Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second

If the businesses of oil and natural gas are so profitable, I would challenge any one of you to drill a hole in the ground.

Please do me a favor and state why you have not done so to date....
Who'd like to make $30,000/year scott-free?

All you have to do is drill a hole in the ground and extract one barrel of crude oil per day.

One singular barrel of crude oil. Per day.

Any volunteers?

Why do you say such stupid shit?

I can think of one reason.
How many times have Republicans been duped thinking that if a company makes a big profit, they will pass that on to the consumers?

You would think they would eventually learn. But that's why business wants to bring in immigrants with degrees. There aren't enough educated liberals to go around and Republicans can't be taught. Too stupid and too lazy and much too old.

Who works for the evil corporations rderp?

Oh that's right, it's these bags of water called "people". These "people" (aka consumers) are paid very well. These people then pay taxes, and buy things. It's called "capitalism".

Why do you hate capitalism?
Why do you hate Americans that have good paying jobs?
Here's an idea....anyone who doesn't want big oil to make a profit should get rid of their cars, trucks, SUV's, motorcycles, gas-powered mowers, boats, generators, roof shingles, soaps, shampoos, toothpaste, anything made from rubber.........

You get where I'm going with this right?

Did it ever occur to ANY OF YOU, that petroleum is in almost EVERYTHING you used today? And has it crossed any of your tiny minds that the massive amount of money you are so upset about is derived from the THOUSANDS of products found when you GOOGLE the term "PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM PETROLEUM" and NOT JUST GAS???

You cannot survive without petroleum...so let it go. They are gonna make money...and LOTS OF IT. No matter how much your bitch, moan and complain.
So here's my $30,000 question... and a simple challenge.

Remove one barrel of oil from the earth each day, and you will receive $30,000 per year for your effort.

Simple enough. Now please tell me how to do this. I could really use $30K/year.
Who'd like to make $30,000/year scott-free?

All you have to do is drill a hole in the ground and extract one barrel of crude oil per day.

One singular barrel of crude oil. Per day.

Any volunteers?

Why do you say such stupid shit?

I can think of one reason.

Ok- please explain why my post is "stupid". Simple enough request.

Wellllll....you can't really say you can make 30,000 bucks "scott-free"

It's fun to pretend you could just dig a hole and BOOM, your Jed Clampett. But it's not that simple, I'm sad to say.

It cost quite a bit to refine that barrel of oil....and it has to be put in an actual barrel.... and it has to be delivered to where your one barrel day store is....and then there's the cost of the drill, the incredibly high regulation fees and land lease....drilling permits....

See what I mean? All that extra money that everybody is screaming about, goes to pay for something.

If everybody wants to be pissed off at the price of fuel, why not call out the speculators who wake up everyday and read the headlines on foreign activities and then decide just how worried they are about whether it's going to cost you more or less to buy gas today.
Shrub left Obama with a wrecked economy and a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, and the cons try to blame it on Obama. Obama has cut that deficit in half and brought the economy out of the worst recession since 1929.

Besides the fact that obama's green agenda has kept us in perpetual financial hardship since his being in office, deficit is never an improvement. A lower deficit means getting worse at a slower rate. Like instead of being hit with sledge hammer you're being beaten with a baseball bat. That is not improvement.
Debt reduction is improvement. Deficit reduction is not.
Why do you say such stupid shit?

I can think of one reason.

Ok- please explain why my post is "stupid". Simple enough request.

Wellllll....you can't really say you can make 30,000 bucks "scott-free"

It's fun to pretend you could just dig a hole and BOOM, your Jed Clampett. But it's not that simple, I'm sad to say.

It cost quite a bit to refine that barrel of oil....and it has to be put in an actual barrel.... and it has to be delivered to where your one barrel day store is....and then there's the cost of the drill, the incredibly high regulation fees and land lease....drilling permits....

See what I mean? All that extra money that everybody is screaming about, goes to pay for something.

If everybody wants to be pissed off at the price of fuel, why not call out the speculators who wake up everyday and read the headlines on foreign activities and then decide just how worried they are about whether it's going to cost you more or less to buy gas today.

I'm not talking to you, bitch. rdean is up to this plate. :)
Big oil and the cons are fucking America so hard, your turds should just fall out of your ass. The GOP defends the greed of big oil, which is sabotaging the economy. More proof that the cons are the American Al Qaeda.

Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second | U.S. News Best Cars

Actually, that's what big oil profits were in 2008. This year they're making $14,000.00 per second.

Big evul oil makes about 4 cents a gal, while the purest good of the Fed makes over 50 cents

Once again, hangover is just a fucking tool with no idea wtf is really going on.
Anybody can do this, folks.

