OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
A POTUS can control a virus by allocating critical medical supplies, providing funding to hard hit areas, encouraging social distancing and masks

Something a LEADER would do

While president Trump was attempting that dickhead asshole Dem leaders were attacking him for it and calling him a racist FACT! Hence, rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
FACT? Link please.

As far as I know, no one called Trump a racist for mask use social distancing, or banning flights from certain parts of the world..,or allocating medical supplies.

It is truly amazing how ill informed you are.

After Calling Trump a Racist, Now Nancy Pelosi Suddenly Supports Halting Flights from China
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started she has done a 180.

2 months ago
April 27, 2020
Warner Todd Huston

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started, but all of a sudden, she has done a 180 and now supports the halt.

Even more hypocritically, she is also now accusing Trump of not doing enough to stop travel from China!
Does she think no one remembers only a month ago?
Pelosi’s whiplash-inducing turn around came on Sunday when sold-out CNN personality Jake Tapper brought up Trump’s temporary travel ban.

Tell that to the Governors of Texas and Florida that just closed the bars.
Well...........they need to reconsider........or the people there may just vote their butts out in elections...........

More small businesses will fall as a result............from a virus that we could never stop.

New York state already opened up to phase 2 and 3.
They waited until the numbers dictated reopening, instead of Trump politics opening the states up before they had it under control.
Do you deny Dem leaders attacked Trump, called him a racist for stopping travel from China while they told their citizens to continue on as normal riding the subways. Because they are on video doing exactly that. Why do I even bother talking to the left they do nothing but lie and fabricate BS.
You are only giving half the story. You confuse early democratic reactions (when they weren't privy to what was happening in China) to Trumps later reaction when he was being briefed continuously throughout January and February by the NSC on what was actually going on in China.

Democrats said everything was O.K. out of early ignorance. Trump said everything was O.K. knowing it wasn't, and just hoping it would go away on it's own.

I'm done with you, you may go now I give you permission.
You follow the leader you have, and not the leader you want.
Not according to Dem state and federal leaders. Well, you know unless it's a convenient way to blame Trump for YOUR failures. This is why we hate the Dem's guts they are assholes without worth.
When Trump refused to lead, the Governors had to lead the way. Which is why the reaction was so different from state to state. This pandemic is like a war. And in a war you don't want 50 different generals fighting with no coordination.

Stop lying you hack. Dem leaders are on video opposing president Trump's decisions and recommendations. Why? Because they thought it was a convenient opportunity to paint Trump as a racist. Then the virus slammed into these same Dem cities and they shit their pants. Now typical of asshole worthless scumbag Dems they are trying to re-write history. Go deal with your nursing home DEATH nightmare and stop bothering us. :eusa_hand:

He's not the one who is lying, hack. The Democrats opposed Trump's wrong headed decisions because they were the WRONG THING TO DO TO BATTLE THE VIRUS. There are reasons why no other country banned travel from China, who sold all American supplies of PPE's to China, who refused the WHO tests, and let people it the country without first testing them.

The left has no need to paint Trump as a racist. He does that all by himself, every time he talks about race relations. He has yet to even utter the name of ONE of the black people murdered by the police, or to publically condemn police actions.

Now, typical of asshole worthless scumbag Repugs, they are trying to deflect blame for the 126,000 deaths from covid19 onto Democrats. As always, Republicans are never responsible for the messes they create. Hell they even blame Hurricane Katrina on Obama, even though Katrina was 2005, and Obama was a Senator at the time. But you can bet that when Democrats clean this mess, Republicans will take credit for their work.
There are reasons why no other country banned travel from China, who sold all American supplies of PPE's to China, who refused the WHO tests,

You once again you prove you are A LYING PIECE OF HUMAN SHIT. Why do you think you can get away with this bullshit, Moron?

Partial list of other countries who banned travel from China.

