OK. GOP leads the way in dishonesty...again.

I notice nobody from the right is trying to defend this.

Know why? Because they can't!
This seems typical of Oklahoma republicans, such as with the ‘personhood’ legislation last year that was clearly un-Constitutional, and struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court accordingly.

Indeed, we see republicans in other states playing this game: they enact measures they know full-well to be un-Constitutional just to provoke a court challenge and generate talking points for election year stump speeches.

And all with the same idiotic, ignorant theme: the will of the people was ‘overturned’ by liberal judges legislating from the bench.

Yeah, and they did it with their anti-Shaira law and most of their anti-illegal legislation.

But, apparently this thread tickled a raw nerve on the right because they all seem to be acting like they don't understand it. Or...maybe they really don't. With minds liquified by Rush and Glenn for years, reading comprehension probably has suffered.
We on the right are just too smart to believe stupid dribble from stupid libtards.

This makes no sense whatsoever.

Not that you would, but one is free to do a search for the ‘protest legislation’ passed by Oklahoma republicans and republicans in other states, legislation clearly un-Constitutional.
Let's see. IRS scandal. AP scandal. Bengahzi scandal. All of this created by the GOP? Yeah... Let me sell you some swamp land.

I agree!

Doesn't it strike you funny that these "GOP fabricated" scandals are done INSIDE THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION???

I mean if the GOP is that smart and swift to create this scandals, why did they lose two elections in a row?

A group THAT devious... that ingenious to plant rogues in these scandals and in the case of Benghazi.. is it correct that the GOP contracted with
the film maker to make that film months ago and at the same time had contracted with terrorists to storm the Benghazi embassy?
And then all without Holder/Obama 's awareness plant phony stories about the AP wire taps?
I mean either the GOP are the idiots you liberal/Democrats accuse them of being AND the GOP had nothing to do with GOP created scandals..OR
the liberal/Democrats are way too stupid to be running the country if they can let these devious GOP create these scandals!

It can't be both ways!

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