Oil discoveries dispel "Peak Oil" as myth

Wow, who was the illiterate that wrote that?:lol::lol::lol: It predicted the peak of production in 1970 did it? Then where the hell are we getting all this pesky petrol from!

U.S. production peaked in 1971... that is a fact, and that's what it refers to.

Wake up, and follow along, dishonest fool.

I'll tell you what genius. After you have gotten a handle on the English language you can come back and speak with the adults. I have provided a link below to a handy thesaurus and as you can see "rule" is a synonym for "maxim". Now if you had the education to go with the attitude you might have something to add to the discussion.

I look forward to the day that you obtain that education.

Maxim Synonyms, Maxim Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

When all you have in response is an extrapolated semantics argument, it's clear you're out of bullets.

Abiotic theory is irrelevant, drilling holes and hoping for oil is retarded, and you're unable to show ANY new discoveries of any significance. I'd say your efforts in this thread spoke for themselves. Based on your punt above, Occam's Razor clearly indicated that when it comes to world oil reserves, you don't know what you're talking about. That' s a "rule." :rolleyes:

White flag accepted

Decided to slink back in eh? I extrapolated nothing. I merely pointed out your woeful command of the English Language (is it a second language for you?) you chose to make an ignorant comment, I merely refuted it with a simple link. It's sad you havn't the brains to admit you were wrong and just get on with your education but such is the callowness of youth.

Oh, for the record, US production "peaked" due to Federal Regulations. There is a lot of oil underground that we are not allowed to go get.
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Wow, who was the illiterate that wrote that?:lol::lol::lol: It predicted the peak of production in 1970 did it? Then where the hell are we getting all this pesky petrol from!

U.S. production peaked in 1971... that is a fact, and that's what it refers to.

Wake up, and follow along, dishonest fool.

I'll tell you what genius. After you have gotten a handle on the English language you can come back and speak with the adults. I have provided a link below to a handy thesaurus and as you can see "rule" is a synonym for "maxim". Now if you had the education to go with the attitude you might have something to add to the discussion.

I look forward to the day that you obtain that education.

Maxim Synonyms, Maxim Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

When all you have in response is an extrapolated semantics argument, it's clear you're out of bullets.

Abiotic theory is irrelevant, drilling holes and hoping for oil is retarded, and you're unable to show ANY new discoveries of any significance. I'd say your efforts in this thread spoke for themselves. Based on your punt above, Occam's Razor clearly indicated that when it comes to world oil reserves, you don't know what you're talking about. That' s a "rule." :rolleyes:

White flag accepted

I prefer your coloring book pictures, they are pretty and very convincing
U.S. production peaked in 1971... that is a fact, and that's what it refers to.

The convenient aspect of this 'fact' is that they discount ALL political and economic reasons that this production 'peaked'. It screws up their pretty theory all too quickly.
There you go, O Google Challenged Fool.

King Hubbert : The peak petroleum and gaz

I. King Hubbert's searches on the oil peak of production (all resources).
1) Who is King Hubbert?
King Hubbert was born on October 5, 1903 to San Saba in Texas, he obtains his doctorate in Sciences in the university of Chicago in 1937, where he studies in parallel geology, physics and mathematics. He is senior analyst in 1942-1943 in Washington, he leads to it his first studies on the mineral resources.
King Hubbert works for Shell in Houston during 20 years, he is here a Geophysicist , then a director of the investigation and the production, and finally consultant chief of the geology. He leaves Shell in 1963.
He is also a Geophysicist of search to " US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY " and professor of geology and geophysics in Stanforde's university. He leaves Stanforde's university in 1968 and he returns in the university world in 1973, in Berkeley in California. He retires in 1976 quite in active remainder within "US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ", He dies on October 15, 1989 at the age of 86 years.

2) " Hubbert's curve ".
"Hubbert's curve" allows to have a theoretical curve of the production of petroleum. The curve of the investigation in the same shape as that of the production, but the peak of the curve of the investigation arrives much earlier that that of the production. And so from the peak of the oil investigation in United States in 1930, it was able to predict the peak of production of the petroleum in this last one in 1970. Then it is from the peak of the world investigation of the 1970's that he anticipates the future oil peak of production. Wars and energy crises return this more chaotic curve in practice, but it does not change anything the tendency. Once the past peak of production, the thorough tendency will be for a decline of the long-term production, wars and crises will make only decrease or increase in the short run production, long-term it does not change anything.

Wow, who was the illiterate that wrote that?:lol::lol::lol: It predicted the peak of production in 1970 did it? Then where the hell are we getting all this pesky petrol from!

There you go again, you comprehension challenged liar. Dr. Hubbert predicted the peak oil for the US to be about 1970. He was dead on. Since that year, oil production in the US has declined. Now we are at or close to the peak oil for the world. And all the jackass braying from idiots like yourself will not change that one whit.
U.S. production peaked in 1971... that is a fact, and that's what it refers to.