U.S., Other Countries Ban Recent Travelers From China Over Coronavirus

Trump didn't refuse WHO tests:

And I have no fucking clue what you mean by "sold all American supplies of PPE to China". That blatant lie doesn't need a link because it is to fucking stupid for Google to find.

ignorant one didn't even know his policy on Nursing homes........he performed a purge on them............and now as normal the leftist here shift the blame to others...........for their own idiocy in policy.......and in this case HE DIDN'T KNOW HIS OWN POLICY.

You probably don't want to look it up, but the percentage of nursing home deaths to total coronavirus fatalities in new york is HALF the national average.
Only because Cuomo did such a shitty job across the board. In total numbers, NY is still off the charts.............thanks to Grim Reaper Cuomo.
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
POTUS controls a virus by either attacking it and taking proper safety measures thus reducing it or by ignoring it and allowing it to spread

So Trump should have jailed Dem leaders in NY who adamantly told residents there was nothing to fear and that Trump was just being a racist?
Talk about a towering strawman...don’t light a match...

I'm simply mocking the Dem flip flops. Dem leaders used the virus to fling political attacks at president Trump. When the virus started killing their residents shocker they tried blaming Trump for their failures.
I know you’re totally right. We must always remember rule number one of Trump club.... if something goes wrong blame others, if something goes well take credit. Never apologize and never own it. It’s very simple

Translation I struck a raw nerve with the truth.
He didn’t know his own policy, do you consider that a bad thing? I for one do, leaders should know what policies their subordinates are enforcing. Can we review policies that trump doesn’t know anything about after we are done with Cuomo?

He was responsible.........those were known as the most vulnerable.........and they put infected in Nursing homes........didn't end well did it..........So yeah..........that is a BAD THING.

New Yorks nursing home fatalities as a percent of total coronavirus fatalities is HALF the national average.

Doesn't that mean anything?
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
A POTUS can control a virus by allocating critical medical supplies, providing funding to hard hit areas, encouraging social distancing and masks

Something a LEADER would do

While president Trump was attempting that dickhead asshole Dem leaders were attacking him for it and calling him a racist FACT! Hence, rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
FACT? Link please.

As far as I know, no one called Trump a racist for mask use social distancing, or banning flights from certain parts of the world..,or allocating medical supplies.

It is truly amazing how ill informed you are.

After Calling Trump a Racist, Now Nancy Pelosi Suddenly Supports Halting Flights from China
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started she has done a 180.

2 months ago
April 27, 2020
Warner Todd Huston

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started, but all of a sudden, she has done a 180 and now supports the halt.

Even more hypocritically, she is also now accusing Trump of not doing enough to stop travel from China!
Does she think no one remembers only a month ago?
Pelosi’s whiplash-inducing turn around came on Sunday when sold-out CNN personality Jake Tapper brought up Trump’s temporary travel ban.

Either the left are stupid and uninformed or they pretend to be stupid and uninformed to avoid admitting the truth. That's not some obscure Democrat that is the Speaker of House.
Democrats said everything was O.K. out of early ignorance. Trump said everything was O.K. knowing it wasn't, and just hoping it would go away on it's own.
I'm done with you, you may go now I give you permission.

Why are you ignoring (or should I say running away) from your example of early democratic ignorance, as in their only source of information was the newspapers. Compared to Trump knowing what was happening in China because the NSC told him what was going on throughout January and February, and Trump saying everything in China was under control.

Trump even praised President Xi for doing a fine job with the pandemic.
If you vote for Biden you will really be voting for whichever black female he picks as his running mate. If by some far fetched chance Biden was to win, the dems would declare him unfit on day 2 of his term and put his VP in charge of this country. do you really want Willie Browns squeeze toy running the country?

What would we get from a President Biden?

- Massive jobs killing tax increases check.
- Destruction of oil, gas, and coal so sky high monthly fuel and energy bills check.
- Amnesty for 10's of millions of illegals who will go on welfare paid for by the tax increases check.
- Riots, looting, burning check.

Why vote for that??
Have you heard Joe Biden say any of those things?

Lib please not only Joe Biden but the entire Dem leadership that's why you people can rot in hell as far as I'm concerned :eusa_hand:

3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents crashed the economy. 40 years of Republican tax codes, fiscal policies, and law and order policing has left the nation broke, sick and unemployed - again.

