OK, I admit this proves Biden has Dementia

Only because Cuomo did such a shitty job across the board. In total numbers, NY is still off the charts.............thanks to Grim Reaper Cuomo.

Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
New York has more than 1/4 of the total deaths in the US, Dummy.

People are still dying every day because of Cuomo's incompetence.
Did it ever occur to you that population figures into this?
Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
New York has more than 1/4 of the total deaths in the US, Dummy.

People are still dying every day because of Cuomo's incompetence.
Pay attention, I asked about NEW cases, not total cases.
Total cases are HISTORY, like talking about all the americans who died in war, instead of the number currently being killed.

I posted the current new case number (i'm still working on new deaths) and New York is easily in the bottom third per capita, and getting better every week.
Let me help you out, lil fella. Now, prove this is in the bottom third....................

New York Coronavirus Deaths Per Day is at a current level of 16.00, up from 14.00 yesterday. This is a change of 14.29% from yesterday.

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Red States have been following Trumps lead in downplaying the risk and implementing Social Distancing. After all, the virus was a Blue State problem.

They were wrong
Ironically New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were hit early and hit hard. Without leadership from Trump they had to act on their own. Andrew Cuomo was the first to impost quarantine rules, limit the size of gatherings and imposing a lockdown.

As they say, results speak for themselves. New York flattened and then decreased the coronavirus case load. While states following Trumps cheerleading are experiencing exponential growth and spread.

ignorant one didn't even know his policy on Nursing homes........he performed a purge on them............and now as normal the leftist here shift the blame to others...........for their own idiocy in policy.......and in this case HE DIDN'T KNOW HIS OWN POLICY.

Another bullshit set of lies from right wingers looking to blame others for Trump's failures.

Cuomo followed the guidance regarding nursing homes from the Trump White House. Nursing Home patients require specialized care which hospitals are ill equiped to provide, especially when the hospitals are overwhelmed and short of staff. That's WHY these people are in nursing homes - because of the extreme level of care required.

When hospitalized, nursing home patients tend not to do well, and often get sicker than they would if left in their homes for routine care. What state health officials failed to realize was how ill equipped the nursing homes were in terms of PPE's, staffing and training for dealing with an infectious outbreak.

This went on all over North America is not restricted to New York, or even to Democratic States.

But this is how conseravatives work - fuck things up and then blame others for the damage done.

Joe Scarecrow.jpg
Only because Cuomo did such a shitty job across the board. In total numbers, NY is still off the charts.............thanks to Grim Reaper Cuomo.

Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
New York has more than 1/4 of the total deaths in the US, Dummy.

People are still dying every day because of Cuomo's incompetence.

New York is the only state which has controlled the virus. Cuomo is the only competent governor out there.
Only because Cuomo did such a shitty job across the board. In total numbers, NY is still off the charts.............thanks to Grim Reaper Cuomo.

Off the charts? What are the current new case and new death numbers? And just how far down the list is New York now?
New York has more than 1/4 of the total deaths in the US, Dummy.

People are still dying every day because of Cuomo's incompetence.
Did it ever occur to you that population figures into this?
That's why we can look at deaths per 1M.

Cuomo still sucks sweaty donkey balls.

And yet that poster is pretending she never heard anyone on the left call Trump a racist. Talk about zero credibility.

And here you are...still lying (to save face?).

We are talking specifically, about calling Trump’s ban on travel from China, racist. Can’t find it. I do find OTHER references, calling him a racist over other things. So, either admit you are in over your pointy little head, and stop flailing....or show me where they called him a racist for temporarily halting travel from China. I’ll wait:)
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Bu...bu...but Biden said...120 million dead...

Red States have been following Trumps lead in downplaying the risk and implementing Social Distancing. After all, the virus was a Blue State problem.

They were wrong
Ironically New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were hit early and hit hard. Without leadership from Trump they had to act on their own. Andrew Cuomo was the first to impost quarantine rules, limit the size of gatherings and imposing a lockdown.

As they say, results speak for themselves. New York flattened and then decreased the coronavirus case load. While states following Trumps cheerleading are experiencing exponential growth and spread.

ignorant one didn't even know his policy on Nursing homes........he performed a purge on them............and now as normal the leftist here shift the blame to others...........for their own idiocy in policy.......and in this case HE DIDN'T KNOW HIS OWN POLICY.

Another bullshit set of lies from right wingers looking to blame others for Trump's failures.