The convenient aspect of this 'fact' is that they discount ALL political and economic reasons that this production 'peaked'. It screws up their pretty theory all too quickly.

Well, just why don't you show those reasons? Come on, show some links to those who study this kind of thing, not wingnut talking points.

Another fool that yaps without the slightest idea of the science.
Decided to slink back in eh?

LOL. WHat does this even mean? Because my response wasn't timely enough for you? I don't spend every waking moment on this site like you and your kin.

I extrapolated nothing. I merely pointed out your woeful command of the English Language (is it a second language for you?) you chose to make an ignorant comment, I merely refuted it with a simple link. It's sad you havn't the brains to admit you were wrong and just get on with your education but such is the callowness of youth.

The operative term in your retarded premise was "science." Occam's is only a "rule" for hypothesis. It's no fucking "rule of science," tool. It's to help with guesswork. A scientific "rule" doesn't rely on guess work.

But I guess this is all you have in your retort - a semantics argument. You can't respond to any of the other direct challenges I have slapped you around with.... because you can't.

Oh, for the record, US production "peaked" due to Federal Regulations. There is a lot of oil underground that we are not allowed to go get.

Yes, yes... Your camp keeps relying on this emptiness, despite all the geological data. It's all a big "conspiracy" in the view of the anti-conspiracy jaggovs. How ironic.

Very well, limited poster. Where is it then here in America? And in what proven amount? (Light crude please)

You won't respond with a direct answer, because you know you won't be able to find a link to something that doesn't exist.

Run along.
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Peak or no Peak we should conserve as best we can, building windmills, solar plants, and geothermal increase the amount of oil we need, conserving energy means no more "Renewable/Green Energy".

Seriously, do you think Wind Turbines and Solar Power plants grow on trees.
There you go, O Google Challenged Fool.

King Hubbert : The peak petroleum and gaz

I. King Hubbert's searches on the oil peak of production (all resources).
1) Who is King Hubbert?
King Hubbert was born on October 5, 1903 to San Saba in Texas, he obtains his doctorate in Sciences in the university of Chicago in 1937, where he studies in parallel geology, physics and mathematics. He is senior analyst in 1942-1943 in Washington, he leads to it his first studies on the mineral resources.
King Hubbert works for Shell in Houston during 20 years, he is here a Geophysicist , then a director of the investigation and the production, and finally consultant chief of the geology. He leaves Shell in 1963.
He is also a Geophysicist of search to " US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY " and professor of geology and geophysics in Stanforde's university. He leaves Stanforde's university in 1968 and he returns in the university world in 1973, in Berkeley in California. He retires in 1976 quite in active remainder within "US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ", He dies on October 15, 1989 at the age of 86 years.

2) " Hubbert's curve ".
"Hubbert's curve" allows to have a theoretical curve of the production of petroleum. The curve of the investigation in the same shape as that of the production, but the peak of the curve of the investigation arrives much earlier that that of the production. And so from the peak of the oil investigation in United States in 1930, it was able to predict the peak of production of the petroleum in this last one in 1970. Then it is from the peak of the world investigation of the 1970's that he anticipates the future oil peak of production. Wars and energy crises return this more chaotic curve in practice, but it does not change anything the tendency. Once the past peak of production, the thorough tendency will be for a decline of the long-term production, wars and crises will make only decrease or increase in the short run production, long-term it does not change anything.

Wow, who was the illiterate that wrote that?:lol::lol::lol: It predicted the peak of production in 1970 did it? Then where the hell are we getting all this pesky petrol from!

There you go again, you comprehension challenged liar. Dr. Hubbert predicted the peak oil for the US to be about 1970. He was dead on. Since that year, oil production in the US has declined. Now we are at or close to the peak oil for the world. And all the jackass braying from idiots like yourself will not change that one whit.

Oil production in the US has declined because of legislative fiat you fact challenged silly person. There is plenty of oil in the ground, the oil companies aren't allowed to go get it.
Decided to slink back in eh?

LOL. WHat does this even mean? Because my response wasn't timely enough for you? I don't spend every waking moment on this site like you and your kin.

I extrapolated nothing. I merely pointed out your woeful command of the English Language (is it a second language for you?) you chose to make an ignorant comment, I merely refuted it with a simple link. It's sad you havn't the brains to admit you were wrong and just get on with your education but such is the callowness of youth.

The operative term in your retarded premise was "science." Occam's is only a "rule" for hypothesis. It's no fucking "rule of science," tool. It's to help with guesswork. A scientific "rule" doesn't rely on guess work.

But I guess this is all you have in your retort - a semantics argument. You can't respond to any of the other direct challenges I have slapped you around with.... because you can't.

Oh, for the record, US production "peaked" due to Federal Regulations. There is a lot of oil underground that we are not allowed to go get.

Yes, yes... Your camp keeps relying on this emptiness, despite all the geological data. It's all a big "conspiracy" in the view of the anti-conspiracy jaggovs. How ironic.

