Oil discoveries dispel "Peak Oil" as myth


I'm supposed to believe YOU know exactly where the oil is, and in what amount.

No, no one does. Because it doesn't exist. Are you starting to get it now? :clap2:

I'm challenging your team to link to new oil going forward that will sustain our global appetite of 86 million barrels per day, and growing. I know you won't provide it, because it's not out there to be found. Period.


I'm not debating that oil is a non-renewable resource.

What I'm astonished with is that Peak Oil THEORISTS somehow believe, and have believed, for every 5 years for the past 50 years that practically every major event in Human History is related (often through some wildly convoluted conspiracy theory), to the volume of oil that YOU GUESS may be on the planet, discounting any and all other energy sources, and the potential to develope energy sources.

The only possible explaination for such a ridiculously dogmatic POV is that the exploitation of oil equates to EVUL "capitalism," opposed to some vague notion of economics about which you seem to have a tenuous grasp, at best.
So, we have all those carrier groups in the Mid-East for no reason at all.

Peak oil, if you read King Hubberts articles, is a very sound concept, and has made successful predictions.
So, we have all those carrier groups in the Mid-East for no reason at all.

Peak oil, if you read King Hubberts articles, is a very sound concept, and has made successful predictions.

What a fucking idiot.

We have a carrier group in the China Sea, off Korea. I suppose that has some tangiential relationship to "Peak Oil" and Kevin Bacon.

I'm supposed to believe YOU know exactly where the oil is, and in what amount.

No, no one does. Because it doesn't exist. Are you starting to get it now? :clap2:

I'm challenging your team to link to new oil going forward that will sustain our global appetite of 86 million barrels per day, and growing. I know you won't provide it, because it's not out there to be found. Period.


I'm not debating that oil is a non-renewable resource.

No, amazingly, you're just debating that it's a serious problem at all.

What I'm astonished with is that Peak Oil THEORISTS somehow believe, and have believed, for every 5 years for the past 50 years that practically every major event in Human History is related (often through some wildly convoluted conspiracy theory), to the volume of oil that YOU GUESS may be on the planet, discounting any and all other energy sources, and the potential to develope energy sources.

Not really an accurate depiction of what we believe, but I see the lame point you're trying to make, so I'll play along.

It took 50,000 years for man's population to get to 1 billion. Yet, 150 years later, we're at 7 billion. That's directly because of the advent of harnessing cheap, abundant fossil fuels. Period. Oil is at the heart of almost all geopolitical conflict and has been for decades. So, yeah, practically every major event since the early 20th Century, sure.

What's amusing is the way you guys can't grasp nuance and accept the ball park estimate given by world energy entities who track this stuff for the sake of the global economy. You play the over-literal card at every turn. If we estimate the planet held 2.1 trillion barrels, and God came down and told us 2.3 trillion was the total sum, you clowns would declare victory. "Ah ha! You were wrong!!!!!!"

You just don't get it, and don't want to get it. ... The seismic models are basically correct.... Perhaps off by few dozen billion, maybe a hundred billion barrels, but whatever. ... The fact is, 1) new discoveries are not keeping up with dying existing capacity, and 2) global demand growth continues to rise (albeit slower than pre-meltdown 2008). Those are quantifiable and undeniable.

The only possible explaination for such a ridiculously dogmatic POV is that the exploitation of oil equates to EVUL "capitalism," opposed to some vague notion of economics about which you seem to have a tenuous grasp, at best.

What an arrogant jackass. Clearly, I have a far better grasp of global economics than goofy you, because you still insist that economics dictates to energy. Ooops, dead wrong. Energy dictates to the markets.

The only "possible explanation," moron, is the geological data. Data that you can't deny, can't find to fight back, and can't fathom.

Do yourself a favor... and try reading more.


Rising oil prices, the recession and a new world order - The Mainichi Daily News
Clearly, I have a far better grasp of global economics than goofy you, because you still insist that economics dictates to energy. Ooops, dead wrong. Energy dictates to the markets.