How long are you going to let these liars, crooks and thieves tell you that Democrats will ruin your life?

Another lie. What are you allergic to the truth or something??

Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


Take a good look at the unemployment chart, and where all those peaks and valleys are located. The grey areas are the recessions. Every Republican President has his own recession. W has 2 of them. Every Republican President has his own stock market crash except Bush 41, but he was a one-term President.

The unemployment rate shows a steady decline under both Clinton and Obama. Obama had to get the economy back on track after W's crash, but from there the unemployment rate is a steady decline, until Trump crashed the economy again. If the chart continued through to today, the spike in unemployment would be right off this chart - today's rate being in excess of 13%.

But keep believing that it's the Democrats who are bringing the working people to their knees, time after time.
He didn’t know his own policy, do you consider that a bad thing? I for one do, leaders should know what policies their subordinates are enforcing. Can we review policies that trump doesn’t know anything about after we are done with Cuomo?

He was responsible.........those were known as the most vulnerable.........and they put infected in Nursing homes........didn't end well did it..........So yeah..........that is a BAD THING.

New Yorks nursing home fatalities as a percent of total coronavirus fatalities is HALF the national average.

Doesn't that mean anything?
It means Cuomo really sucked overall.
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
A POTUS can control a virus by allocating critical medical supplies, providing funding to hard hit areas, encouraging social distancing and masks

Something a LEADER would do

While president Trump was attempting that dickhead asshole Dem leaders were attacking him for it and calling him a racist FACT! Hence, rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
FACT? Link please.

As far as I know, no one called Trump a racist for mask use social distancing, or banning flights from certain parts of the world..,or allocating medical supplies.

It is truly amazing how ill informed you are.

After Calling Trump a Racist, Now Nancy Pelosi Suddenly Supports Halting Flights from China
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started she has done a 180.

2 months ago
April 27, 2020
Warner Todd Huston

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started, but all of a sudden, she has done a 180 and now supports the halt.

Even more hypocritically, she is also now accusing Trump of not doing enough to stop travel from China!
Does she think no one remembers only a month ago?
Pelosi’s whiplash-inducing turn around came on Sunday when sold-out CNN personality Jake Tapper brought up Trump’s temporary travel ban.

Either the left are stupid and uninformed or they pretend to be stupid and uninformed to avoid admitting the truth. That's not some obscure Democrat that is the Speaker of House.
And just one example. The leftists media that feeds Coyote her thoughts called him racist for weeks.
Only because Cuomo did such a shitty job across the board. In total numbers, NY is still off the charts.............thanks to Grim Reaper Cuomo.

Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
A POTUS can control a virus by allocating critical medical supplies, providing funding to hard hit areas, encouraging social distancing and masks

Something a LEADER would do

While president Trump was attempting that dickhead asshole Dem leaders were attacking him for it and calling him a racist FACT! Hence, rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
FACT? Link please.

As far as I know, no one called Trump a racist for mask use social distancing, or banning flights from certain parts of the world..,or allocating medical supplies.

It is truly amazing how ill informed you are.

After Calling Trump a Racist, Now Nancy Pelosi Suddenly Supports Halting Flights from China
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started she has done a 180.

2 months ago
April 27, 2020
Warner Todd Huston

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started, but all of a sudden, she has done a 180 and now supports the halt.

Even more hypocritically, she is also now accusing Trump of not doing enough to stop travel from China!
Does she think no one remembers only a month ago?
Pelosi’s whiplash-inducing turn around came on Sunday when sold-out CNN personality Jake Tapper brought up Trump’s temporary travel ban.

Either the left are stupid and uninformed or they pretend to be stupid and uninformed to avoid admitting the truth. That's not some obscure Democrat that is the Speaker of House.
And just one example. The leftists media that feeds Coyote her thoughts called him racist for weeks.

And yet that poster is pretending she never heard anyone on the left call Trump a racist. Talk about zero credibility.
He didn’t know his own policy, do you consider that a bad thing? I for one do, leaders should know what policies their subordinates are enforcing. Can we review policies that trump doesn’t know anything about after we are done with Cuomo?