Very well, limited poster. Where is it then here in America? And in what proven amount? (Light crude please)

You won't respond with a direct answer, because you know you won't be able to find a link to something that doesn't exist.

Run along.

You wouldn't know a geologic argument if it bit you in the ass. I am a geologist and am also a qualified geologic illustrator (I do much better work than the juvenile efforts you linked too!) and have had plenty of experience doing core data interpretation. Your arguments are based on nothing but a willful ignorance perpetrated by the oil companies who want to elevate the price of oil.

Congrats you have graduated from ignorant twerp to useful idiot.
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A geologist that has never read King Hubbert. That is rich.

A geologist that states he knows more than all the geologists in the AGU.

Oil reserves in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Proven reserves

United States oil production peaked in 1970. By 2005 imports were twice production.United States proven oil reserves were 21 billion barrels (3.3×10^9 m3) in 2006 according to the Energy Information Administration.[1] This represents a decline of 46%, or 18 billion barrels (2.9×10^9 m3) from 39 billion barrels (6.2×10^9 m3) in 1970. U.S. crude production peaked in 1970 at 9.6 million barrels per day (1.53×10^6 m3/d), after the supergiant Prudhoe Bay field was found in Alaska. It has declined 47% to 5.1 million barrels per day (810×10^3 m3/d) by 2006.[2] United States crude oil production has been declining since reaching a smaller secondary production peak in 1988 (caused by Alaskan production). Total production of crude oil from 1970 through 2006 was 102 billion barrels (16.2×10^9 m3), or roughly five and a half times the decline in proved reserves.[3]

The reserves-to-production (R/P) equaled 11.26 years in 2007. The ratio was 11.08 years in 1970. It hit a trough of 8.49 years in 1986 as oil pumped through the Alaska pipeline began to peak.[3]

Because of declining production and increasing demand, Net US imports of oil and petroleum products increased by 400% from 3.16 million barrels per day (502×10^3 m3/d) in 1970 to 12.04 million barrels per day (1.914×10^6 m3/d) in 2007. Its largest net suppliers of petroleum products in 2007 were Canada and Mexico, which supplied 2.2 and 1.3 Mbbl/d (350×10^3 and 210×10^3 m3/d), respectively.[4]

Net imports of oil and products account for nearly half of the US trade deficit. As of 2007, the US consumed 20.68m bbls of petroleum products/day and imported a net 12.04m bbls/day. The EIA reports the United States "Dependence on Net Petroleum Imports" as 58.2%
A geologist that has never read King Hubbert. That is rich.

A geologist that states he knows more than all the geologists in the AGU.

Oil reserves in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Proven reserves

United States oil production peaked in 1970. By 2005 imports were twice production.United States proven oil reserves were 21 billion barrels (3.3×10^9 m3) in 2006 according to the Energy Information Administration.[1] This represents a decline of 46%, or 18 billion barrels (2.9×10^9 m3) from 39 billion barrels (6.2×10^9 m3) in 1970. U.S. crude production peaked in 1970 at 9.6 million barrels per day (1.53×10^6 m3/d), after the supergiant Prudhoe Bay field was found in Alaska. It has declined 47% to 5.1 million barrels per day (810×10^3 m3/d) by 2006.[2] United States crude oil production has been declining since reaching a smaller secondary production peak in 1988 (caused by Alaskan production). Total production of crude oil from 1970 through 2006 was 102 billion barrels (16.2×10^9 m3), or roughly five and a half times the decline in proved reserves.[3]

The reserves-to-production (R/P) equaled 11.26 years in 2007. The ratio was 11.08 years in 1970. It hit a trough of 8.49 years in 1986 as oil pumped through the Alaska pipeline began to peak.[3]

Because of declining production and increasing demand, Net US imports of oil and petroleum products increased by 400% from 3.16 million barrels per day (502×10^3 m3/d) in 1970 to 12.04 million barrels per day (1.914×10^6 m3/d) in 2007. Its largest net suppliers of petroleum products in 2007 were Canada and Mexico, which supplied 2.2 and 1.3 Mbbl/d (350×10^3 and 210×10^3 m3/d), respectively.[4]

Net imports of oil and products account for nearly half of the US trade deficit. As of 2007, the US consumed 20.68m bbls of petroleum products/day and imported a net 12.04m bbls/day. The EIA reports the United States "Dependence on Net Petroleum Imports" as 58.2%

It would be impressive, if you had a point?

My guess is that whatever the point might be (e.g. 9/11, the housing bubble, and male pattern balding are results of US oil imports), it is so moronic that it even is embarrassing to idiots like you.
The point, my braindead Sammy boy, is that peak oil is real, and we are seeing it's confirmation at present.
Science and engineering are no longer obstacles to finding and developing oil and natural gas reserves. It's politics and economics.
Do you wanna debate global oil depletion, or do you wanna play games and boast about how awesome you think you are?

"Debate Global Oil Depletion?"

I thought we were debating the myth of "Peak Oil" and your Manic-Depressive mental disorders.

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