OK GOP apologizes for calling food-stamp recipients animals

It was never determined if they were R3publicans, nor where the camera woman was actually located and the Dem's were present, front and center of cameras-
While a planned visit to Tampa by Vice President Joe Biden was nixed, the Democratic Party has flown in some of President Barack Obama's sharpest defenders to steal some of Romney's spotlight and jump in front of television cameras to rebut the Republican vision.

The Democratic National Committee has rented a storefront space just outside the Republican National Convention's security perimeter, which party operatives have dubbed their "war room."

The GOP also had security remove them from the perimeter and issued a statement that such behavior would NOT be tolerated by anyone.

reminds me of when those GOP convention goers threw food at the African American camerawoman. Disgraceful hate on display by those types. No wonder they've been losing national elections.

RNC Attendee Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman - POLITICO.com

Its who the contemporary GObP is. SAD & disgusting.

Well, this would explain a lot. Apparantly, republicans are having visions.....

Don't knock visions, Pale-face.

...and ignored.
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.
Dishonest? More like tit-for-tat. Just because someone is on food stamps at some time, doesn't necessarily make them "dependent". That's a "broad brush" charge and deserved a slap down.
This is getting interesting. The GOP is starting to run out of people to insult. Now, if Trump makes it to the debates, their base will be down to the population of country club members and trailer park dwellers, who are not smart enough to realize that the GOP has been insulting them for years.
Truth isn't insulting, it's just truth. People act like animals when they take handouts and become dependent on them. The logic that applies to wild animals also applies to people, that's a fact.

Which is why no apology was needed and should never have been offered.

Mikey, I really don't bother to read your posts. I don't know why you bother.....

But you do read my posts just like I read yours. You simply can't ignore somebody who makes you think.

Are you stalking me, Mikey?

Still paranoid, I see....first I'm threatening you, then stalking you. Why don't you complain to the moderators so they can tell you my posting patterns don't fit that description?

Mikey, you are drunk again. You tend to get very agressive and nasty when you drink. I'm been playing with you up until now, because you are a pathetic case. But, just like a cat that eventually gets tired of batting a mouse, I am done with you. So, welcome to my REAL ignore list, asshole.

...and lay off the bottle.
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.

Really? Are you saying that Politico is lying?


I'm calling you and Politico liars though you are the bigger liar imo.

FACT: the GOP did not call food stamp recipients animals, you LIE!

FACT: you said, "Republicans hate poor people", you LIE!

FACT: the GOP did not compare food stamp recipients to animals, Politico LIES!

If you are going to lie, then expect to be called out as a liar. How pathetic that your ilk has to resort to lying to support your 'Republicans are racists' talking point.


That's not calling them animals shit for brains.

You idiot, they clearly are comparing people to animals. Most adults receiving assistance with food are working.
Well at least, if they did as you suggest, they apologized. The democrat party actually did treat people as animals and has of yet not apologized. I doubt they ever will cause they don't think they did anything wrong.
Liberals just don't understand

Poor people have to suffer if you expect them to get off of welfare. With all those unfilled, good paying jobs in their communities why would they want to work if they can buy lobsters and caviar with their food stamps
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.
The Right cannot tell the difference between the common Offense and the common Defense; why should we expect the Right to understand the difference between Social Animals and Political Animals. Who's Fault is it that the Capitalist Right cannot "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People, with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with.
Liberals just don't understand

Poor people have to suffer if you expect them to get off of welfare. With all those unfilled, good paying jobs in their communities why would they want to work if they can buy lobsters and caviar with their food stamps
Conservatives just don't understand

Poor people are being told to sign up for social goods and social services to help Capitalists with their bottom line.
This is getting interesting. The GOP is starting to run out of people to insult. Now, if Trump makes it to the debates, their base will be down to the population of country club members and trailer park dwellers, who are not smart enough to realize that the GOP has been insulting them for years.
Truth isn't insulting, it's just truth. People act like animals when they take handouts and become dependent on them. The logic that applies to wild animals also applies to people, that's a fact.

Which is why no apology was needed and should never have been offered.
We provide for wild animals under our control on pubic lands and National Parks when nature takes away nourishment during blizzards, water during droughts, etc. That is how we keep our wildlife healthy and maintain balance on our public lands. What you are suggesting is that we provide less care for human beings than we do our animals.