It's federal policy to require nursing homes to take back patients after they finished treatment in hospitals. Of course, those nursing homes were supposed to treat infected patients separately form the non-infected persons in their care, or, in case that's not possible, to contact the authorities to relocate the infected to another nursing hope able to do it. But in Rightardia, Cuomo created those petri dishes. They won't stop lying and howling about it.
Only because Cuomo did such a shitty job across the board. In total numbers, NY is still off the charts.............thanks to Grim Reaper Cuomo.

Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
New York has more than 1/4 of the total deaths in the US, Dummy.

People are still dying every day because of Cuomo's incompetence.

Over the last month, new cases per day in New York:

The number, despite increased testing has been going DOWN every week.

But the numbers in Florida

And Georgia
Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
New York has more than 1/4 of the total deaths in the US, Dummy.

People are still dying every day because of Cuomo's incompetence.
Pay attention, I asked about NEW cases, not total cases.
Total cases are HISTORY, like talking about all the americans who died in war, instead of the number currently being killed.

I posted the current new case number (i'm still working on new deaths) and New York is easily in the bottom third per capita, and getting better every week.
It's federal policy to require nursing homes to take back patients after they finished treatment in hospitals. Of course, those nursing homes were supposed to treat infected patients separately form the non-infected persons in their care, or, in case that's not possible, to contact the authorities to relocate the infected to another nursing hope able to do it. But in Rightardia, Cuomo created those petri dishes. They won't stop lying and howling about it.


Cuomo signed an order (as did several other blue state Governors).

There was merely guidance by federal agencies and not a mandate, unlike Cuomo's arch 25 mandate.

The CDC's guidance at the time of the March 25 state order was that COVID-19 patients who are medically stable can be discharged from a hospital to a nursing home, but only if the nursing home can implement all recommended infection control procedures.
CMS, a federal agency that regulates nursing homes, issued similar guidance, and also said that preferably, coronoavirus patients should be cared for in a dedicated unit.
Like CDC and CMS, the state Health Department said only those patients who are medically stable can be discharged, and also recommended that nursing homes consider dedicated units, if possible. The Health Department prohibited nursing homes from requiring a COVID-19 test before admitting a resident, while CMS said new residents should be tested, but did not require it.
But once the state issued its March 25 advisory, nursing home operators said that they felt they had no choice but to accept residents who were either known to be infected or suspected to be. That’s because the March 25 memo did not say anything about making sure that a nursing home can care for a patient before making an admission decision, and said they "must comply with the expedited receipt of residents." In the month following the memo, nursing homes pleaded for relief from the order.

That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
A POTUS can control a virus by allocating critical medical supplies, providing funding to hard hit areas, encouraging social distancing and masks

Something a LEADER would do

While president Trump was attempting that dickhead asshole Dem leaders were attacking him for it and calling him a racist FACT! Hence, rot in hell. :eusa_hand:
FACT? Link please.

As far as I know, no one called Trump a racist for mask use social distancing, or banning flights from certain parts of the world..,or allocating medical supplies.

It is truly amazing how ill informed you are.

After Calling Trump a Racist, Now Nancy Pelosi Suddenly Supports Halting Flights from China
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started she has done a 180.

2 months ago
April 27, 2020
Warner Todd Huston

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump a “racist” for halting travel from China as the coronavirus started, but all of a sudden, she has done a 180 and now supports the halt.

Even more hypocritically, she is also now accusing Trump of not doing enough to stop travel from China!
Does she think no one remembers only a month ago?
Pelosi’s whiplash-inducing turn around came on Sunday when sold-out CNN personality Jake Tapper brought up Trump’s temporary travel ban.

Either the left are stupid and uninformed or they pretend to be stupid and uninformed to avoid admitting the truth. That's not some obscure Democrat that is the Speaker of House.
Great. But there a problem with your article. It claims Pelosi called him racist for banning travel from China, but the only quote it has from does not say that. Care to try again?

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