OK, I'll admit it. Maybe I've been too hard on Republicans.

Repubs built the Interstate system.
Umm school desegregation...
The first Asian congressman was a Repub.
The first black woman ever as Sec of State was Rice. I'm pretty sure she was a Repub.
Balanced the budget

Changed welfare as we know it

Kept the country on track after 9/11

Reduced taxes

Kept our military strong

Tried to reform education

Protected us from terrorism

Addressed aids in Africa

Made the world a safer place

Changed the lives of women in Afghanistan and Iraq

Balanced the budgets and changed most of the state houses from democratic control to,republican control. (Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, Indiana)

Broke the monopoly of union mandated dues payments.

Implemented the doctor fix for low income people

Passed a law to protect women from human trafficking

Fought back against obamas unconstitutional executive actions

Balanced the budget aka ballooned the deficit and crashed the economy

Changed welfare as we know it aka no they didn't

Kept the country on track after 9/11 aka created the sharpest partisan divide of my lifetime despite having an approval rating of over 90% and an almost completely united citizenry because of 9/11. Also, destroyed all the goodwill that our allies and other countries showed us after the attack in the ensuing years of corruption and disaster.

Reduced taxes aka ballooned the deficit and crashed the economy

Kept our military strong aka sent them to die in the desert without an end in sight.

Tried to reform education and failed to reform education.

Protected us from terrorism except for all the terrorist attacks including the biggest one in history.

Addressed aids in Africa - True. Good job republicans :thup:

Made the world a safer place aka incited a worldwide hatred of America and inspired hundreds of thousands of terrorists to take up arms.

Changed the lives of women in Afghanistan and Iraq - the ones that survived anyways, and not very much.

Balanced the budgets and changed most of the state houses from democratic control to,republican control. (Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, Indiana) - winning elections is not an accomplishment and the rest of this statement is unbelievably debatable.

Passed a law to protect women from human trafficking - completely bipartisan

Fought back against obamas unconstitutional executive actions impotently
Repubs got us out of the Vietnam war.

That was within the last 20 years? Really? I must have done worse than I thought in high school.

No, but like most derpy thread fails, she ignores the very real contributions that Repubs have made. As clearly you do too. Which makes your arguments weak for anything else.
Repubs got us out of the Vietnam war.

That was within the last 20 years? Really? I must have done worse than I thought in high school.

No, but like most derpy thread fails, she ignores the very real contributions that Repubs have made. As clearly you do too. Which makes your arguments weak for anything else.

Bwah? I'm in agreement that these are essentially Republican successes. But they aren't answering what the thread asked for. But let's say I was ignoring them somehow, how would that reduce the strength of arguments in other contexts?

(I wonder if it would help to comment here that you seem to have a very inaccurate view of my politics. Would it help if I told you that I volunteered for the campaign for one of the first gay Republicans to run for congress?)
Repubs got us out of the Vietnam war.

That was within the last 20 years? Really? I must have done worse than I thought in high school.

No, but like most derpy thread fails, she ignores the very real contributions that Repubs have made. As clearly you do too. Which makes your arguments weak for anything else.

Bwah? I'm in agreement that these are essentially Republican successes. But they aren't answering what the thread asked for. But let's say I was ignoring them somehow, how would that reduce the strength of arguments in other contexts?

(I wonder if it would help to comment here that you seem to have a very inaccurate view of my politics. Would it help if I told you that I volunteered for the campaign for one of the first gay Republicans to run for congress?)

Yeah, they are. Derpy is an extremist. According to derpy, no Repub has ever done anything positive. That is a such a myopic, and wrongheaded, view of the world that derpy has relegated him/herself into irrelevance. Anyone who holds to those same thoughts is likewise not a credible observer of the American Political system.

Democrats and Republicans, have made, and will continue to make positive impacts on the lives of Americans. To claim that one side is somehow better than the other flies in the face of actual facts.

I'm a lifelong liberal Democrat. But, I recognize that members of my party, Hillary for example, doesn't give a damn about the people of the US. She is every bit as evil as the Koch brothers. That's the difference between derpy, and any other thinking person. We think. Derpy doesn't.
Let's go ahead and put together a list of the 10 best things they have done for the majority of Americans in the last 20 years:


I can think of something they've done. They ran that airhead Palin on a national ticket. That showed the majority of Americans that Republicans couldn't even be trusted to run a candidate who knew anything about anything.
Let's go ahead and put together a list of the 10 best things they have done for the majority of Americans in the last 20 years:


I can think of something they've done. They ran that airhead Palin on a national ticket. That showed the majority of Americans that Republicans couldn't even be trusted to run a candidate who knew anything about anything.

At least they don't have a congressman who thinks that Guam will tip over and sink.
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


And still have nothing to show for it.


So, how long do you think people are going to go for accomplishing zip?

Patience, first your clown has to finish his 2nd term and we need to destroy some more Dem's in the senate.
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


If you can only define your tribe's successes by the defeat of those whom you dislike then you have any many issues as the OP does.

Tribalism is not good, no matter who it comes from.

Democrats are evil and need to be destroyed, priorities.

To be clear, you think that literally tens of millions of people in the US are "evil" and "need to be destroyed" and that should be a high priority. If you believe that why aren't you going and bombing Democratic campaign headquarters?

