Ok I have been searching for my best friend for like 10 years..and I think I found her..

All you can do is call...and wait to see the reaction. At least you tried, cuz if you don't...then...you will continue to wonder. Not good for you.
Hell, my ex husband could call me and I would be thrilled to hear from him. Lots of past crap when we parted but that was then. This is now. We are both much MUCH older. I'd love to hear about his kids and his life.

I talked to my old love and saw his picture on FB... I am so glad that we broke up, he was so wrong for me even though I was heart broken.

I found my ex. Well...the other one. He's dead. Found his obit.
How exciting!

I found my dad after looking about that long. I kept his number in my pocket for days before I called. All I can say is take a deep breath and leave her a message if she doesn't answer.

Good luck!

I didn't leave a call back number..it was a land line and all with hers, I just need to know if she is ok..

To me it's scary when you had a great friend in your youth ( think saint almos fire the movie ) and they are not on FB or anything, you wonder, you don't want to search the orbituries ..

But now I feel like I am stalking..

I think I will wait 4 months or so before I call again..would that be apporitate Deanna?
You didn't ask me, but I will answer anyway:

You were her friend. She was your friend. WHY WAIT? Call her. Tell her you have thought about her off and on thru the years, and tell her how you found her so she doesn't think you are weird in your later years. Then ask her out for coffee. Not dinner. Just coffee. During the day. In a public place. Ask her if she is married. If so, invite her AND her husband.

I guess I fucked up this thread ( or you can tell i was so deeply in love with her..ok I was ..but past is the past..

I thought she died ..she has a common name..

Gracie I am a tough guy you know that..but I am crying I finnaly after all these years to hear her voice on a answering machine.

Sounds like you are still deeply in love with her memory. She's not the same person. Neither are you. Consider that before you make a creepy fool of yourself.

Sucks to get old.. but you can still dream. And

There are defeats more triumphant than victories...

Anyway...much as this is a fascinating convo..Survivor is coming on..so..I gotta split. Catch you guys later.
Oh, and if you DON'T call her, YOU TOO will only have a tv show to look forward too in your older years. Don't be a Gracie. CALL HER.

Later gators.
Leave a message after the beep.

But I didn't give my call back number..we live in a age if people don't want to be found and don't want to be talked to..it takes years of effort to find them again..

I heard her voice..

I think that's all I needed.

Bear... did you have a friendship or a relationship? Did you last see her in a positive situation or negative?

I have guy friends ( like brothers ) for years and I am married..I even met up with them and had lunch.


The last time I saw her was around 2001, I was traveling and ended up in st Petersburg.., I knew where she worked and we ended up at McDonald's.. ( she was married and so was I at the time)

Am I obsessed with her ,am I a stalker? Or just wanted to know if she is doing ok?.thats why i.guess I posted this thread .

It's like us guys have to be careful with the everything..and we need advice..
All you can do is call...and wait to see the reaction. At least you tried, cuz if you don't...then...you will continue to wonder. Not good for you.

She was like my best friend, we hanged out so much together at the drive in and all, she put on one heck of a cute dress for my graduation from trade school. (But it wasn't a date) she was gorgeous..damn...
I found the girl I took to the Jr. Prom in 1970. She visited here for a week and we had a blast.
We were teens just outside of San Francisco in the 60's.
Even though I took every existing drug, I was fortunate to never get addicted. Neither one of us did. She ended up being a high school teacher for nearly 30 years and retired at almost the same time I did. I went into the military.

We went to the theater, the zoo, the art institute, dinner club and just had a great time. I don't think there was an awkward moment. She was my best friend in High School. But we were part of a group of about 8 kids. We did everything together. Some of them even married each other and are still together.
I found the girl I took to the Jr. Prom in 1970. She visited here for a week and we had a blast.
We were teens just outside of San Francisco in the 60's.
Even though I took every existing drug, I was fortunate to never get addicted. Neither one of us did. She ended up being a high school teacher for nearly 30 years and retired at almost the same time I did. I went into the military.

We went to the theater, the zoo, the art institute, dinner club and just had a great time. I don't think there was an awkward moment. She was my best friend in High School. But we were part of a group of about 8 kids. We did everything together. Some of them even married each other and are still together.

Thanks that means a lot to me , so we all had it ? I mean dawn , we were such great friends, and Kim, and peach and Lucy, and John we were like saint almos fire..always hanged out together ...some girls you didn't want to touch because you enjoyed their friendship more..
I found the girl I took to the Jr. Prom in 1970. She visited here for a week and we had a blast.
We were teens just outside of San Francisco in the 60's.
Even though I took every existing drug, I was fortunate to never get addicted. Neither one of us did. She ended up being a high school teacher for nearly 30 years and retired at almost the same time I did. I went into the military.

We went to the theater, the zoo, the art institute, dinner club and just had a great time. I don't think there was an awkward moment. She was my best friend in High School. But we were part of a group of about 8 kids. We did everything together. Some of them even married each other and are still together.

This reminds me, it's like my friend Paul, I have not talked to him in like 25 years, he finnaly gets on FB makes a few posts..we talked about the good times and I found out he was murdered a month ago..some things you need to know but don't want to know.
Next step...stake out her house and start following her around.

You got it...

That's the thing I am a huge scared pussy when it comes to this.. ( I guess the mods will move this thread in the rubber room and all) I am real polite/shy in real life, I understand situations/life.

I really should call her ..my other best friend I told her about it and she is like my secretary and if I am scared of doing something she will check on it.

She always does and trys to protect me.
Oh for the love of God call the woman....what do you have to lose?
She is most likely married etc. So don't expect much. But if you were this good of friends she will be glad to hear from you.
Making this way harder than it should be
I thought she died or something, she wasn't on any social sites, I kept digging and digging for 10 years..(I didn't want to pay no money though, so I kept digging)

Ahh not that hard, just once and a while I would think

What ever happened to her?

Well I finnaly got her number ( scared to death called her) and it was her voice on the answering machine..

So what do I do now?
Call her up!!! Tell her if she agrees to meet you you'll let her blow ya. You gotta know how to deal with women.
Sounds like overkill to me, and someone just fishing to get in her pants. I am a woman that loves a compliment, but am turned off when it is over done.
Find out if she's single and still is interested in you.

If yes, then keep calling, ask her out, be a gentleman. Try to figure out what she likes in this life and please her in advance before she even asks you about something. And never stop telling her compliments: you like her voice, she looks great, her eyes are so beautiful, her hands are soft and tender, the way she smiles and walks is fantastic. Every woman loves attention and needs somebody to tell her she's adorable and absolutely unique in this Universe. And flowers, flowers, flowers...

What most women don't like are dumb, greedy, cowardly, sloppy men. Hopefully, you are not one of them.
If you don’t want to seem creepy, leave a message, and then wait. Otherwise multiple hang ups from an unknown number becomes creepy.
Ok fuck it ..i will call the number one more time tomorrow..

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