Ohio voting for reproductive rights

Allowing abortion increases deaths in innocent children.

There is no rational, honest argument that can be made that allowing abortions under any circumstances saves more lives than it costs.

A fetus is not a child. Personhood can only be decided by legislative or judicial decree. In the last 233 years since the founding of our nation, not one congress or court has declared that fetus is a child.

However, after birth, the fetus is a human, which, if you create legislation that increases deaths in women, you have blood on your hands.

Several studies have investigated the impact of abortion bans on maternal mortality rates. Here are some key findings from these studies:

  1. A study found that banning abortion would lead to more maternal deaths than previously thought. This was a significant finding in the context of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
  2. Research indicated that a nationwide abortion ban would result in a 21% increase in the number of pregnancy-related deaths overall. Among non-Hispanic Black women, this increase would be even higher at 33%, contributing to an additional 78 deaths annually and exacerbating the U.S. Black maternal health crisis.
  3. Another study showed that if abortion were banned throughout the United States, the overall number of maternal deaths would rise by 24 percent. This increase in mortality was noted to be more severe for Black women.
  4. Following the first year of a national abortion ban, researchers estimated that the increased exposure to the risks of pregnancy would add 210 maternal deaths per year, representing a 24 percent increase from the existing numbers.

  1. Abortion bans to increase maternal mortality even more, study shows
  2. https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022...may-lead-21-increase-pregnancy-related-deaths
  3. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/abortion-bans-will-result-more-women-dying/
  4. https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022...-would-boost-maternal-mortality-double-digits
  5. https://www.cpr.org/2022/06/30/cu-s...n-ban-would-sharply-increase-maternal-deaths/
Conclusion: You support abortion bans, you are complicit in murder.
Here again are the same tired arguments back and forth on this subject. Sadly nothing ever changes. As I've noted if you really want to lessen abortions you increase access to affordable health care. Affordable day care. You make sure a woman can make enough to support herself and the child.

Without this, laws or not there are going to be people seeking abortions for these reasons. No, they are not the only reasons. Some women with all of that still seek abortions BUT it will address a percentage of them.

Odd that some see all of that as evil.
Here again are the same tired arguments back and forth on this subject. Sadly nothing ever changes. As I've noted if you really want to lessen abortions you increase access to affordable health care. Affordable day care. You make sure a woman can make enough to support herself and the child.

Without this, laws or not there are going to be people seeking abortions for these reasons. No, they are not the only reasons. Some women with all of that still seek abortions BUT it will address a percentage of them.

Odd that some see all of that as evil.
Medicine will eventually be meted out and shared. Limited for all except the elites.
Here again are the same tired arguments back and forth on this subject. Sadly nothing ever changes. As I've noted if you really want to lessen abortions you increase access to affordable health care. Affordable day care. You make sure a woman can make enough to support herself and the child.

Without this, laws or not there are going to be people seeking abortions for these reasons. No, they are not the only reasons. Some women with all of that still seek abortions BUT it will address a percentage of them.

Odd that some see all of that as evil.
I note you never mention personal responsibility.

Typical lib.
Allowing abortion increases deaths in innocent children.

There is no rational, honest argument that can be made that allowing abortions under any circumstances saves more lives than it costs.
That you believe a fetus is a ‘child’ is your subjective, personal opinion – indeed, just a belief.

There are those who don’t believe a fetus is a ‘child’ – a belief just as valid as yours.

And whatever one might believe is beyond the scope and authority of government; your subjective, personal belief that a fetus is a ‘child’ is not justification to compel others to follow your subjective, personal belief through force of law.

The voters of Ohio and other states have codified this fact as a matter of public policy and law – and voters in other states will do the same in coming elections.
That you believe a fetus is a ‘child’ is your subjective, personal opinion – indeed, just a belief.

There are those who don’t believe a fetus is a ‘child’ – a belief just as valid as yours.

And whatever one might believe is beyond the scope and authority of government; your subjective, personal belief that a fetus is a ‘child’ is not justification to compel others to follow your subjective, personal belief through force of law.

The voters of Ohio and other states have codified this fact as a matter of public policy and law – and voters in other states will do the same in coming elections.
Life begins at conception.

Science. Try it sometime.
Killing babies isn’t a “medical procedure”….Abortion is contraception for ignorant, dirty liberal whores…that’s all.
It is indeed contraception, birth control, so If a woman does not avail herself of this, unless the child is conceived in a legal marriage, no man should be forced to pay child support. Any child support should be paid on a voluntary basis.
The same as Dems. Again, so what makes you think the Republicans hold some higher moral ground?
Republicans don't kill babies. Republicans believe in law enforcement. Duh!

And Republicans don't side with faggots, trannies, pedophiles, and other fucked-up sexual perverts.

And we don't side with foreign criminals invading our country across our southern border, nor with the treasonous filth that do.
Because most Republicans oppose a woman killing her baby.
Yet they vote to make it okay to kill them, up to 6 weeks and 15 weeks on their bills they passed....how is that the moral high ground if they truly believe abortions kill innocent babies?

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