Let me suggest that it is because deep down, you don't actually believe that. You might use the rhetoric but inside you understand that they aren't nearly as bad as you think they are. You really do get that disagreement is not by itself evil.

Let me be clear, the Democratic party is a danger to themselves and the Republic. Their leaders are corrupt liars. They have corrupted public sector unions to fund their corruption. They have done end runs around our Constitutional protections to enable their corruption. Worse they have corrupted the press, the last line of defense. The press are supposed to be an impartial guardian of the truth, facts, and government accountability. More often than not these days the press is either looking the other way when they lie or actively assisting in fomenting the lies by intentionally twisting the facts and truth to fit a liberal narrative. That the press would throw their impartiality under the bus and intentionally try to throw presidential elections to Democrats is a grave concern. This is the current state in this country. The GOP establishment isn't much better.

We need to either revisit the Constitution reversing the corruption and fortifying it against future manipulation and distortion by politicians or a third party needs to come to power to put a check on the Dem's and establishment Rep's.
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


If you can only define your tribe's successes by the defeat of those whom you dislike then you have any many issues as the OP does.

Tribalism is not good, no matter who it comes from.
What else do they have?
No Child Left Behind had some good aspects.

Medicare Part D
Neither helped the majority of Americans and Republicans never funded NCLB. Part D was a trillion dollar "votes for drugs" for the elderly.
Surely they must have something? No one can possibly support a political party that has done nothing in over 20 years to help this country.

Yet these far left drones support the far left that have done nothing to help this country in the past 80 years..
You mean besides bringing back the economy, equal pay for equal work, health care, education and stuff like that?
1. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the House in 2010
2. They defeated the lying lowlife scum Democrats in the Senate in 2014


If you can only define your tribe's successes by the defeat of those whom you dislike then you have any many issues as the OP does.

Tribalism is not good, no matter who it comes from.

Democrats are evil and need to be destroyed, priorities.

To be clear, you think that literally tens of millions of people in the US are "evil" and "need to be destroyed" and that should be a high priority. If you believe that why aren't you going and bombing Democratic campaign headquarters?

Let me suggest that it is because deep down, you don't actually believe that. You might use the rhetoric but inside you understand that they aren't nearly as bad as you think they are. You really do get that disagreement is not by itself evil.

Let me be clear, the Democratic party is a danger to themselves and the Republic. Their leaders are corrupt liars. They have corrupted public sector unions to fund their corruption. They have done end runs around our Constitutional protections to enable their corruption. Worse they have corrupted the press, the last line of defense. The press are supposed to be an impartial guardian of the truth, facts, and government accountability. More often than not these days the press is either looking the other way when they lie or actively assisting in fomenting the lies by intentionally twisting the facts and truth to fit a liberal narrative. That the press would throw their impartiality under the bus and intentionally try to throw presidential elections to Democrats is a grave concern. This is the current state in this country. The GOP establishment isn't much better.

We need to either revisit the Constitution reversing the corruption and fortifying it against future manipulation and distortion by politicians or a third party needs to come to power to put a check on the Dem's and establishment Rep's.

Blah blah blah and the facts are? Oh, there aren't any facts. Just blah blah blah.............
Repubs built the Interstate system.
Yea, about 60 years ago. They also created NASA. Then, in the 60's, blacks joined the Democratic Party and all the racist conservatives fled and joined the GOP. The liberals left and joined the Democratic Party. Which is why Republicans are 90% white and anti science and education.
Repubs got us out of the Vietnam war.

That was within the last 20 years? Really? I must have done worse than I thought in high school.

No, but like most derpy thread fails, she ignores the very real contributions that Repubs have made. As clearly you do too. Which makes your arguments weak for anything else.

Bwah? I'm in agreement that these are essentially Republican successes. But they aren't answering what the thread asked for. But let's say I was ignoring them somehow, how would that reduce the strength of arguments in other contexts?

(I wonder if it would help to comment here that you seem to have a very inaccurate view of my politics. Would it help if I told you that I volunteered for the campaign for one of the first gay Republicans to run for congress?)

Yeah, they are. Derpy is an extremist. According to derpy, no Repub has ever done anything positive. That is a such a myopic, and wrongheaded, view of the world that derpy has relegated him/herself into irrelevance. Anyone who holds to those same thoughts is likewise not a credible observer of the American Political system.

Democrats and Republicans, have made, and will continue to make positive impacts on the lives of Americans. To claim that one side is somehow better than the other flies in the face of actual facts.

I'm a lifelong liberal Democrat. But, I recognize that members of my party, Hillary for example, doesn't give a damn about the people of the US. She is every bit as evil as the Koch brothers. That's the difference between derpy, and any other thinking person. We think. Derpy doesn't.

Both ignorant and a liar. If you were a Democrat, you would know the Clinton Foundation is known all over the world and with good reason. Go try to found out why. It was Hillary that tried to bring health care to millions of Americans. A feat that Obama accomplished and Republicans try to block, still.

The GOP is 90% white. Of course they care nothing for anyone not white, straight or religious.

Democrats are everyone else. There may be a few conservatives in the Democratic Party, but a coalition that large has all kinds of people. Even good ones. And you are no Democrat. Too fucking stupid.

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