You talk as if people have a choice in the matter. They are taxed and then their taxes are redistributed to animals....um, I mean welfare people. People need to learn to survive on their own because it's unfair to steal from the producers to give it to those who don't want to work. That's how it works in the animal kingdom and it makes sense in the human kingdom too.
The American people decided long ago that they did not want other Americans to suffer from hunger in a nation that produces an abundance of food. Enough Americans are educated to realize it is financially beneficial to feed the vulnerable, the unemployed, the disabled, the elderly, etc. than to pay the cost of massive malnutrition and other harms inflicted on society when hunger prevails.
It is the mean spirited and bitter among us that objects to helping these vulnerable and unfortunate citizens. The greedy and hateful would make 98 old people and kids suffer to prevent 2 undeserving individuals from receiving some free meals or abusing the system.
This is getting interesting. The GOP is starting to run out of people to insult. Now, if Trump makes it to the debates, their base will be down to the population of country club members and trailer park dwellers, who are not smart enough to realize that the GOP has been insulting them for years.
Truth isn't insulting, it's just truth. People act like animals when they take handouts and become dependent on them. The logic that applies to wild animals also applies to people, that's a fact.

Which is why no apology was needed and should never have been offered.
We provide for wild animals under our control on pubic lands and National Parks when nature takes away nourishment during blizzards, water during droughts, etc. That is how we keep our wildlife healthy and maintain balance on our public lands. What you are suggesting is that we provide less care for human beings than we do our animals.

You talk as if people have a choice in the matter. They are taxed and then their taxes are redistributed to animals....um, I mean welfare people. People need to learn to survive on their own because it's unfair to steal from the producers to give it to those who don't want to work. That's how it works in the animal kingdom and it makes sense in the human kingdom too.
The American people decided long ago that they did not want other Americans to suffer from hunger in a nation that produces an abundance of food. Enough Americans are educated to realize it is financially beneficial to feed the vulnerable, the unemployed, the disabled, the elderly, etc. than to pay the cost of massive malnutrition and other harms inflicted on society when hunger prevails.
It is the mean spirited and bitter among us that objects to helping these vulnerable and unfortunate citizens. The greedy and hateful would make 98 old people and kids suffer to prevent 2 undeserving individuals from receiving some of free meals or abusing the system.
All to protect the one percent from having to pay more taxes
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.
The Right cannot tell the difference between the common Offense and the common Defense; why should we expect the Right to understand the difference between Social Animals and Political Animals. Who's Fault is it that the Capitalist Right cannot "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People, with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with.

You write some really poetic bullshit. Mebbe you can get it published.
This is how far the GOP has sunk:

Oklahoma GOP apologizes for post comparing food stamp recipients to animals - Eliza Collins - POLITICO

Oh, well, at least they apologized, cuz that was not their "intention". Children will be children, you know.

From the link:

The Oklahoma Republican Party apologized on Tuesday for a Facebook post in which it appeared the organization was comparing food stamp recipients to dependent animals.

The Monday post, which has since been taken down, first sarcastically declared that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is proud to be distributing a record number of food stamps. It then said, “Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us ‘Please Do Not Feed the Animals.’ Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.’ Thus ends today’s lesson in irony ?#?OKGOP?”

It’s not clear who authored the post, which was shared almost 2,000 times with nearly 1,000 comments. Many of the commenters were not pleased.

Oklahoma Democrats also took to Twitter to blast the statement.

Oklahoma state Rep. Emily Virgin tweeted, “Many OK teachers, correctional officers, college students, and single mothers qualify for food stamps. OK GOP’s statement is disgusting.” She also retweeted other lawmakers and constituents who were unhappy.

“My thoughts on the offensive remarks leveled at Oklahoma citizens today by the OKGOP. Unbelievable!” Oklahoma State House Democratic Leader Scott Inman tweeted.

On Tuesday, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon apologized.

“Last night, there was a post on our OKGOP Facebook page, and it was misinterpreted by many. I offer my apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention,” Brogdon said.

So, two take-aways from this:

The OK GOP has no control over it's own website, or it is just plain old lying.

Republicans hate poor people.

The end.
The Right cannot tell the difference between the common Offense and the common Defense; why should we expect the Right to understand the difference between Social Animals and Political Animals. Who's Fault is it that the Capitalist Right cannot "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People, with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with.

