Ohio voting for reproductive rights

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Republicans Not Backing Down On Abortion Bans Despite New Election Losses​

“We can’t give in to the idea that the federal Congress has no role in this matter because if it doesn’t, then the pro-life movement is basically not going to exist," Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance said.

GOP Not Backing Down On Abortion Bans Despite New Election Losses

Do they have a link to his quote? They quote him as saying it, but they don’t provide where that quote was taken from

Ok, I don’t have a Facebook account but, it appears you linked to a Facebook post that links back to the huffpo article that originated the story. I’m looking for the source where huffpo got the quote. In other words, I want to see Vance’s actual quote, from him, not from huffpo.
Ohio gets to pretend it voted for reproductive rights while it voted for the "right" of women, coerced or otherwise, to hire a technician to kill the unborn (mostly black) life inside them. Why do foreign homosexual activists, who will never father a child, take an interest in this issue?
Ok, I don’t have a Facebook account but, it appears you linked to a Facebook post that links back to the huffpo article that originated the story. I’m looking for the source where huffpo got the quote. In other words, I want to see Vance’s actual quote, from him, not from huffpo.

BTW, J.D. Vance is a NaziCon asshole!
Sorry, I assumed you speak English.

Here it is in Russian:

Похоже, этот аргумент вас подвел. Теперь это просто ваше личное убеждение. Так что верьте во что хотите и занимайтесь своими чертовыми делами.
Just like Trump destroyed lives on 1/6.

Anti-abortion laws result in more deaths of women, especially poor, young, women.
What lives on J6?
The lives lost were peaceful protesters murdered by the state.

Can you name any young pregnant women who have died as a result of the pregnancy?
No. A referendum is not the best way to resolve whether someone can avail themselves of healthcare.

Its brazenly stupid to think that you should have to get government to allow you to have a medical procedure done.
There are plenty of medical procedures made Illegal by the government. Where do you get the idea there aren’t?
What is unconscionable is to put an innocent child to death, for a crime in which he had no willing part.
I understand, and I struggle with this, but, I personally feel, for me, that, as long as the abortion takes place before any meaningful development takes place, meaning, while it’s still in the zygote phase, early on before fetus formation takes place, I’d say that the mental anguish of a woman being forced to carry to term the baby of her rapist, would be cruel. This is why I said that if abortion is to take place it must be early. No waiting for a couple of months to decide.

I understand that this bucks the conventional ideology of someone who “leans right”, and I accept that, and if people want to hate on me for it, I’m fine with that, but, I have to agree with the left, to a certain extent, that forcing a woman to carry a rapists baby to term would be bad for her.

I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to have to be in that position, so I get it. Rape and incest, if aborted EARLY, and the physical health and life of the mother is the line I will go to, but not cross.
A foreign homosexual activist who will never engage in a real life episode of reproductive rights engages the Colonies about the "right " of American women to hire a technician to kill the unborn human being inside them WTF?
I understand, and I struggle with this, but, I personally feel, for me, that, as long as the abortion takes place before any meaningful development takes place, meaning, while it’s still in the zygote phase, early on before fetus formation takes place, I’d say that the mental anguish of a woman being forced to carry to term the baby of her rapist, would be cruel. This is why I said that if abortion is to take place it must be early. No waiting for a couple of months to decide.

I understand that this bucks the conventional ideology of someone who “leans right”, and I accept that, and if people want to hate on me for it, I’m fine with that, but, I have to agree with the left, to a certain extent, that forcing a woman to carry a rapists baby to term would be bad for her.

I couldn’t imagine what it would feel like to have to be in that position, so I get it. Rape and incest, if aborted EARLY, and the physical health and life of the mother is the line I will go to, but not cross.
That's all going to come in handy, when it comes time for you to decide to have an abortion. Otherwise... nassomuch.

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