Cuomo followed the guidance regarding nursing homes from the Trump White House. Nursing Home patients require specialized care which hospitals are ill equiped to provide, especially when the hospitals are overwhelmed and short of staff. That's WHY these people are in nursing homes - because of the extreme level of care required.

When hospitalized, nursing home patients tend not to do well, and often get sicker than they would if left in their homes for routine care. What state health officials failed to realize was how ill equipped the nursing homes were in terms of PPE's, staffing and training for dealing with an infectious outbreak.

This went on all over North America is not restricted to New York, or even to Democratic States.

But this is how conseravatives work - fuck things up and then blame others for the damage done.
Cuomo followed the guidance regarding nursing homes from the Trump White House.

Complete bullshit.

The Trump White House had no nursing home guidance. The CDC did, and they didn't say to put actively infected people into nursing homes.

You are the biggest (by far) lying POS on the innerwebs.
I have been avoiding it, but this video makes it clear Biden has full on drooling dementia. He has no idea what he is saying and can’t string two thoughts together.

Well said Mr Biden. How many dopey trumptards do you think are going to “like” this OP without even watching it?

I watched it. Biden said nothing but gibberish...followed by some soy boy spewing all the Democratic talking points for him. So who is running ? Biden or the nitwit that followed?

You couldn't figure that out? No wonder Rump is your dear leader.
Red States have been following Trumps lead in downplaying the risk and implementing Social Distancing. After all, the virus was a Blue State problem.

They were wrong
Ironically New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were hit early and hit hard. Without leadership from Trump they had to act on their own. Andrew Cuomo was the first to impost quarantine rules, limit the size of gatherings and imposing a lockdown.

As they say, results speak for themselves. New York flattened and then decreased the coronavirus case load. While states following Trumps cheerleading are experiencing exponential growth and spread.

ignorant one didn't even know his policy on Nursing homes........he performed a purge on them............and now as normal the leftist here shift the blame to others...........for their own idiocy in policy.......and in this case HE DIDN'T KNOW HIS OWN POLICY.
He didn’t know his own policy, do you consider that a bad thing? I for one do, leaders should know what policies their subordinates are enforcing. Can we review policies that trump doesn’t know anything about after we are done with Cuomo?

He was responsible.........those were known as the most vulnerable.........and they put infected in Nursing homes........didn't end well did it..........So yeah..........that is a BAD THING.

Trump did all he could for them........was never enough......then they didn't even use the military assets that were sent ......imagine that.

Feds gave guidelines for best practices........actions in States and Cities ........well that is on them.
Feds gave and are giving guidelines that Trump refuses to follow and now the virus is surging.

Did you happen to see what happened in Italy? Had New York now locked down like they did then they could have been in a similar situation, are you saying they shouldn’t have prepared for the worse by using the military assets?!

From what I’ve read the elderly were sent to nursing homes that had the infrastructure to meet the medical needs of the infected. Those that didn’t have the room or facilities didn’t get patients. Hospitals were over crowding, what alternative would you have chosen?
That is my problem with the "anti-Trumpers".... they measure Trump by the bombastic and, frankly, dumb things he says rather than PERFORMANCE.
"He has failed miserably on controlling the virus!!!"

A POTUS can control a virus?? Do tell us how a POTUS would to that exactly.
POTUS controls a virus by either attacking it and taking proper safety measures thus reducing it or by ignoring it and allowing it to spread

So Trump should have jailed Dem leaders in NY who adamantly told residents there was nothing to fear and that Trump was just being a racist?
Talk about a towering strawman...don’t light a match...

I'm simply mocking the Dem flip flops. Dem leaders used the virus to fling political attacks at president Trump. When the virus started killing their residents shocker they tried blaming Trump for their failures.
I know you’re totally right. We must always remember rule number one of Trump club.... if something goes wrong blame others, if something goes well take credit. Never apologize and never own it. It’s very simple

Translation I struck a raw nerve with the truth.
Thank whatever you want... reality is I was just making fun of you.
But once the state issued its March 25 advisory, nursing home operators said that they felt they had no choice but to accept residents who were either known to be infected or suspected to be. That’s because the March 25 memo did not say anything about making sure that a nursing home can care for a patient before making an admission decision, and said they "must comply with the expedited receipt of residents." In the month following the memo, nursing homes pleaded for relief from the order.

Nursing homes know what the admission rules are. They are not allowed to admit a patient that they aren't prepared to care for. And it's illegal for a hospital to discharge a patient unless the facility they're being released to can provide an adequate level of care.