You've made my case.


LOL. Didn't read that link either, did you genius? .... Great punt tho.

Wow, has this thread ever been embarrassing for you. Might wanna sit the next few plays out.
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Samson and his peers never read the links provided, nor do they seem to have the capacity to understand basic science. Their whole point of view is based on the fat ass "the way things ought to be" POV. A disconnect with reality that will bite us all in the ass sooner than later.
Samson and his peers never read the links provided, nor do they seem to have the capacity to understand basic science. Their whole point of view is based on the fat ass "the way things ought to be" POV. A disconnect with reality that will bite us all in the ass sooner than later.

You mean like this?

BBC: "Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming"

Phil Jones: "Yes..."
Clearly, I have a far better grasp of global economics than goofy you, because you still insist that economics dictates to energy. Ooops, dead wrong. Energy dictates to the markets.


You've made my case.


LOL. Didn't read that link either, did you genius? .... Great punt tho.

Wow, has this thread ever been embarrassing for you. Might wanna sit the next few plays out.

No, I find your absurd dogma entertaining.:lol:
Clearly, I have a far better grasp of global economics than goofy you, because you still insist that economics dictates to energy. Ooops, dead wrong. Energy dictates to the markets.


You've made my case.


LOL. Didn't read that link either, did you genius? .... Great punt tho.

Wow, has this thread ever been embarrassing for you. Might wanna sit the next few plays out.

This coming from a highschool dropout who doesn't understand basic English. Riiiight.:lol:
This coming from a highschool dropout who doesn't understand basic English. Riiiight.:lol:

This, like your entire energy platform here, is complete guesswork based on nothing more than what you HOPE is true.

For all your flutter, you're just not very good at this. ... Still, better than Sam.
This coming from a highschool dropout who doesn't understand basic English. Riiiight.:lol:

This, like your entire energy platform here, is complete guesswork based on nothing more than what you HOPE is true.

For all your flutter, you're just not very good at this. ... Still, better than Sam.


From someone who wouldn't know an "Energy Platform" if it bit him on the ass....

Keep digging Casey, there's depths of stupid you still need to reach.
Thus far Jiggs has displayed far more intelligence in his posts than you have, Samson. Your post consist of insults and unsupported opinion.
Thus far Jiggs has displayed far more intelligence in his posts than you have, Samson. Your post consist of insults and unsupported opinion.

Oh NO!!:eek:

I'm always concerned with the moron POV.:(

And yet, when challenged to actually debate the subject material, you punt to personal insinuation and baseless platitude.

You don't know what you're talking about, and yet you keep hanging around for the last insecure word, confirming that your argument has zero traction.

You became irrelevant to this discussion about 18 pages ago.

I'll let you get back to yet another obligatory, ineffectual "but you're a moron" quip and let you feel better about your empty argument. When you wanna ever be a man and discuss the data, or show how the markets will just adjust and we'll pass seamlessly into a new paradigm, let me know.
Hi Mdn2000:

We are finding new oil reserves every year, maybe not the USA but other countries ...

Wake the hell up already! The largest oil reserve in the world is under Gull Island, Alaska (story). The best authority on the vast Gull Island Oil Reserve is Lindsay Williams who wrote "The Energy Non Crisis" (link).

All of this Peak Oil hype is nothing more than Big Oil generating another excuse to raise prices to support ongoing record oil profits on a stupid U.S./Global population that will believe anything ...


Hi Mdn2000:

We are finding new oil reserves every year, maybe not the USA but other countries ...

Wake the hell up already! The largest oil reserve in the world is under Gull Island, Alaska (story). The best authority on the vast Gull Island Oil Reserve is Lindsay Williams who wrote "The Energy Non Crisis" (link).

All of this Peak Oil hype is nothing more than Big Oil generating another excuse to raise prices to support ongoing record oil profits on a stupid U.S./Global population that will believe anything ...



Thanks, I have not heard of this, will research it as best I can

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