Ohio's Issue 1 Soundly Rejected By Voters In Major Win For Abortion Rights

Republicans keep losing and the beautiful thing is they keep thinking they're winning.
Ohio voters rejected an effort that would have made it harder to pass citizen-led ballot initiatives, in a rebuke of Republican efforts to block an expansion of abortion rights that’s on the ballot in November.

Issue 1, which would have raised the threshold to pass citizen-led ballot measures from a simple majority to a 60 percent threshold failed, Decision Desk HQ projected. With about 24 percent of the votes in, “no” led by an almost 40-point margin.

No Friday middle of the night abortion laws for you Ohio Republicans

See you at the polls next year.

Yes, abortion really motivates women to the polls.

God help us. Actually, He is probably at the point where He won't anymore.

And then, as the saying goes--the devil take the hindmost.
They are going to try to up the amendment process to 60% here too in November 2024.

The legislature is upset that right to work was stuck down by amendment, Medicare was expanded by amendment and legalizing Mary Jane passed by amendment.

The 60% (or 57%) threshold is going to fail here as well.

Too many cherish the right of the people to override the legislature.

Abortion ( healthcare ) is the number one issue in politics. Not guns. Not immigration. Not woke. Not voter fraud. Not taxes. Not LGBTQ.


You would think Republicans would have gotten the memo, when the big red wave that didn't happen last year, was house that fell on them.

Guess what will be the number one issue in politics with voters next year?
Women are the biggest voting block and they have minds like elephants.
Given what a disaster Biden turned out to be, I see those number changing dramatically by 2024. That last one's liable to bite ya'll on the ass: Number of Unaffiliated Registered Voters: 6,196,547
Given the choice between a unhinged psychopath like trump and a man like Biden who is willing to work across the aisle and put America's needs first is a refreshing , welcome choice for a change. It's not my way or the highway like it was with trump and he always made sure it was all about him Biden doesn't do that rap. Trump is a bad loser and whines about it every chance he gets. That's a broken record I never want to hear again.
They are going to try to up the amendment process to 60% here too in November 2024.

The legislature is upset that right to work was stuck down by amendment, Medicare was expanded by amendment and legalizing Mary Jane passed by amendment.

The 60% (or 57%) threshold is going to fail here as well.

Too many cherish the right of the people to override the legislature.

Let's hope the people see it for what it is and reject the amendment. Republicans seem to only learn the hard way. Don't tread on me ! Was a rallying call of the American Revolution and it's still true. People don't want government interfering with their lives.
Ohio voters rejected an effort that would have made it harder to pass citizen-led ballot initiatives, in a rebuke of Republican efforts to block an expansion of abortion rights that’s on the ballot in November.

Issue 1, which would have raised the threshold to pass citizen-led ballot measures from a simple majority to a 60 percent threshold failed, Decision Desk HQ projected. With about 24 percent of the votes in, “no” led by an almost 40-point margin.

No Friday middle of the night abortion laws for you Ohio Republicans

See you at the polls next year.
Ohio voters rejected an effort that would have made it harder to pass citizen-led ballot initiatives, in a rebuke of Republican efforts to block an expansion of abortion rights that’s on the ballot in November.

Issue 1, which would have raised the threshold to pass citizen-led ballot measures from a simple majority to a 60 percent threshold failed, Decision Desk HQ projected. With about 24 percent of the votes in, “no” led by an almost 40-point margin.

No Friday middle of the night abortion laws for you Ohio Republicans

See you at the polls next year.
Remember when every other day you would read in the paper some guy or gal would wack a couple abortion doctors. That was wrong. They should have been wackin the mothers. That way the fathers wouldn't have to pay support. We men, it is our right to be child and women free.
On the face of it, one would believe that Ohio Republicans were trying to subvert the rights of the people by stripping them of their ability to create amendments. But this could be a blessing in disguise. Even though an amendment that could enshrine abortion into the state’s constitution would only pass by a simple majority, the Republicans could also submit their own amendment next year banning abortions entirely.

And it would only need 51% to pass.

Apparently you haven’t heard why the Republicans were doing this. Support for Abortion polls at 59% in Ohio. So convincing 10% of Ohio Voters that Abortion is really bad would be a trick and a half.
Given the choice between a unhinged psychopath like trump and a man like Biden who is willing to work across the aisle and put America's needs first is a refreshing , welcome choice for a change. It's not my way or the highway like it was with trump and he always made sure it was all about him Biden doesn't do that rap. Trump is a bad loser and whines about it every chance he gets. That's a broken record I never want to hear again.

How's that "working across the aisle" coming along now that the GOP controls the House? :21:
Ohio voters rejected an effort that would have made it harder to pass citizen-led ballot initiatives, in a rebuke of Republican efforts to block an expansion of abortion rights that’s on the ballot in November.

Issue 1, which would have raised the threshold to pass citizen-led ballot measures from a simple majority to a 60 percent threshold failed, Decision Desk HQ projected. With about 24 percent of the votes in, “no” led by an almost 40-point margin.

No Friday middle of the night abortion laws for you Ohio Republicans

See you at the polls next year.
The issue had absolutely nothing to do with abortion laws, moron. Due to your low IQ you are very suggestible and therefore very easily brainwashed by fake news reports.
Given the choice between a unhinged psychopath like trump and a man like Biden who is willing to work across the aisle and put America's needs first is a refreshing , welcome choice for a change. It's not my way or the highway like it was with trump and he always made sure it was all about him Biden doesn't do that rap. Trump is a bad loser and whines about it every chance he gets. That's a broken record I never want to hear again.

We know, Stann. Trump made you Butthurt.
Hard to believe they got such a turnout for an August election.
Doesn’t look good for Republicans in November but I imagine they have more tricks up their sleeves to subvert the will of the voters.
Democrats are the most unreliable of voters. I wish they really did have this massive rigging/cheating capability sometimes.
I believe you made an error Kentucky went against the trend and voted not to include abortion as a right in their Constitution. I guess they want more inbred people in their state.

Ah yes, there it is. The love, acceptance, and tolerance of your average liberal. Well done, Stann, well done.

Here's a form for you to fill out for you condition.

We can count on death, taxes, and our whacked-out political-parties going full tribal and trying to shove their fucking agendas down our throats at every opportunity.

Back and forth, back and forth. We don't learn.


But you're obsessed with the Cult, Mac. 17 pages of obsessing about them in about five weeks' time. So for you it's not a "both sides" issue. Who do you think you're fooling?

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