OK. GOP leads the way in dishonesty...again.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
One thing you can count on the GOP in America's reddest of red states to do is lead the way in deliberate duplicity and pretense. As with so much of the GOP agenda, it's smoke and mirrors, designed not to change the things which need changing, but to create the illusion of doing something to con their supporters out of their votes.

Case in point: The highlight of the GOP's campaign platform in Oklahoma was reducing or completely eliminating the state income tax. Who could be against that, right? I mean, anybody would support a lower tax bill!

Well...they didn't get the Governor's plan through the Legislature this time, which would have offset a reduction in the tax rate by eliminating deductions counted on by most poor people, so they settled for just a straight up reduction in the rate. A mere .25% cut in 2015 and an additional .15% in 2016. Not much, but tax cut anyhow, right? Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill this week to the accompaniment of much self-congratulatory back slapping.

But, here's the sleight of hand: The Oklahoma Constitution requires that any bill passed by the Legislature must address only a single subject. Bills larded with all kinds of other stuff, as we see done in Washington, are un-Constitutional in Oklahoma. The GOP tacked onto the tax cut bill, a levy of $120 million to fix up the crumbling state capitol building, knowing fully well that makes the entire bill un-Constitutional and, hence, unenforceable. They were warned beforehand that a Constitutional challenge is coming, one which is highly likely to prevail, but they went ahead and did it anyhow.

Why? Why would they pass a bill the KNOW will not withstand a court challenge?

That's easy. So they can go to the voters in 2014 and say, "We passed a tax cut bill, just like we promised, but the liberal courts wouldn't let it go through." And their supporters, ignorant of the law, the Constitution or of how devious their GOP legislator's are, will stand up in outrage and hand them another majority in state government.

The voters in Oklahoma are being conned out their votes by a bunch of lying, swindling, cheating charlatan's. But, that seems to the GOP modus operandi wherever they go. Form over substance. Appearance before results. Image more important than anything.

Durant Daily Democrat - Fallin signs law to slash income tax rate in 2015
%%$#@^(IJGBB LLJJHRDB ajwwm mmcjth wndnch,hskebk
nwkamn nb kkjhd lwnvjt lldkwb.
Wnsnt thttys jjhgwcz llllf gnw. nnfref bmkkwkl?
Y ndel bfgqa llpgptr3h!
think a border jumper would be able to make heads or tails of this post

lol, the op has to go back to the drawing board on this thread. I guess the mess in Washington D.C. is short circuiting his brain or something.
God Bless Mary Fallin!

Conservative leaders like this are the reason that a state like Oklahoma can live through 5 years of ZERO at the helm of the Nation and face little to no signs of the staggering O recession!

For every liberal pipe-dreamer in the state there are a half dozen conservative leaders working to keep a state like Oklahoma strong!!!
One thing you can count on the GOP in America's reddest of red states to do is lead the way in deliberate duplicity and pretense. As with so much of the GOP agenda, it's smoke and mirrors, designed not to change the things which need changing, but to create the illusion of doing something to con their supporters out of their votes.

Case in point: The highlight of the GOP's campaign platform in Oklahoma was reducing or completely eliminating the state income tax. Who could be against that, right? I mean, anybody would support a lower tax bill!

Well...they didn't get the Governor's plan through the Legislature this time, which would have offset a reduction in the tax rate by eliminating deductions counted on by most poor people, so they settled for just a straight up reduction in the rate. A mere .25% cut in 2015 and an additional .15% in 2016. Not much, but tax cut anyhow, right? Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill this week to the accompaniment of much self-congratulatory back slapping.

But, here's the sleight of hand: The Oklahoma Constitution requires that any bill passed by the Legislature must address only a single subject. Bills larded with all kinds of other stuff, as we see done in Washington, are un-Constitutional in Oklahoma. The GOP tacked onto the tax cut bill, a levy of $120 million to fix up the crumbling state capitol building, knowing fully well that makes the entire bill un-Constitutional and, hence, unenforceable. They were warned beforehand that a Constitutional challenge is coming, one which is highly likely to prevail, but they went ahead and did it anyhow.

Why? Why would they pass a bill the KNOW will not withstand a court challenge?

That's easy. So they can go to the voters in 2014 and say, "We passed a tax cut bill, just like we promised, but the liberal courts wouldn't let it go through." And their supporters, ignorant of the law, the Constitution or of how devious their GOP legislator's are, will stand up in outrage and hand them another majority in state government.

The voters in Oklahoma are being conned out their votes by a bunch of lying, swindling, cheating charlatan's. But, that seems to the GOP modus operandi wherever they go. Form over substance. Appearance before results. Image more important than anything.

Durant Daily Democrat - Fallin signs law to slash income tax rate in 2015

This seems typical of Oklahoma republicans, such as with the ‘personhood’ legislation last year that was clearly un-Constitutional, and struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court accordingly.

Indeed, we see republicans in other states playing this game: they enact measures they know full-well to be un-Constitutional just to provoke a court challenge and generate talking points for election year stump speeches.

And all with the same idiotic, ignorant theme: the will of the people was ‘overturned’ by liberal judges legislating from the bench.
Yeah yeah yeah, that was Oklahoma. What about the freaking Country? When will the whining end and the responsibility for supporting the Hussein administration begin?
One thing you can count on the GOP in America's reddest of red states to do is lead the way in deliberate duplicity and pretense. As with so much of the GOP agenda, it's smoke and mirrors, designed not to change the things which need changing, but to create the illusion of doing something to con their supporters out of their votes.

Case in point: The highlight of the GOP's campaign platform in Oklahoma was reducing or completely eliminating the state income tax. Who could be against that, right? I mean, anybody would support a lower tax bill!

