OK Folks...Here's what you can expect from the Obama Thugs, These already Happened

On this board how many shouting is white is the superior race do you see and how many shouting black power? So you think the hate is the same on both sides? What more proof do you need?
Where are they shouting white power?

On this board how many shouting is white is the superior race do you see and how many shouting black power? So you think the hate is the same on both sides? What more proof do you need?

Like this board is even remotely indicative of the rest of the country. Puh-lease!


show us the story with that Dean......i dont think that had anything to do with Obama.....

how come Dean runs from simple questions like this?.....is it a lack of Character?......:eusa_eh:

Could stuff like this be phony?

I wouldn't put staging this crap for effect beyond the fucked up zealots in either party.

Not for a minute. That's how far we've fallen.


Translation. I refuse to believe my side would do that. It has to be them trying to Frame us.

Romney signs have been being stolen and Destroyed around my town for 2 months now, and I assure you it's not Conservatives doing it.


I'd love to know the thought process that takes "I wouldn't put staging this crap for effect beyond the fucked up zealots in either party" to "I refuse to believe my side would do that. It has to be them trying to Frame us."

Anyone wanna give this a shot? Step by step, please, walk this one through for me. I'll get the popcorn.

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Oh this will be worse. Just get cocked locked and ready to rock.

Get ready for the worst of it.
Look: Blacks burn down their own neighborhoods - stay away from them, and you don't need to worry. Do you remember the King riots? :eusa_whistle:
What makes me so angry and pardon my french in some of my posts, but this ticks me clean off, is you can't have any liberal these days admit that their side does some bad things.

When that girl carved up her face I know I condemned it. When that murderess blamed the abduction of her children on blacks, I know I condemned it. ETA: and I wasn't alone.

Good grief I miss real Democrats who could take their own Party and people to task in the old days.
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Oh this will be worse. Just get cocked locked and ready to rock.

Get ready for the worst of it.
Look: Blacks burn down their own neighborhoods - stay away from them, and you don't need to worry. Do you remember the King riots? :eusa_whistle:

Hell's bells I remember Detroit on fire as a kid and my parents looking at the tv and saying "who the hell burns down their own neighborhoods?".

I've made some flippant posts to be sure, but cripes I hope there aren't any riots.

Who would think that by electing Obama race relations would be more strained than ever?
I wouldn't be shocked if the DNC pays anarchist white kids, blacks from the ghetto, etc to go out and trash anything with Romney on it. Afterall Romney is taking away their right to college, free stuff, etc....is what they will tell them.
Oh this will be worse. Just get cocked locked and ready to rock.

Get ready for the worst of it.

Election night should see the worst rioting and murdering in this country's history. Those L.A. riots? Child's play.

I would hate to think that Far Right wing Republicans will riot and murder if Obama wins reelection. You apparently think they will.
I wouldn't be shocked if the DNC pays anarchist white kids, blacks from the ghetto, etc to go out and trash anything with Romney on it. Afterall Romney is taking away their right to college, free stuff, etc....is what they will tell them.

Because you thought of it first.

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