Ohio voting for reproductive rights

Yet they vote to make it okay to kill them, up to 6 weeks and 15 weeks on their bills they passed....how is that the moral high ground if they truly believe abortions kill innocent babies?
They don’t make up the majority of Republicans, Simp. You are talking about a few politicians.
OK, Göbbels.

Oh, well, you just called the entire body of the Supreme Court, since it's inception, Nazis. They are the ones who have never decreed a fetus as a 'person'.

So, if you wonder why I don't engage with morons, now you know.
They don’t make up the majority of Republicans, Simp. You are talking about a few politicians.
The republican majority legislatures in many states since Dobbs made these 6 week and 15 week etc laws without the need for the vote of democrats.
Dark american money is funding many aspects of UK conservatism. Nutty groups are springing up everywhere and we even have a UK version of turning point. Mainly consisting pf spotty incels.

They oppose gay rights and demonise minorities. Actions that disrupt the civilised discourse in our society.

The internet allows crazy to spread across oceans.

On that basis my twopennorth is not germane and many Americans on these boards agree with me on a lot of things, Only right wing extremists seem to have a problem with it. and I would be devastated if they didnt

Funny, you seem so concerned about conservatism washing up up on your shores that you apparently have missed the liberalism and lies that apparently is already there, judging by your post history. You have already succumbed to the same ideologically driven rhetoric that is awash in the states. Of course that doesn’t bother you because you’re aligned with that ideology.

You talk about people hating gays and racism…do you honestly believe that NOBODY on the left is racist or hates gays? Really? The fact that you don’t hear about it should be concerning to you, because it means they are hiding it well, but it’s there non the less.

The left would have you believe that those things exist exclusively on the right. They would have you believe that ALL lefty’s are free from racism and free from anti gay thoughts. Do you really believe that??
The republican majority legislatures in many states since Dobbs made these 6 week and 15 week etc laws without the need for the vote of democrats.
So? How does that change the facts in my post, Moron?
So? How does that change the facts in my post, Moron?
How does it change my original post that you butted in on, and never really answered?

It took a majority of the state republicans in control to pass these new abortion laws silly one, not just a handful?
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