Ok I have been searching for my best friend for like 10 years..and I think I found her..

How exciting!

I found my dad after looking about that long. I kept his number in my pocket for days before I called. All I can say is take a deep breath and leave her a message if she doesn't answer.

Good luck!

I didn't leave a call back number..it was a land line and all with hers, I just need to know if she is ok..

To me it's scary when you had a great friend in your youth ( think saint almos fire the movie ) and they are not on FB or anything, you wonder, you don't want to search the orbituries ..

But now I feel like I am stalking..

I think I will wait 4 months or so before I call again..would that be apporitate Deanna?

I really do know how you feel, Bear. It's nerve wracking. But it can be sweet and wonderful. You've waited this long, a bit more time might not hurt, but you just never wait. I believe, for me, I'd call her back right away. Life's too short to fuck around and miss out.

Ok your a girl right? Suppose you had a guy that thought was a friend of yours ..

We were great friends in our youth and all..he turned you down when he was in bed with you .. (he thought making love to you would be like making love to his sister, he just couldn't do it and pulled out)

This guy would forever talk on the phone with you ..he always considered you like a little sister..you disappear forever..he doesn't want sex, he doesn't want to date..

This guy just wants to know if your ok...
CALL HER. And tell her you just want to know that she is happy because your friendship meant alot to you. Then let HER decide whether she wants to renew the friendship.
Leave a message after the beep.

But I didn't give my call back number..we live in a age if people don't want to be found and don't want to be talked to..it takes years of effort to find them again..

I heard her voice..

I think that's all I needed.
She would probably be glad to hear from you. I'd call her back if I were you.

She knows my voice and I know hers..thats why I knew I finnaly found the information..

So if someone calls you out of the blue.. (which I did)

Ok she is ok at 50...i really think I should let it go..if she wanted to find me she could,..
You have already talked yourself out of it.

If I were the woman...I would want to hear from my friend. Whether he turned me down or not..I still would want to hear from him if he was such a good friend. Maybe him not wanting a relationship opened the door where I found my true soul mate..and I would like to thank him. Or, it hurt me, but I got over it but GOSH its good to hear from him.

But thats me.
How exciting!

I found my dad after looking about that long. I kept his number in my pocket for days before I called. All I can say is take a deep breath and leave her a message if she doesn't answer.

Good luck!

I didn't leave a call back number..it was a land line and all with hers, I just need to know if she is ok..

To me it's scary when you had a great friend in your youth ( think saint almos fire the movie ) and they are not on FB or anything, you wonder, you don't want to search the orbituries ..

But now I feel like I am stalking..

I think I will wait 4 months or so before I call again..would that be apporitate Deanna?
You didn't ask me, but I will answer anyway:

You were her friend. She was your friend. WHY WAIT? Call her. Tell her you have thought about her off and on thru the years, and tell her how you found her so she doesn't think you are weird in your later years. Then ask her out for coffee. Not dinner. Just coffee. During the day. In a public place. Ask her if she is married. If so, invite her AND her husband.

I guess I fucked up this thread ( or you can tell i was so deeply in love with her..ok I was ..but past is the past..

I thought she died ..she has a common name..

Gracie I am a tough guy you know that..but I am crying I finnaly after all these years to hear her voice on a answering machine.
CALL HER!!! Its nice that tough guys have a soft heart.

Just call her, ok? If you wait much longer, she MIGHT die. Or you will. Call her and see what happens. You can do it.
How exciting!

I found my dad after looking about that long. I kept his number in my pocket for days before I called. All I can say is take a deep breath and leave her a message if she doesn't answer.

Good luck!

I didn't leave a call back number..it was a land line and all with hers, I just need to know if she is ok..

To me it's scary when you had a great friend in your youth ( think saint almos fire the movie ) and they are not on FB or anything, you wonder, you don't want to search the orbituries ..

But now I feel like I am stalking..

I think I will wait 4 months or so before I call again..would that be apporitate Deanna?
You didn't ask me, but I will answer anyway:

You were her friend. She was your friend. WHY WAIT? Call her. Tell her you have thought about her off and on thru the years, and tell her how you found her so she doesn't think you are weird in your later years. Then ask her out for coffee. Not dinner. Just coffee. During the day. In a public place. Ask her if she is married. If so, invite her AND her husband.

