OK Death Penalty Opponents - Now What ?

If we were really concerned about the 8000 murders a year in this country, we would do something about the easy access to guns
I might agree with some of what your saying here, but exactly >> What "easy access" would that be ?
You can never be assured that ANYBODY won't kill. So you might as well just herd the entire human race into automated gas chambers. Automated because you can't leave the gas chamber operator behind -- he's a killer.

You're pretty desperate to avoid the question of the OP, aren't you ?
No, we may NOT as well herd the entire human race into automated gas chambers. Those who get executed, are those who have KILLED. Those who haven't killed, don't get executed. Duh!
It depends.
Now that 2 convicted murderers have escaped from a maximum security prison, which hasn't had a prison break in all of its 150 year history, let's hear from the death penalty opponents, for what they might now do to protect all the people who are now threatened by these 2 escaped killers.

Had these two low-life killers been executed years ago, as they should have, and as other murderers have been executed in Florida and Texas, and other states which have the death penalty, this danger would not now exist. So since the opponents of the death penalty have stopped it from happening to these 2 killers (David Sweat & Richard Matt), they now partially bear the responsibility for what happens while these 2 are out running around, on the loose.

How many people will now lose their lives because all these do-gooders thought these 2 dirtbags had to be spared ? That's another question for the Death Penalty Opponents to answer.

But we still have innocent citizens convicted by circumstantial cases. And, we still have some innocent citizens being released all the time due to the discovery of their innocence by "The Innocence Project" and other groups. In addition, it has been reported lately that thousands of cases are now under review due to faulty lab work that resulted in convictions. So, to we execute everyone sentenced to death without first determining their guilt or innocence? Do we chance executing innocent citizens just because a couple of bad guys escaped? And, who's fault is it that they escaped? Could the state be at fault for allowing them to escape?

There are just too many variables at present to say that "all" sentenced to death should be executed without first determining whether or not they're actually guilty of a crime.

What do you care, we're all doomed anyway.
Ha Ha Ha ... very silly ... also pathetic... anything else that you'd like to add while you're at it?
But we still have innocent citizens convicted by circumstantial cases. And, we still have some innocent citizens being released all the time due to the discovery of their innocence by "The Innocence Project" and other groups. In addition, it has been reported lately that thousands of cases are now under review due to faulty lab work that resulted in convictions. So, to we execute everyone sentenced to death without first determining their guilt or innocence? Do we chance executing innocent citizens just because a couple of bad guys escaped? And, who's fault is it that they escaped? Could the state be at fault for allowing them to escape?

There are just too many variables at present to say that "all" sentenced to death should be executed without first determining whether or not they're actually guilty of a crime.
Lots of faults in this post.

1, I already addressed proof of guilt. Read the thread.

2. We're not just talking about 2 bad guys escaping and many more who might). we're also talking about all the people who could be killed by convicted killers, while they still are in the prison.

3. Your question was about the chance of the killers killing again, when they're not executed.
Nope, I never asked that question.... obviously, you have me mistaken for someone else.
Appeal to Emotion sure is one. :eusa_hand:
There isn't any "Appeal to Emotion" Mr Pretender. It's simply a matter of RISKING the lives of the American people, by not executing killers, or by PROTECTING them, by executing those killers. Looks like you're on the side of RISKING.

Looks like you're on the side of Argumentum ad Premisium Bullshiterium.

I don't know why you're pissing away time on this when you could be doing something constructive, like working with cross tunings. Try GDGD. That's fun.
I don't know why you're pissing away time on this when you could be doing something constructive, like working with cross tunings. Try GDGD. That's fun.
I can't. My mandolin and my violin are both in a pawn shop, and I don't have enough money now to get them out. Also there are 3 guitars, a radio, an amp, and an interface recording box.
"OK Death Penalty Opponents - Now What ?"

This fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy.
If the escaped killers were to kill your family tomorrow, would you call it a "fallacy" ?

1. What might YOU now do to protect all the people who are now threatened by these 2 escaped killers ?

2. How many people will now lose their lives because all these do-gooders thought these 2 dirtbags had to be spared ?
Your thread premise fails as an appeal to consequences fallacy, the result of your ignorance, stupidity, and complete lack of sound reasoning skills.
Now that 2 convicted murderers have escaped from a maximum security prison, which hasn't had a prison break in all of its 150 year history, let's hear from the death penalty opponents, for what they might now do to protect all the people who are now threatened by these 2 escaped killers.

