not a mystery. Trump and McConnell said they would do it, then they did it.
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Not as bad as murdering an innocent child in cold blood, on such a bullshit excuse.

That woman is going to know, for the rest of her life, that she murdered her own child, and if she is not held to answer for it in this life, then she certainly will in the hereafter, along with everyone else who had any willing part in aiding and abetting that murder.

Rape is a horrible, horrible evil, but murder is even worse.

And that’s fine for you, each person has their own limits, I’ve stated mine, others may be more or less accepting, and that’s fine for them.

To me, this isn’t a personal argument, but a constitutional one. I think overturning of roe was a good decision, because roe was never intended to make abortion a right. However, with recognizing this is a states rights issue means I also have to accept that, whatever a state decides…is their right, that’s how it’s suppose to be. If you want to change that, then you have to work with the people to change their minds, but ultimately, if we argue for states rights, then we have to accept whatever a state decides.
If that concerns you so much, then shouldn't you be the one trying to source it?
No, it’s not my job to research someone elses claim. I’ll just assume that Igor fabricated or twisted some statement and came up with that, and move on. I was just trying to see if someone could produce the original jd Vance quote, because, I’m willing to say he’s wrong, but I have to see his original quote in proper context to do it.

Also, as I stated, I DID try to find the quote, and all I got was the huffpo article.
Nah, that's a false narrative. Roe was not overturned on the basis of the "faulty interpretation" to which you refer, in reality. It was a blatant violation of Stare Decisis, whereby they simply called the winning arguments arguments "weak", using the same arguments that lost in Roe v Wade. It was overturned by a predetermined vote of a corrupt court that deceived Congress and the public on this very issue, in order to be confirmed, and that was seated for this singular purpose.

It's not a mystery. Trump and McConnell said they would do it, then they did it.
I say it was incorrectly interpreted because scotus was basically deciding on a woman’s right to privacy with her doctor, the pro abortion activists took that and turned it into “abortion rights”. That’s not what cotus said, and even if they did, cotus doesn’t have the power to grant rights, or make law.
If a health condition develops that puts the life of the mother at risk, then abortion is legal in every state.

I agree that rape and incest should be allowed to have an abortion. I agree that it is unconscionable to force someone who has been raped to carry that persons baby to term. BUT, that abortion MUST be carried out before the point that it forms into a fetus. There should be no waiting for 5 months debating whether or not you want the baby. That decision should be made right away when it’s still in the cellular stage. That decision should also apply to ALL abortions.

See? Not everyone who leans right falls into your stereotype.
Are you aware of the Texas women who were FORCED to carry their babies to delivery, these babies were medically destined to not survive birth, who are suing the State of Texas now?
Are you aware of the Texas women who were FORCED to carry their babies to delivery, these babies were medically destined to not survive birth, who are suing the State of Texas now?
No, but why didn’t they drive to New Mexico?

The case of Levi and Miranda is a case where exceptions should be made. The baby wasn’t going to survive. Again, an example of where we MIGHT be if we would have had 50 years of refining the law, instead of 50 years of roe, which eventually got overturned.
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A referendum is surely the best way to resolve these issues. Why is the rest of the country not holding similar polls ?
because infanticide is not a right. But I agree, lets put all of these controversial issues up to a national referendum, or state by state and lets all agree to abide by the majority vote, ok?
In all cases its no one elses business.
does the unborn human being have a choice? is it his or her business whether he or she lives or dies?

This whole abortion debate centers on the belief as to when life begins, is it conception or some mystic instant in the 9 month gestation period? Your answer is--------------------------
does the unborn human being have a choice? is it his or her business whether he or she lives or dies?

This whole abortion debate centers on the belief as to when life begins, is it conception or some mystic instant in the 9 month gestation period? Your answer is--------------------------
These tired arguments have been examined and rejected. It is not your role, or mine, to decide what women should do with their bodies.

Its outrageous that you think it is.

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