Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

None, not a drop of that oil should leave our shores. I don't care if another country offers a lot more oil for it. Handcuff the company in this instance. You want your pipeline fine, we get the oil..
It won't be exported, according to the CEO of TransCanada Pipelines.

It certainly seems illogical that an oil pipeline should be elevated to the level of friction now represented by the Keystone XL project. But through one means or another, the project has become a source of real conflict. On Wednesday the CEO of TransCanada Corp. came pretty close to calling the President of the United States a liar. Russ Girling said that “the notion that this oil is going to get exported is pure fabrication by those that are opposed to our project.”

Later, he added: “It’s very highly unlikely that any of this crude leaves North America.”

The timing was important, because Mr. Obama made those very allegations just last week. The pipeline, he said was merely “providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land, down to the Gulf, where it will be sold everywhere else.” He was parroting the latest line in the war against Keystone mounted by U.S. environmentalists, which portrays Canada as a nefarious purveyor of dirty oil, with plans to send shipments across the pristine U.S. to ships in the Gulf, which will immediately transport it to China.

In reality, TransCanada doesn’t own the oil, it just ships it for the oil companies. It gets sent to a refining hub in Texas, which turns it into gasoline. The refiners say less than 10% of the gasoline they refine gets exported. If the refiners did decide, illogically, to export it all, they would have to ship in other oil from Venezuela or elsewhere to replace it, which makes no sense at all. The U.S. State Department, which has assessed Keystone to death, found that pipelines have no impact on U.S. exports, and that Alberta’s oil is likely to stay in the U.S.

The National Post

TransCanada, from the beginning, said themselves that the point was to divert oil to different markets. Part of that is diverting oil from the mid-west to the Gulf Coast. Part of that is sending oil overseas. Just what TransCanada said in the beginning. Now, maybe they're saying that it won't leave the US. Does not change the fact that the primary mission of the Keystone XL is to simply divert oil in such a way as will increase prices on the American consumer.

Since 2006, the price of Cold Lake Blend has been discounted compared with the price of Mexican Maya heavy crude oil at the USGC. This price discount suggests that the supply of Canadian heavy crudes has exceeded demand in their main markets north of the USGC. PGI submitted that in 2008, the average discount for Cold Lake Blend at the USGC was approximately US$3.24 per barrel. It indicated that by increasing market access for Canadian heavy crudes, this discount should be avoided in the future.

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Oil Transported Through Keystone Will Be Consumed in the US

Based on everything I've heard and read - that is a LIE.
Everything you've heard and read is a lie, you idjut. BUT because it comes from the anointed one and his willing MSM, you fall for it hook, line and sinker
None, not a drop of that oil should leave our shores. I don't care if another country offers a lot more oil for it. Handcuff the company in this instance. You want your pipeline fine, we get the oil..
We get it all? #1, "We" don't own it. #2, it will increase the supply of oil no one really cares where it comes from as long as fuel get to the market.
I'll believe the vast amounts of reports saying the same thing President Obama is saying over the self-serving, lone comment from an oil corporation executive, thank you very much.
^ that

What does Toro take us for? :eusa_eh:
Since you are of the Party of "education and science" why don't you grow the fuck up and educate yourself.

Do some reading, do some digging...

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You fuckers make me sick. :fu:
Whatever, it's still part of the global supply, the dirtiest oil possible, wrecking Native American lands, and pipelines and oil sucks. humbug.
It should go through channels and the courts, and not be pushed through by bought off Pubs and lying oil men.
The Kochs are supposed to make a hundred billion out of this and well, feq those corrupt, polluting, screw the workers, lying, fascist a-holes.
Whatever, it's still part of the global supply, the dirtiest oil possible, wrecking Native American lands, and pipelines and oil sucks. humbug.
You are one seriously deluded brain-bent mother fuck.
The Kochs are supposed to make a hundred billion out of this and well, feq those corrupt, polluting, screw the workers, lying, fascist a-holes.
Your dream queen Warren Buffet is a murderer and you endorse it.

I love how the Koch brothers piss you people off. I hope we get a hundred more just like them.

Brothers that would commit kidnapping to advance their agenda?
Expound, you obtuse fuck.

They just make shit up. Leftists, like Muslim terrorists, believe that lying is ok as long as it facilitates the objective. Because they both serve the same devil, it makes sense they follow the same rules.
As far as I am concerned Keystone XL is good for the country. Politics should be cast aside.
Unfortunately we have a president who considers politics and his own enormous ego FIRST. All other priorities and considerations come LAST
As far as I'm concerned, Obama's infrastructure bill is good for the country. Yet Republicans won't let it come up for a vote.

Politics should be cast aside.

Unfortunately we have a Speaker who considers politics and his own enormous ego FIRST. All other priorities and considerations come LAST

I can play this game all night.
Is this pipeline going to go across private property? If so, what if the property owner objects?
Imminent domain baby. Already been approved.

And if they aren't planning to ship it overseas, there's no reason to build a pipeline to the ports is there? They already have existing pipelines to midwest refineries. See I just solved the whole thing.

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