You write some really poetic bullshit. Mebbe you can get it published.
No, thank you. I am being a socialist for free on this one. Why not reciprocate with poetic rebuttals instead of diversion?
Why can the Capital Right not provide a plan to make more money under our form of Capitalism with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with. Has the Right been lying to us about Capitalism.
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.
Dishonest? More like tit-for-tat. Just because someone is on food stamps at some time, doesn't necessarily make them "dependent". That's a "broad brush" charge and deserved a slap down.

A simple point was being made noting what occurs in nature then the assholes on the left twisted IT into a 'gotcha' and started trolling. If you need the hypocrisy pointed out to you assholes on the left are all the time pointing to animal behavior in nature to justify gays humping each other in the butt. OH.....SNAPPPPPP!!
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.
Dishonest? More like tit-for-tat. Just because someone is on food stamps at some time, doesn't necessarily make them "dependent". That's a "broad brush" charge and deserved a slap down.

A simple point was being made noting what occurs in nature then the assholes on the left twisted IT into a 'gotcha' and started trolling. If you need the hypocrisy pointed out to you assholes on the left are all the time pointing to animal behavior in nature to justify gays humping each other in the butt. OH.....SNAPPPPPP!!
Conservatives routinely use this analogy to define welfare

It is repulsive
Ah, another dishonest broad brushing thread.

Really? Are you saying that Politico is lying?


I'm calling you and Politico liars though you are the bigger liar imo.

FACT: the GOP did not call food stamp recipients animals, you LIE!

FACT: you said, "Republicans hate poor people", you LIE!

FACT: the GOP did not compare food stamp recipients to animals, Politico LIES!

If you are going to lie, then expect to be called out as a liar. How pathetic that your ilk has to resort to lying to support your 'Republicans are racists' talking point.


That's not calling them animals shit for brains.

You idiot, they clearly are comparing people to animals. Most adults receiving assistance with food are working.

No stupid they are talking about an observed scientific behavior in nature and saying hold on, look what happens elsewhere in nature, now look at what's happened to people as a result of all the government hand outs. Just leave the thinking to the adults and by that I mean conservatives.
I wouldn't have called them animals. I'd be a little more specific and call them parasites. That's more accurate.
Really? Are you saying that Politico is lying?


I'm calling you and Politico liars though you are the bigger liar imo.

FACT: the GOP did not call food stamp recipients animals, you LIE!

FACT: you said, "Republicans hate poor people", you LIE!

FACT: the GOP did not compare food stamp recipients to animals, Politico LIES!

If you are going to lie, then expect to be called out as a liar. How pathetic that your ilk has to resort to lying to support your 'Republicans are racists' talking point.


That's not calling them animals shit for brains.

You idiot, they clearly are comparing people to animals. Most adults receiving assistance with food are working.

No stupid they are talking about an observed scientific behavior in nature and saying hold on, look what happens elsewhere in nature, now look at what's happened to people as a result of all the government hand outs. Just leave the thinking to the adults and by that I mean conservatives.

When you compare people to animals, you are calling them animals, you idiot. There is nothing scientific about their comparison. As I have already stated, most people receiving assistance have jobs. We're not talking about people too lazy to work, we're talking about people living off low wages. Idiot.
Really? Are you saying that Politico is lying?


I'm calling you and Politico liars though you are the bigger liar imo.

FACT: the GOP did not call food stamp recipients animals, you LIE!

FACT: you said, "Republicans hate poor people", you LIE!

FACT: the GOP did not compare food stamp recipients to animals, Politico LIES!

If you are going to lie, then expect to be called out as a liar. How pathetic that your ilk has to resort to lying to support your 'Republicans are racists' talking point.


That's not calling them animals shit for brains.

You idiot, they clearly are comparing people to animals. Most adults receiving assistance with food are working.

No stupid they are talking about an observed scientific behavior in nature and saying hold on, look what happens elsewhere in nature, now look at what's happened to people as a result of all the government hand outs. Just leave the thinking to the adults and by that I mean conservatives.
You aren't educating anyone. You are only showing and proving the point that a faction of conservative thinkers do not comprehend or accept the difference between animals and human beings. The fact is, if you used your methods on domesticated animals or even wild animals under your control you would be arrested for animal cruelty or negligence.

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