OK, Explain to Me--Logically and Rationally--Why Calling a Country a Bad Name is "Racist"

Are we as Christians in a position to look down at those less fortunate?

How is it "looking down on" Haiti to note the sad state of affairs in Haiti? If you point out to a lazy teen the ways he is failing to improve his life, is that "looking down on" him?
Are we as Christians in a position to look down at those less fortunate?

How is it "looking down on" Haiti to note the sad state of affairs in Haiti? If you point out to a lazy teen the ways he is failing to improve his life, is that "looking down on" him?

You are hosting a dinner party and the cake that your wife made didn't bake all the way through and you think to yourself..."this tastes like shit". Do you say it?
Are we as Christians in a position to look down at those less fortunate?

How is it "looking down on" Haiti to note the sad state of affairs in Haiti? If you point out to a lazy teen the ways he is failing to improve his life, is that "looking down on" him?

You are hosting a dinner party and the cake that your wife made didn't bake all the way through and you think to yourself..."this tastes like shit". Do you say it?
Or while setting in church and you want to argue a point in his or hers oration...
Since when is "shithole" a proper noun or an expression in detail of specifics?
Because our President is racist

Why can't libs ever point to anything Trump has said that is racist except for the shit they make up?
right,,,over these last 2 years, the left has just been claiming that Trump hates everyone, yet have no video evidence of Trump saying,,,I Hate N----rs and Sp-------cs.
Well he does have a bad case of arrogance...

He's not arrogant. He's just better than you!
Because our President is racist

Why can't libs ever point to anything Trump has said that is racist except for the shit they make up?
right,,,over these last 2 years, the left has just been claiming that Trump hates everyone, yet have no video evidence of Trump saying,,,I Hate N----rs and Sp-------cs.
Well he does have a bad case of arrogance...

He's not arrogant. He's just better than you!
He does make me look thinner....
Because our President is racist

Why can't libs ever point to anything Trump has said that is racist except for the shit they make up?
right,,,over these last 2 years, the left has just been claiming that Trump hates everyone, yet have no video evidence of Trump saying,,,I Hate N----rs and Sp-------cs.
Well he does have a bad case of arrogance...

He's not arrogant. He's just better than you!
He does make me look thinner....

You don't look any smarter. :D
In your opinion, would it be a bad thing if the President of the US were a racist?

Did you really just ask me that? Did you really? Are you, like, what, 12, and that's what your juvenile brain thought of?

I nominate this reply for inclusion in the Top 10 Most Moronic Replies of 2018.
call Haiti, El Salvador and some parts of Africa shithole countries

then say we should get more people from countries like Norway like he did

and stupid ass trumpbots cant figure out why the world sees that as racist ...

theyre neo-nazi racists just like Trump
Assuming Trump really did call Haiti a "#$%[crap]hole," how and why is that a "racist" comment? Just because someone thinks this or that country is a pile of crap does not mean they are racist. What does calling a country a craphole have to do with the ethnicity of the country's citizens?

Or are we following the irrational standard that any criticism of a predominantly black country is automatically "racist," even if nothing is said about the race of the people of that country?

Are all the liberals who have used far worse terms to describe certain Southern states racists?

Actually, immigration from third world countries or people that immigrate to the US that are not skilled has always been an issue and is discussed at different times. Albeit, not quite in the same language.

For example, when we say Asian the first thing that comes to mind are these intelligent, focused super humans. That is not always the case. It depends on the country. If you have someone that is illiterate in their own language then it is really difficult to learn English. You can't even provide documents in their own language. Then there are the displaced low wage workers that are US citizens like we saw in Florida.

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