OK, Israel deports African illegals to Europe, but Russia is the enemy. Got it.

Also, don't forget, Jews in Congress gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act
I thought that was a gift from a. Irish Catholic who drowned a woman
  • Congressman Emanuel Celler, Brooklyn, sponsored the bill in the House and Sen Jacob Javits, New York, steered it through the Senate. Both were Jews. The junior senator from Massachusetts was nominated to be the main spokesperson for the bill since, his two older brothers having been recently murdered, he was bulletproof. He repeated the talking points Emanuel Celler had spent 40 years honing. They were lies, but a willing press aped them and, in return for his betrayal, the Jewish press lionized him until he died a few years back.
Also, don't forget, Jews in Congress gave us the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act
I thought that was a gift from a. Irish Catholic who drowned a woman

jews control congress. ----all of the congressmen and senators----
even the catholics who drive drunk
So white liberals have no mind of their own.
Very true. Laughed at by Chinese as 留白, or "white left" , they foolishly and stupidly ape whatever the New York Times tells them to. Hate Trump! Shlomo screams, and all the Slate readers bark obediently.

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