Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second

Shrub left Obama with a wrecked economy and a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, and the cons try to blame it on Obama. Obama has cut that deficit in half and brought the economy out of the worst recession since 1929.

Besides the fact that obama's green agenda has kept us in perpetual financial hardship since his being in office, deficit is never an improvement. A lower deficit means getting worse at a slower rate. Like instead of being hit with sledge hammer you're being beaten with a baseball bat. That is not improvement.
Debt reduction is improvement. Deficit reduction is not.

Are you talking about Bush's "Solendra"?
These right wingers have to know that any oil belongs to the oil companies, not "us". Oil companies won't let the price go down. If they are able to save money, they will keep it. Who doesn't know that?
Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second
they deserve it because they're doing "god's work" just like another biz that can do no wrong in repub-voters eyes :up: lloyd blankfein claimed goldmann was doing


No, they "deserve" it because unlike your pipe dream alternative energy producers, they deliver energy on demand, wherever in the world it's needed. Your comfortable life exists because of oil.

But, as I told your homey hangover, if you hate them so much, if enough of you folks drop out of the modern world and return to a pastoral lifestyle you could drive them out of business.

Or, shut the fuck up.
Why does big oil get all the heat but nary a peep about big water?

Perhaps the most incredible number: at an average cost of $1.22 per gallon, consumers are spending 300 times the cost of tap water to drink bottled water.

In fact, that number could be even higher, writes Colas in a note to clients.

"The [bottled water] industry grossed a total of $11.8 billion on those 9.7 billion gallons in 2012, making bottled water about $1.22/gallon nationwide and 300x the cost of a gallon of tap water," Colas says. "If we take into account the fact that almost 2/3 of all bottled water sales are single 16.9oz (500 mL) bottles, though, this cost is much, much higher: about $7.50 per gallon, according to the American Water Works Association. That’s almost 2,000x the cost of a gallon of tap water and twice the cost of a gallon of regular gasoline."

Bottled Water Costs 2000x More Than Tap - Business Insider
Liberals don't understand why gas and oil can't be free. Like the doctors who make too much money. Medical care should be free.

Free Stuff with be on the nation's tombstone.

No, that's cons like Bundy getting welfare for his grazing cattle on BLM land.

What's more, my guess is that if ranchers were given the opportunity to purchase that BLM land they would. Welfare recipients would never pay for what they get on the dole.

Here's a clue, ....Bundy grazes his cattle on BLM land because he can't afford to buy his own land.

The greed of cons is despicable. They try to defend greed to the point of fucking themselves, paying oil rich Saudi's and big oil $100.00 to fill their own gas tanks. Gotta be 1%ers.
No, that's cons like Bundy getting welfare for his grazing cattle on BLM land.

What's more, my guess is that if ranchers were given the opportunity to purchase that BLM land they would. Welfare recipients would never pay for what they get on the dole.

Here's a clue, ....Bundy grazes his cattle on BLM land because he can't afford to buy his own land.

The greed of cons is despicable. They try to defend greed to the point of fucking themselves, paying oil rich Saudi's and big oil $100.00 to fill their own gas tanks. Gotta be 1%ers.

He grazes on BLM land BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT WON'T SELL ANY! Get a fucking clue you ignorant jackass. The Feds own most of the state of Nevada (where I happen to live) and the land is simply NOT FOR SALE unless you're Harry Reid, or his son Rory.

Piss off you progressive asshole. You don't have the slightest clue what the fuck you're talking about. I suggest you leave the basement and get up into the sun, you've been on that bender for waaaay too long now.
These right wingers have to know that any oil belongs to the oil companies, not "us". Oil companies won't let the price go down. If they are able to save money, they will keep it. Who doesn't know that?

I suggest you get your head out of your ass and brush up on contract law as it specifically relates to oil and gas.

Then get a copy of "Economics for Fucking Idiots" from Amazon.
Do the people that rail against oil companies not realize that most everything around them at any given time is a petroleum product or by-product?

