OK, I'll admit it. Maybe I've been too hard on Republicans.



Let's go ahead and put together a list of the 10 best things they have done for the majority of Americans in the last 20 years:

Let's go ahead and put together a list of the 10 best things they have done for the majority of Americans in the last 20 years:


1. Republicans proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that you can't fix stupid!

For example it has been definitely established that tax cuts don't "create jobs" but Republicans are still stupid enough to believe that you must give "job creators" tax cuts in spite of the fact that they don't work. No fixing that kind of abject stupidity.
Surely they must have something? No one can possibly support a political party that has done nothing in over 20 years to help this country.
Surely they must have something? No one can possibly support a political party that has done nothing in over 20 years to help this country.

If I recall correctly Bush jr signed the "Do Not Call" act into law but it was primarily a Dem bill so I guess that doesn't count.
Surely they must have something? No one can possibly support a political party that has done nothing in over 20 years to help this country.

Yet these far left drones support the far left that have done nothing to help this country in the past 80 years..
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014

1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


If you can only define your tribe's successes by the defeat of those whom you dislike then you have any many issues as the OP does.

Tribalism is not good, no matter who it comes from.
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


If you can only define your tribe's successes by the defeat of those whom you dislike then you have any many issues as the OP does.

Tribalism is not good, no matter who it comes from.

Democrats are evil and need to be destroyed, priorities.
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


And still have nothing to show for it.


So, how long do you think people are going to go for accomplishing zip?
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


If you can only define your tribe's successes by the defeat of those whom you dislike then you have any many issues as the OP does.

Tribalism is not good, no matter who it comes from.

Democrats are evil and need to be destroyed, priorities.

To be clear, you think that literally tens of millions of people in the US are "evil" and "need to be destroyed" and that should be a high priority. If you believe that why aren't you going and bombing Democratic campaign headquarters?

Let me suggest that it is because deep down, you don't actually believe that. You might use the rhetoric but inside you understand that they aren't nearly as bad as you think they are. You really do get that disagreement is not by itself evil.
Be careful about using the word "majority" Deano. Democrats hate that word. Remember when democrats won the majority halfway into Bush's last term? What was the first thing on their agenda? Was it the economy or foreign policy? Nope, the democrat majority in the senate tackled the crucial issue of "steroid use in baseball" and finally managed to indict a single Hall of Fame pitcher. The economy was running pretty smooth and when Barney Frank became chairman of the House banking committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae he told us that Fannie was doing fine when it was apparently on the verge of collapse. Was he just another stupid democrat in over his head or was the collapse of Fannie Mae a dirty trick by democrats? We will never know because the liberal media managed to blame it on Bush and Barney retired to wedded bliss with his new husband.
Balanced the budget

Changed welfare as we know it

Kept the country on track after 9/11

Reduced taxes

Kept our military strong

Tried to reform education

Protected us from terrorism

Addressed aids in Africa

Made the world a safer place

Changed the lives of women in Afghanistan and Iraq

Balanced the budgets and changed most of the state houses from democratic control to,republican control. (Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, Indiana)

Broke the monopoly of union mandated dues payments.

Implemented the doctor fix for low income people

Passed a law to protect women from human trafficking

Fought back against obamas unconstitutional executive actions
Be careful about using the word "majority" Deano. Democrats hate that word. Remember when democrats won the majority halfway into Bush's last term? What was the first thing on their agenda? Was it the economy or foreign policy? Nope, the democrat majority in the senate tackled the crucial issue of "steroid use in baseball" and finally managed to indict a single Hall of Fame pitcher. The economy was running pretty smooth and when Barney Frank became chairman of the House banking committee which had oversight responsibility for Fannie Mae he told us that Fannie was doing fine when it was apparently on the verge of collapse. Was he just another stupid democrat in over his head or was the collapse of Fannie Mae a dirty trick by democrats? We will never know because the liberal media managed to blame it on Bush and Barney retired to wedded bliss with his new husband.
The democrats did not win a majority until 6 years into the Bush disaster, not 4.
They defeated the Soviet Union, which our new dear leader is allowing to rebuild itself.
They created the EPA when it was truly needed. Sadly, as with most government entities, the lunatics have taken it over and turned it into an enforcement arm of the dear leader.
Repubs got us out of the Vietnam war.
Repubs were responsible for the right for women to vote.
I believe the first woman elected to Congress was a Repub.

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