Well...they didn't get the Governor's plan through the Legislature this time, which would have offset a reduction in the tax rate by eliminating deductions counted on by most poor people, so they settled for just a straight up reduction in the rate. A mere .25% cut in 2015 and an additional .15% in 2016. Not much, but tax cut anyhow, right? Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill this week to the accompaniment of much self-congratulatory back slapping.

But, here's the sleight of hand: The Oklahoma Constitution requires that any bill passed by the Legislature must address only a single subject. Bills larded with all kinds of other stuff, as we see done in Washington, are un-Constitutional in Oklahoma. The GOP tacked onto the tax cut bill, a levy of $120 million to fix up the crumbling state capitol building, knowing fully well that makes the entire bill un-Constitutional and, hence, unenforceable. They were warned beforehand that a Constitutional challenge is coming, one which is highly likely to prevail, but they went ahead and did it anyhow.

Why? Why would they pass a bill the KNOW will not withstand a court challenge?

That's easy. So they can go to the voters in 2014 and say, "We passed a tax cut bill, just like we promised, but the liberal courts wouldn't let it go through." And their supporters, ignorant of the law, the Constitution or of how devious their GOP legislator's are, will stand up in outrage and hand them another majority in state government.

The voters in Oklahoma are being conned out their votes by a bunch of lying, swindling, cheating charlatan's. But, that seems to the GOP modus operandi wherever they go. Form over substance. Appearance before results. Image more important than anything.

Durant Daily Democrat - Fallin signs law to slash income tax rate in 2015

This seems typical of Oklahoma republicans, such as with the ‘personhood’ legislation last year that was clearly un-Constitutional, and struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court accordingly.

Indeed, we see republicans in other states playing this game: they enact measures they know full-well to be un-Constitutional just to provoke a court challenge and generate talking points for election year stump speeches.

And all with the same idiotic, ignorant theme: the will of the people was ‘overturned’ by liberal judges legislating from the bench.

Yeah, and they did it with their anti-Shaira law and most of their anti-illegal legislation.

But, apparently this thread tickled a raw nerve on the right because they all seem to be acting like they don't understand it. Or...maybe they really don't. With minds liquified by Rush and Glenn for years, reading comprehension probably has suffered.
Let's see. IRS scandal. AP scandal. Bengahzi scandal. All of this created by the GOP? Yeah... Let me sell you some swamp land.
And there infrastructure is falling apart lol...AND they get $1.30 fed tax money back from blue states for every dollar they put in....Pubs are a total catastrophe except for the greedy idiot rich...
One thing you can count on the GOP in America's reddest of red states to do is lead the way in deliberate duplicity and pretense. As with so much of the GOP agenda, it's smoke and mirrors, designed not to change the things which need changing, but to create the illusion of doing something to con their supporters out of their votes.

Case in point: The highlight of the GOP's campaign platform in Oklahoma was reducing or completely eliminating the state income tax. Who could be against that, right? I mean, anybody would support a lower tax bill!

Well...they didn't get the Governor's plan through the Legislature this time, which would have offset a reduction in the tax rate by eliminating deductions counted on by most poor people, so they settled for just a straight up reduction in the rate. A mere .25% cut in 2015 and an additional .15% in 2016. Not much, but tax cut anyhow, right? Gov. Mary Fallin signed the bill this week to the accompaniment of much self-congratulatory back slapping.

But, here's the sleight of hand: The Oklahoma Constitution requires that any bill passed by the Legislature must address only a single subject. Bills larded with all kinds of other stuff, as we see done in Washington, are un-Constitutional in Oklahoma. The GOP tacked onto the tax cut bill, a levy of $120 million to fix up the crumbling state capitol building, knowing fully well that makes the entire bill un-Constitutional and, hence, unenforceable. They were warned beforehand that a Constitutional challenge is coming, one which is highly likely to prevail, but they went ahead and did it anyhow.

Why? Why would they pass a bill the KNOW will not withstand a court challenge?

That's easy. So they can go to the voters in 2014 and say, "We passed a tax cut bill, just like we promised, but the liberal courts wouldn't let it go through." And their supporters, ignorant of the law, the Constitution or of how devious their GOP legislator's are, will stand up in outrage and hand them another majority in state government.

The voters in Oklahoma are being conned out their votes by a bunch of lying, swindling, cheating charlatan's. But, that seems to the GOP modus operandi wherever they go. Form over substance. Appearance before results. Image more important than anything.

Durant Daily Democrat - Fallin signs law to slash income tax rate in 2015

This seems typical of Oklahoma republicans, such as with the ‘personhood’ legislation last year that was clearly un-Constitutional, and struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court accordingly.

Indeed, we see republicans in other states playing this game: they enact measures they know full-well to be un-Constitutional just to provoke a court challenge and generate talking points for election year stump speeches.

And all with the same idiotic, ignorant theme: the will of the people was ‘overturned’ by liberal judges legislating from the bench.

Yeah, and they did it with their anti-Shaira law and most of their anti-illegal legislation.

But, apparently this thread tickled a raw nerve on the right because they all seem to be acting like they don't understand it. Or...maybe they really don't. With minds liquified by Rush and Glenn for years, reading comprehension probably has suffered.
We on the right are just too smart to believe stupid dribble from stupid libtards.
Let's see. IRS scandal. AP scandal. Bengahzi scandal. All of this created by the GOP? Yeah... Let me sell you some swamp land.

Yup, all old news dredged up again, and the WH can't have any IRS control since Nixon actually DID go after opponents...

We know. Pub dupes did all this. This admin is as pure as extra virgin olive oil.

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