There is no such thing as dumping patients on a nursing home that didn't certify they could take care of them.

Of course, there is a difference between what a nursing home claims, and what they can provide. If they lied about their certifications, ex: that they had a full time physical therapist, or an EKG machine, that's something beyond the states control.
He didn’t know his own policy, do you consider that a bad thing? I for one do, leaders should know what policies their subordinates are enforcing. Can we review policies that trump doesn’t know anything about after we are done with Cuomo?

He was responsible.........those were known as the most vulnerable.........and they put infected in Nursing homes........didn't end well did it..........So yeah..........that is a BAD THING.

New Yorks nursing home fatalities as a percent of total coronavirus fatalities is HALF the national average.

Doesn't that mean anything?
It means Cuomo really sucked overall.

You're saying it doesn't make it so, Nostra.

New York has the lowest number of cases in the nation right now, and the lowest death rate. They're the only area that is legitimately re-opening, without their cases spiking.

You simply parrot right wing talking points. But the polls said that 75% of New Yorkers approve of how Cuomo handled the outbreak. Imagine that!! Trump's numbers are around 37% right now, and dropping like a stone.

He didn’t know his own policy, do you consider that a bad thing? I for one do, leaders should know what policies their subordinates are enforcing. Can we review policies that trump doesn’t know anything about after we are done with Cuomo?

He was responsible.........those were known as the most vulnerable.........and they put infected in Nursing homes........didn't end well did it..........So yeah..........that is a BAD THING.

New Yorks nursing home fatalities as a percent of total coronavirus fatalities is HALF the national average.

Doesn't that mean anything?
It means Cuomo really sucked overall.

You're saying it doesn't make it so, Nostra.

New York has the lowest number of cases in the nation right now, and the lowest death rate. They're the only area that is legitimately re-opening, without their cases spiking.

You simply parrot right wing talking points. But the polls said that 75% of New Yorkers approve of how Cuomo handled the outbreak. Imagine that!! Trump's numbers are around 37% right now, and dropping like a stone.

New York has the lowest number of cases in the nation right now, and the lowest death rate.

Once again, reality proves you are a lying POS.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths

RCP Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths
StateDeathsDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Confirmed Cases /
1M pop
Seasonal Flu Deaths1
(CDC 10-Year Avg)
New York31,4521,616.8+313,754,722-416,0187.56%21,385.23,408
New Jersey15,0911,699.0+341,367,250-176,0458.57%19,820.0944
North Carolina1,353129.0+6855,131-60,6212.23%5,780.01,430
Rhode Island927875.1-230,508-16,6615.56%15,727.4150
South Carolina711138.1+17370,794-31,9392.23%6,203.3575
District of Columbia548776.5+289,271-10,2165.36%14,475.460
New Mexico491234.2+2322,959-11,6194.23%5,541.2260
New Hampshire367269.9+2134,822-5,7176.42%4,204.6166
Puerto Rico15247.6+113,022-7,0662.15%2,212.5730
West Virginia9352.0+1165,110-2,7823.34%1,556.7343
South Dakota91102.9+378,100-6,6261.37%7,489.9143
North Dakota78102.4-102,519-3,4582.26%4,537.7107
Data Sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY, JHU, RCP | Population: U.S. Census | Seasonal Flu 1: CDC 2008–2018 10-Year Avg

Coronavirus Updates (COVID-19) Deaths & Cases per 1M Population | RealClearPolitics
Let me help you out, lil fella. Now, prove this is in the bottom third....................

New York Coronavirus Deaths Per Day is at a current level of 16.00, up from 14.00 yesterday. This is a change of 14.29% from yesterday.
16 deaths per day in a state with nearly 20 million people?

How does that put New York anywhere near the top of the new death rate?
Let me help you out, lil fella. Now, prove this is in the bottom third....................

New York Coronavirus Deaths Per Day is at a current level of 16.00, up from 14.00 yesterday. This is a change of 14.29% from yesterday.
16 deaths per day in a state with nearly 20 million people?

How does that put New York anywhere near the top of the new death rate?
That wasn't your claim. Don't throw your back out running around with those goal posts, Simpleton.
You're saying it doesn't make it so, Nostra.

New York has the lowest number of cases in the nation right now, and the lowest death rate.

16 to 20 per day ain't bad in a state with 20 million people.

That's literally 1 in a million.

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