Ok Democrats: What's your story?

Here's the story I would like them to tell.

"President Biden inherited an economy in ruins, a country in flames (literally) and in less than a year and a half, he has created 7 million new jobs, brought unemployment down to 3.6%. He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine, and got us out of a 20 year mess in Afghanistan. "

But since the American Public has the memory of a Goldfish, they've forgotten just how crazy the GOP is.

They'll get a very unforutnate reminder next year.
The independent voter blames COVID for the bad economy Biden inherited. The country was in flames because Democrats ignited the fires. Gains in unemployment have been offset by Biden’s unnecessary restrictions on US Energy which have exacerbated higher energy prices. Same holds true for inflation.
It had better be a good one.

"Former President Barack Obama confidently told reporters on his way out of a Tuesday press conference that Democrats have "got a story to tell" but just need "to tell it" when asked about the party's troubles as the midterm election approaches.

The comments from Obama come amid indications that the upcoming election will result in a Republican victory as gas prices skyrocket, the southern border swells, and President Joe Biden's approval ratings fall."

Obama on Midterms: Dems Have 'Got a Story to Tell, Just Got to Tell It'

  • Inflation is off the charts
  • Due to current inflation, high gas prices and skyrocketing fertilizer costs, food prices will continue to soar through the summer, a loaf of bread might cost $8
  • we are at Defcon 2, the first time since the Cuban missiles crisis
He has rebuilt international alliances that Trump ruined to stand up to Putin's aggression in the Ukraine
Putin owns Biden.

Quid Pro Joe Biden gifted Putin Crimea in 2014 and now is giving Putin more of Ukraine.

Notice that Putin did nothing but cower in fear while Trump was president.

Putin owns Biden.

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