They obviously don't realize how stupid they look.
These right wingers have to know that any oil belongs to the oil companies, not "us". Oil companies won't let the price go down. If they are able to save money, they will keep it. Who doesn't know that?

I suggest you get your head out of your ass and brush up on contract law as it specifically relates to oil and gas.

Then get a copy of "Economics for Fucking Idiots" from Amazon.

Why don't you tell us? Go ahead, explain how cheaper for oil companies translates into cheaper for us? I'm all ears. And don't forget to give us past examples.
What's truly sad is that the ever profitable oil tycoons and the wall street millionaires who play with their money would collapse ....without the factory workers who transform petroleum for consumers...and gas station attendants who pump their product...
Yet they oppose a living wage and access to medical care for the very folk who make them rich...
I guess there's enough of them so they can be readily replaced as they die off...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
These right wingers have to know that any oil belongs to the oil companies, not "us". Oil companies won't let the price go down. If they are able to save money, they will keep it. Who doesn't know that?

Da! Da! Oil belong to the proletariat, just like in the Motherland!!
I've several times seen multiple guys swarming a man, kicking him in the face when down, etc. I've never seen more than a fat lip or bloody nose as a result. Untrained people just can't hurt you, without weapons or steel toes boots.

I like to let students hit me in the navel as hard as they can, working up from mild blows (cause theyr'e scared of hurting me). They can't even make me grunt. then I have them hold a phone book on their sternums. I touch the book with my fingertips, and WITHOUT pulling back at ALL, punch it. It usually knocks them right on their asses. :) without the book, it would probably crack their sternums.

Shrub left Obama with a wrecked economy and a $1.2 trillion deficit for fiscal year 2009, and the cons try to blame it on Obama. Obama has cut that deficit in half and brought the economy out of the worst recession since 1929.

Besides the fact that obama's green agenda has kept us in perpetual financial hardship since his being in office, deficit is never an improvement. A lower deficit means getting worse at a slower rate. Like instead of being hit with sledge hammer you're being beaten with a baseball bat. That is not improvement.
Debt reduction is improvement. Deficit reduction is not.

Are you talking about Bush's "Solendra"?[/QUOTE]
These right wingers have to know that any oil belongs to the oil companies, not "us". Oil companies won't let the price go down. If they are able to save money, they will keep it. Who doesn't know that?

I suggest you get your head out of your ass and brush up on contract law as it specifically relates to oil and gas.

Then get a copy of "Economics for Fucking Idiots" from Amazon.

Why don't you tell us? Go ahead, explain how cheaper for oil companies translates into cheaper for us? I'm all ears. And don't forget to give us past examples.

Hey Hispanic-hating racist, July 2008 through January 2009. Oil dropped dramatically on the prospect of significant extraction after two offshore drilling moratoriums were reversed and expired. The price of gas dropped with it.
These right wingers have to know that any oil belongs to the oil companies, not "us". Oil companies won't let the price go down. If they are able to save money, they will keep it. Who doesn't know that?

I suggest you get your head out of your ass and brush up on contract law as it specifically relates to oil and gas.

Then get a copy of "Economics for Fucking Idiots" from Amazon.

Why don't you tell us? Go ahead, explain how cheaper for oil companies translates into cheaper for us? I'm all ears. And don't forget to give us past examples.

How's your eyesight?

Hangover comes across as a bitter, clueless drunk begging for handouts....an appalling lack of dignity ... He must be owed something !!! Lol
Big oil and the cons are fucking America so hard, your turds should just fall out of your ass. The GOP defends the greed of big oil, which is sabotaging the economy. More proof that the cons are the American Al Qaeda.

Oil Companies Report Record Profits -- $1,500 Per Second | U.S. News Best Cars

Actually, that's what big oil profits were in 2008. This year they're making $14,000.00 per second.

And the pubs keep on giving them more of the tax payer's money.

I will never understand why anyone would vote for those crooks.

'course, they've been so busy gerrymandering and stealing votes, they don't really need the votes anymore. They're on the public dole for life.

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