Ok, lets clarify their code speech shall we?

He energized the economy, rolled back taxes, oil companies were pumping, royalty checks confirmed it. No one thinks we are better off now. If they say so they are lying.

Trump administration cuts royalty payments for oil companies

https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/05/21 › trump...

May 21, 2020 — The Trump administration has slashed royalties that some energy companies pay for oil and gas produced on public lands to a fraction of .

Trump calls on Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut oil production​

https://www.politico.com › news › 2020/04/02 › trump...

Apr 2, 2020 — Earlier Thursday, Trump tweeted that he expected a deal soon between Saudis and Russians to sharply reduce their exports. That sent Brent crude ...
Do you honestly want to pretend our country is better off now? Give me $1.75 gas, $40 dollar a barrel oil, stocked shelves, affordable food, and extra $5,000 in our pockets because of NO inflation, a closed border...
Give me businessman Trump back. Let Biden and Xi and Putin ride off into the sunset together, and give me back America.
How come you stopped at 40 dollars a barrel. At it's lowest under trump oil was trading for a negative amount under the phony businessman,

I must have dreamed those royalty checks up then. Politico lies to you. The proof of that is easily found.
Gas per gallon:
Trump gas ~$1.76
Biden gas ~ $6.00+

Oil per barrel:
Trump ~$40.00
Obiden ~ $113.00

No body believes Putin is responsible for this. Biden and Obama are doing this to help cripple us.
The Neo-GOP thinks Americans are stupid. That the gas price during the pandemic reflects the price of gas all during Trumpybears term in office. Why do you think Americans are stupid?
On what planet do you live? You ruined all that. The democrats ruined all that. And continue to do so...

2020 but....I know I know, Saul Biden man, Saul Biden.

2020 but....I know I know, Saul Biden man, Saul Biden.

Biden's a fucking disaster, everyone knows it ..or should
How come you stopped at 40 dollars a barrel. At it's lowest under trump oil was trading for a negative amount under the phony businessman,

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2020 but....I know I know, Saul Biden man, Saul Biden.


Trump ramped up supply and we benefited from it. Biden cut us off and we are paying through the nose because of it. It is just that damn simple. Supply and demand...

2020 but....I know I know, Saul Biden man, Saul Biden.

You put you faith in state run media, not in reality. Reality is pulling up to a pump and paying $6.00+ a gallon. You take a hit there and turn around and pay for the gas the delivery trucks use when they deliver our food to market.
cnbc wants you to believe differently and to blame Trump. We all know better...
Trump ramped up supply and we benefited from it. Biden cut us off and we are paying through the nose because of it. It is just that damn simple. Supply and demand...
Trumpybear didn't ramp shit up. Texas pushed US production up to the 13 mbd mark. US production had been steadily climbing for a decade. Gas prices remained high until production was slashed. Oil Production took a necessary tumble in 2020 but we have every reason to believe the numbers will climb at the same steady pace and get even higher under Biden.

You put you faith in state run media, not in reality. Reality is pulling up to a pump and paying $6.00+ a gallon. You take a hit there and turn around and pay for the gas the delivery trucks use when they deliver our food to market.
cnbc wants you to believe differently and to blame Trump. We all know better...
It was the virus, not that Fabulous Cult leader, that caused the world to shut down, which caused the glut in oil on the global market, that resulted in oil trading for a negative amount, not Trumpyberra.

Trump is to blame for a lot of shit, but not the virus that shut down the world.
Oh, I forgot about

FAIR SHARE = Drop kick the middle class.
It was the virus, not that Fabulous Cult leader, that caused the world to shut down, which caused the glut in oil on the global market, that resulted in oil trading for a negative amount, not Trumpyberra.

Trump is to blame for a lot of shit, but not the virus that shut down the world.
if Trump wasnt responsible why did the left and the msm blame him for the deaths from covid instead of blaming the CCP for anything whatsoever when it came to covid ? and why arent leftists and the msm blaming Biden who has had nearly twice as many deaths from covid since he took the WH ?
if Trump wasnt responsible why did the left and the msm blame him for the deaths from covid instead of blaming the CCP for anything whatsoever when it came to covid ? and why arent leftists and the msm blaming Biden who has had nearly twice as many deaths from covid since he took the WH ?
It's my opinion that the world's economy shut down, causing the glut in oil, causing the cut in worldwide oil production, was caused by the virus, not Trump.
It's my opinion that the world's economy shut down, causing the glut in oil, causing the cut in worldwide oil production, was caused by the virus, not Trump.
who is at fault for the world wide spread of covid ? which country banned domestic travel to and from the original city of the outbreak but allowed international travel to and from that same city ?
who is at fault for the world wide spread of covid ? which country banned domestic travel to and from the original city of the outbreak but allowed international travel to and from that same city ?
That cold hearted Bitch called Mother Nature. She will eat your babies if your not looking, and sometime even if you are looking!
That cold hearted Bitch called Mother Nature. She will eat your babies if your not looking, and sometime even if you are looking!
bull ! was it mother nature that gave small pox infected blankets to unknowing native Americans ? how is that different than when China purposefully allowed international travel from Wuhan before other countries were aware of the outbreak ?

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