OK Apologists, What is Obama's Next Action You Will Defend?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The funny (and distressing) thing about the "progressives" on this board is that they always support "their' team and always vilify the "other" team, regardless of the merits of any particular action or policy. For example, the same people who supported Obama's earlier pledge to never allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon now enthusiastically support his acquiescence in that eventuality. So I am curious, what is his next duplicity that you will support?
its funny watching the bush/obama apologists get desperate and grasp at straws trying to convince themselves Obomination is any different than Bushwacker ignoring facts that Obama has contiuned and expanded Bushs policys.:biggrin:
I will defend Obama's right to wipe his ass with his left hand, even if the hack media claims it proves he was born in Kenya to a jackal.
I will defend Obama's right to wipe his ass with his left hand, even if the hack media claims it proves he was born in Kenya to a jackal.
You think Obama wipes his own ass? That is obviously beneath him, the arrogant bastard he is.
The funny (and distressing) thing about the "progressives" on this board is that they always support "their' team and always vilify the "other" team, regardless of the merits of any particular action or policy. For example, the same people who supported Obama's earlier pledge to never allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon now enthusiastically support his acquiescence in that eventuality. So I am curious, what is his next duplicity that you will support?
What's funny and distressing is the propensity of you and other USMB rightists to start threads that fail as straw man fallacies – this thread being one of many examples.

As for vilifying the 'other team,' conservatives have only themselves to blame when liberals accurately point out the ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most USMB rightists.

Indeed, we recently had one of your fellow conservatives actually advocate bringing back 'tests' as a condition of eligibility to vote, and another rightwing loon posited that drug tests for those applying for public assistance were warranted – oblivious to the fact that both propositions are un-Constitutional.
RUBE: Obama wipes his ass with fetal tissue!

SKEPTIC: Evidence please.

RUBE: APOLOGIST!!! Do your own research! :mad-61:
As for vilifying the 'other team,' conservatives have only themselves to blame when liberals accurately point out the ignorance, stupidity, and hate common to most USMB rightists.

Thank you for proving my point.
About Iran, Bush did nothing for 8 years and Iran got far closer to the bomb...

If the US tried to start a war without going for a deal Russia and China said they would lift trade restrictions.

Obama has got a deal to stop them. If they break it the whole world will help bomb Iran.

But internally a relatively moderate president is going to lift trade sanctions which is crippling the ordinary citizens of Iran. Obama knows supporting moderates is the future for a normal relationship with Iran.

So RWers put your guns away, over half of America and the rest of the world want to see how this plays out first.

But we can talk the Tom Cotton and hard right for offering the laughs in the process...
Iran s foreign minister explains international law to Senate Republicans

Thanks for that...
Has everyone noticed that same sex marriage has disappeared as an issue?

Remember how the RWnuts were vowing to fight to the death over same sex marriage?

What issue will the Right give up on next?

lol, yes this belongs in this thread...
Has everyone noticed that same sex marriage has disappeared as an issue?

Remember how the RWnuts were vowing to fight to the death over same sex marriage?

What issue will the Right give up on next?

lol, yes this belongs in this thread...

Probably Obama's new climate change law to cap the shit out of emissons! ;) But Obama will win that one too.
OK, which one of you right wing zealots can openly state that you want an all out war with Iran????
Because, if you refute Obama's wise postponement of an Iranian nuke, a war is the ONLY other alternative.

So, step up and call the dogs of war.
What right wing nitwits conveniently forget, is that the BEST prevention to a nuclear Iran was Saddam Hussein......and these same nitwits cheered when their hero Chaney....sorry, I meant GWB.....took that checkmate out of the board.
OK, which one of you right wing zealots can openly state that you want an all out war with Iran????
Because, if you refute Obama's wise postponement of an Iranian nuke, a war is the ONLY other alternative.

So, step up and call the dogs of war.
You alrdy have war between Iran and Saudis.....try to keep up
Btw Iran deal only prevents war in your fevered propaganda.......will you be attending the furnerals of people killed by Iranian terrorism with the billions unleashed by this ...course not.......
You alrdy have war between Iran and Saudis.....try to keep up
Btw Iran deal only prevents war in your fevered propaganda.......will you be attending the furnerals of people killed by Iranian terrorism with the billions unleashed by this ...course not.......

Re-read my post laden with a hefty dose of sarcasm.

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