You simply drill a hole in the ground, extract one barrel of oil per day- and BAM... $30,000/year.

Now let's get to the crux of the biscuit.

Women and children first...
Ok- please explain why my post is "stupid". Simple enough request.

Wellllll....you can't really say you can make 30,000 bucks "scott-free"

It's fun to pretend you could just dig a hole and BOOM, your Jed Clampett. But it's not that simple, I'm sad to say.

It cost quite a bit to refine that barrel of oil....and it has to be put in an actual barrel.... and it has to be delivered to where your one barrel day store is....and then there's the cost of the drill, the incredibly high regulation fees and land lease....drilling permits....

See what I mean? All that extra money that everybody is screaming about, goes to pay for something.

If everybody wants to be pissed off at the price of fuel, why not call out the speculators who wake up everyday and read the headlines on foreign activities and then decide just how worried they are about whether it's going to cost you more or less to buy gas today.

I'm not talking to you, bitch. rdean is up to this plate. :)

nice....I guess my answer blew a big hole in your get-rich-quick scheme.

And for the record, rdean doesn't want you to make a freakin dime...while I, on the other hand, think you should be able to make all the $$$ you want. I fuggin' LOVE capitalism.
Big oil and the cons are fucking America so hard, your turds should just fall out of your ass. The GOP defends the greed of big oil, which is sabotaging the economy. More proof that the cons are the American Al Qaeda.

Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second | U.S. News Best Cars

Actually, that's what big oil profits were in 2008. This year they're making $14,000.00 per second.

Then stop using it. That will harm their profits and if enough of you revert back to a horse and buggy lifestyle they will go out of business. Of course, most people like the benefits of modern life, but by all means. Go primitive!

Or...shut the fuck up!
Does the op realize that the goverment makes more off oil than the big oil companies? Through gas taxes.
Absolutely. Not to mention the number of jobs that were created because of oil companies.

From the start of 2007 through the end of 2012, total U.S. private sector employment increased by more than one million jobs, about 1%. Over the same period, the oil and natural gas industry increased by more than 162,000 jobs, a 40% increase.

Oil and gas industry employment growing much faster than total private sector employment

What are the value of those jobs if your water and air are contaminated as a result?

The thing that drives me up the wall about oil and gas isn't their profits. Let 'em make profits. I'm happy to see success happen, but it's hard to get overjoyed with an industry that has the technology to drill in deeper and deeper places, but ironically not the technology to deal with emergencies at those new depths. As our environment has worsened, our healthcare costs have risen. Again, the value of those jobs should be questioned.

I am also opposed to the tens of billions in taxpayer subsidies that go to corporations that don't need them.

The Republican party and some Democrats are total hypocrites when it comes to fiscal conservatism. They say we have to cut a billion or two from Food Stamps because we can't afford it, meanwhile we're giving the house away to multinationals in some of our most wasteful spending.

Shaving the Food Stamp benefit isn't the problem. Taking the knife out and saving a good half trillion over 10 years in subsidies cuts should be a no-brainer to everybody, but Republicans and a few of their Democratic colleagues are the real problems when it comes to solving the budget. They have to pretend that poor people are the reason why we have deficits while they defend all their pork, which is the real culprit.
Big oil and the cons are fucking America so hard, your turds should just fall out of your ass. The GOP defends the greed of big oil, which is sabotaging the economy. More proof that the cons are the American Al Qaeda.

Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second | U.S. News Best Cars

Actually, that's what big oil profits were in 2008. This year they're making $14,000.00 per second.

You first claimed 1,500 per second. Apples makes $5,800 per second for the second quarter of this year alone. Or $43.6 billion per quarter.


But we don't hear this about Apple as your article reports:

The Boston Herald reports that politicians lined up to criticize the oil companies after the profits were announced. "It’s the most selfish group of companies that I’ve ever seen and the most hypocritical," said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). "Exxon’s profits are excessive. Shell’s profits leave us shellshocked. And BP now stands for Bloated Profits,” added Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), chairman of the House committee that regulates the oil industry.
And I seem to recall that right before Bush left office, gas was around $1.85

Just sayin...

I drove cross country, east coast to west coast, leaving January 11, 2009 and arriving in LA on January 16. I had to budget my trip and determine gas costs against mileage and base my costs on the price of gas as per zip codes along the route. The middle of the country, from western VA through Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, the price of gas was in the $1.30's. By the time I returned home to the east coast on January 23, three days after the hack's inauguration/coronation/imaculation, the price was already up to $1.80 and rising.
I'm just saying... Obama belongs in GITMO.

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