Had these two low-life killers been executed years ago, as they should have, and as other murderers have been executed in Florida and Texas, and other states which have the death penalty, this danger would not now exist. So since the opponents of the death penalty have stopped it from happening to these 2 killers (David Sweat & Richard Matt), they now partially bear the responsibility for what happens while these 2 are out running around, on the loose.

How many people will now lose their lives because all these do-gooders thought these 2 dirtbags had to be spared ? That's another question for the Death Penalty Opponents to answer.


I agree. Why these death row inmates get to sit on death row for decades is beyond me.

Hell. By the time they are executed the families of the victims have probably died of old age.

The travesty of our justice system where they care more about the fucking criminals than they do about the victims and their familes.
By your logic, every criminal should be auto-executed, lest they harm someone later.

Decent people reject that ogic.

Decent people?? WOW I guess the families of the victims weren't decent people nor were the victims.

No murderer should sit on death row for twenty god damned years.
That's not my logic. My logic is that every CONVICTED KILLER (especially vicious ones like these guys) should be executed. Of course, they should, And anyone with an ounce of decency would not put innocent people AT RISK, by not doing that.

What if they didn't actually do what they were convicted of? The problem there is you can't take "backsies" after you've executed them. We've had 154 inmates from Death Row exonerated because they didn't commit the crimes they were convicted of.

Link? That many?

Sorry- 153.

Innocence List of Those Freed From Death Row Death Penalty Information Center
If the escaped killers were to kill your family tomorrow, would you call it a "fallacy" ?

1. What might YOU now do to protect all the people who are now threatened by these 2 escaped killers ?

2. How many people will now lose their lives because all these do-gooders thought these 2 dirtbags had to be spared ?

If you want to make it personal... what if You or a member of your family was wrongly accused of a crime, executed and then we found out later someone else did it?
Ironic coming from an OP that is nothing but a diversion in order to further a disingenuous agenda.
Not ironic, and not disingenuous, while you squirm to avoid the point of the OP, and still haven't addressed it.

Your OP is a disingenuous attempt to place blame where it doesn't belong. That is what is called a diversion by anyone who comprehends the language.
That's not my logic. My logic is that every CONVICTED KILLER (especially vicious ones like these guys) should be executed. Of course, they should, And anyone with an ounce of decency would not put innocent people AT RISK, by not doing that.

What if they didn't actually do what they were convicted of? The problem there is you can't take "backsies" after you've executed them. We've had 154 inmates from Death Row exonerated because they didn't commit the crimes they were convicted of.

Link? That many?

Sorry- 153.

Innocence List of Those Freed From Death Row Death Penalty Information Center

Thank you.
As others have shown, our justice system is seriously broken, so the only sane thing to do is to place a moratorium on the death penalty until it is fixed and we stop sending innocent people to Death Row.

"As others have shown, our justice system is seriously broken, so the only sane thing to do is to place a moratorium on incarceration until it is fixed and we stop sending innocent people to Prison."
As others have shown, our justice system is seriously broken, so the only sane thing to do is to place a moratorium on the death penalty until it is fixed and we stop sending innocent people to Death Row.

"As others have shown, our justice system is seriously broken, so the only sane thing to do is to place a moratorium on incarceration until it is fixed and we stop sending innocent people to Prison."

You can undo a wrongful incarceration.

You can't undo a wrongful execution.
As others have shown, our justice system is seriously broken, so the only sane thing to do is to place a moratorium on the death penalty until it is fixed and we stop sending innocent people to Death Row.

"As others have shown, our justice system is seriously broken, so the only sane thing to do is to place a moratorium on incarceration until it is fixed and we stop sending innocent people to Prison."

You can undo a wrongful incarceration.

You can't undo a wrongful execution.

Not when the guy dies in prison after 40 years, and considering the lower level of scrutiny life sentences get compared to death penalty cases, there are plenty more of those out there than DP ones.
Rational thought from conservatives

We need to kill people so they don't escapre

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