Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

This makes no sense at all.

Why would we want oil we can't use over our own oil that is immediately usable?

Why would we want unusable oil when President Obama has issued more drilling permits than any other prez in the past?
Drilling permits? Are you for real?
Those permits are useless in that they are for areas that oil companies know are unproductive or the cost to extract is prohibitive.
As of right now, firms are saying the bottom line market price is $60 per barrel for them to turn a profit.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
I'm disappointed in you. :slap:

Why don't you review the EIA website and educate yourself on the actual import/export statistics for both crude and refined products.

Really, don't be such a twit.
He believes Obama because he must toe the liberal line.
Toe it? It's in my rear view mirror!
Of course. Reality and thought mean nothing to you.
I would not care if the tooth fairy said it's ok to build this pipeline. As far as I am concerned Keystone XL is good for the country. Politics should be cast aside.
Unfortunately we have a president who considers politics and his own enormous ego FIRST. All other priorities and considerations come LAST
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.

Are you still believing Obama will be the most transparent administration ever? Are you still believing Obama will close Gitmo? Are you still believing that Obama all the other lies Obama has told you?
How DARE you question The Chosen One.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
Because that "vast amount" comes from the likes of Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz.
It doesnt matter. The oil will be sold to highest bidder for the most money. The way things should work.
So you're advocating that Canada gets to transport their oil through our country, then turn around and charge us more than anyone else is willing to pay (the highest bidder) to purchase it?
Please explain what's wrong with that.
What are we charging them to transport across America?
Is it your contention that the ONLY oil piped through Keystone will be extracted in Canada?
I read that ISIS is also exporting oil through various means, and suddenly oil prices in the US go down in the last few months. I hate to think the American consumer is helping Muslim terrorists that threaten freedom.
It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post
In denying approval to Ketystone XL, Obama does two things.
One, he gets to leave his pro green energy legacy intact. Of course not even considering the country as a whole
Two, he gets to pander to the environmentalist voting bloc.
He hasn't denied anything. Get your facts straight.

He has repeatedly said that he would let the process play out. That means waiting for Nebraska, the EPA, the Native Tribes, etc. to satisfy their concerns.

THEN he'll deny it!
Bullshit he hasn't. And once January rolls around the Keystone bill will land on his desk. And if 6 democrats don't cross the aisle, he will veto the bill. Why? Because Obama thinks he is a supreme leader and what he says goes.
Should 6 dems cross the aisle, the bill becomes veto proof. Obama would be furious. The country will chuckle at his petulant reaction.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
I'm disappointed in you. :slap:

Why don't you review the EIA website and educate yourself on the actual import/export statistics for both crude and refined products.

Really, don't be such a twit.
He believes Obama because he must toe the liberal line.
Toe it? It's in my rear view mirror!
C'mere ya big knucklehead. :smiliehug:

Now go forth and sin no more. :slap:

I read that ISIS is also exporting oil through various means, and suddenly oil prices in the US go down in the last few months. I hate to think the American consumer is helping Muslim terrorists that threaten freedom.
You read?......
Wow. Just wow.
Hey cupcake....Try staying on point.
If you feel the need to start a thread regarding ISIS and oil, by all means, find a link to a news item providing those facts and open a new thread.
Is this pipeline going to go across private property? If so, what if the property owner objects?
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
Because that "vast amount" comes from the likes of Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz.
It doesnt matter. The oil will be sold to highest bidder for the most money. The way things should work.
So you're advocating that Canada gets to transport their oil through our country, then turn around and charge us more than anyone else is willing to pay (the highest bidder) to purchase it?
Go do some research.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
Because that "vast amount" comes from the likes of Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz.
It doesnt matter. The oil will be sold to highest bidder for the most money. The way things should work.
So you're advocating that Canada gets to transport their oil through our country, then turn around and charge us more than anyone else is willing to pay (the highest bidder) to purchase it?
Please explain what's wrong with that.
What are we charging them to transport across America?
No, see here's the problem.
WE are not charging anything. Because WE do not own the pipeline. The pipeline owners will set tarriffs. But at least you recognize that transporting oil through the pipeline will not be free.
I read that ISIS is also exporting oil through various means, and suddenly oil prices in the US go down in the last few months. I hate to think the American consumer is helping Muslim terrorists that threaten freedom.
Um you understand that lower oil prices HURT people trying to sell it, like ISIS, right?
I read that ISIS is also exporting oil through various means, and suddenly oil prices in the US go down in the last few months. I hate to think the American consumer is helping Muslim terrorists that threaten freedom.
Um you understand that lower oil prices HURT people trying to sell it, like ISIS, right?
I might, but do they? Were are they getting all the funding ? I don't think they care about capitalism as long as they turn a profit. However fleeting that may be.
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So if a group of property owners object they can't hold up the project? That is wrong. Very wrong. Perhaps they could at least demand a lot more compensation than the cheapskate company offers.`
So if I were one of the property owners and objected and defended my property I would be a troublemaker? Doesn't that go against conservative ideals?

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