I guess I fucked up this thread ( or you can tell i was so deeply in love with her..ok I was ..but past is the past..

I thought she died ..she has a common name..

Gracie I am a tough guy you know that..but I am crying I finnaly after all these years to hear her voice on a answering machine.

I searched so hard.. but maybe she didn't want to be found..thats what I am scared of the most, I am a clever guy using the net.
Break into her house, hide in her bedroom closet, and, jump out when she gets home. Women love that shit.

Of course they do. Call and say "I'm be there soon" and then hang up about a million times before you break in. Make sure she is excited about the visit.
And maybe she hoped you WOULD find her.
You won't know until you...drumroll....CALL HER.
CALL HER!!! Its nice that tough guys have a soft heart.

Just call her, ok? If you wait much longer, she MIGHT die. Or you will. Call her and see what happens. You can do it.

Ok , I will try...
Keep it light. You will know in the first 60 seconds whether it she is happy to hear from you...or not. My bet is..she will be happy to hear from you.
Hell, my ex husband could call me and I would be thrilled to hear from him. Lots of past crap when we parted but that was then. This is now. We are both much MUCH older. I'd love to hear about his kids and his life.
How exciting!

I found my dad after looking about that long. I kept his number in my pocket for days before I called. All I can say is take a deep breath and leave her a message if she doesn't answer.

Good luck!

I didn't leave a call back number..it was a land line and all with hers, I just need to know if she is ok..

To me it's scary when you had a great friend in your youth ( think saint almos fire the movie ) and they are not on FB or anything, you wonder, you don't want to search the orbituries ..

But now I feel like I am stalking..

I think I will wait 4 months or so before I call again..would that be apporitate Deanna?
You didn't ask me, but I will answer anyway:

You were her friend. She was your friend. WHY WAIT? Call her. Tell her you have thought about her off and on thru the years, and tell her how you found her so she doesn't think you are weird in your later years. Then ask her out for coffee. Not dinner. Just coffee. During the day. In a public place. Ask her if she is married. If so, invite her AND her husband.

I guess I fucked up this thread ( or you can tell i was so deeply in love with her..ok I was ..but past is the past..

I thought she died ..she has a common name..

Gracie I am a tough guy you know that..but I am crying I finnaly after all these years to hear her voice on a answering machine.

Sounds like you are still deeply in love with her memory. She's not the same person. Neither are you. Consider that before you make a creepy fool of yourself.
I agree with what bulldog said...except you calling her is creepy. It is NOT creepy any more than going to a high school reunion.
I feel like I am being a drama queen on here with this thread, but you don't know what it's like when you had so many memories with some one, they dissapeer..go on with their lifes..and you keep searching ..just to make sure they are ok.. ( that's what guys do) that's what friends are supposed to be about..

There is this girl I wished I had sex with when I was in High School. She gave me the opportunity but I was a naive idiot. A week later she accused her step father of sexual molestation when her family found out she had sex with me (she hadn't) and she wanted to know why it was alright to have sex with her step father and not with me.

I found her on Facebook 30 years later. I said hi. She blocked me.
I agree with what bulldog said...except you calling her is creepy. It is NOT creepy any more than going to a high school reunion.

That was the only way I could get a hold of her I found a obscure website where I can search and get your number for free.
Leave a message after the beep.

But I didn't give my call back number..we live in a age if people don't want to be found and don't want to be talked to..it takes years of effort to find them again..

I heard her voice..

I think that's all I needed.

Bear... did you have a friendship or a relationship? Did you last see her in a positive situation or negative?

I have guy friends ( like brothers ) for years and I am married..I even met up with them and had lunch.

Hell, my ex husband could call me and I would be thrilled to hear from him. Lots of past crap when we parted but that was then. This is now. We are both much MUCH older. I'd love to hear about his kids and his life.

I talked to my old love and saw his picture on FB... I am so glad that we broke up, he was so wrong for me even though I was heart broken.


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