OK.....Lets keep the Confederate Statues

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But lets modify them to portray the correct historical context


Lets honor those who created a nation to ensure that blacks would be enslaved forever. That is what the Confederacy was about.......Not Scarlett O'Hara, Not gentlemen fighting for a noble cause, not a cool flag to fly on your pickup truck

Can we include statues of black Africans selling their neighbors to anyone who would pay the price as well?

Gee, that would be swell. That went on for thousands of years, but you knew that, right?

Did you also know that it was white men that fought and died to stop the blacks in Africa from supplying slaves into this country?

All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.

Go put Washington and Lee College "in a museum". THat's where Lee is buried. Or the battlefields all over this country. Or their Gift Shops. I I imagine you'd need Federal Inspectors to make sure none of those Gift shops sold little statues or flags.

And of course OUTLAW all those CWar Re-Enactments that people just like to do. Don't allow them on actual public land. More intolerant power whoring from the Left.
Lee abdicated his moral authority to push to advocate and fight for slavery. Fuck em. Stick his statue in the local dumpster.
All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.

Go put Washington and Lee College "in a museum". THat's where Lee is buried. Or the battlefields all over this country. Or their Gift Shops. I I imagine you'd need Federal Inspectors to make sure none of those Gift shops sold little statues or flags.

And of course OUTLAW all those CWar Re-Enactments that people just like to do. Don't allow them on actual public land. More intolerant power whoring from the Left.
Lee abdicated his moral authority to push to advocate and fight for slavery. Fuck em. Stick his statue in the local dumpster.
Apparently General Grant did as well because Union States also had slaves.
All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.

Go put Washington and Lee College "in a museum". THat's where Lee is buried. Or the battlefields all over this country. Or their Gift Shops. I I imagine you'd need Federal Inspectors to make sure none of those Gift shops sold little statues or flags.

And of course OUTLAW all those CWar Re-Enactments that people just like to do. Don't allow them on actual public land. More intolerant power whoring from the Left.
Lee abdicated his moral authority to push to advocate and fight for slavery. Fuck em. Stick his statue in the local dumpster.
Apparently General Grant did as well because Union States also had slaves.
The Union's general Sherman also owned slaves and believed slavery would survive after the war.
Leave them up. Take them down. It doesn't really matter to me.

However, they should not destroy the carving on Stone Mountain. That shit be art.

And I do think it is inappropriate for the Rebel Flag to be flown by any government.
No, it's really not. Removing statues of a past enemy of the United States that symbolizes the worst of slavery on public lands, often in cities with large black populations is indeed not fascism. That is hilarious.
It is when it's done despite the fact that voters don't want it.

Even then it's not fascism. They're called elections, you stupid little fuck.
They campaigned on tearing down these statues? In Baltimore they did it in the middle of the night. Is that what politicians do when they have the support of the voters?

It's what they do when they don't want the klan to come for a visit.
So you admit the politicians don't want to allow the public to express an opinion on what they do.

No, they don't want the violence.
Do any of you "it's part of history" crowd know when this particular statue was erected?

The one in Charlottesville? Since 1924.. About the time your Fed Govt was designing and planning the segregated black housing that founded most of today's "hoods"..

Nope, that was a decade later. It WAS around the same time tens of thousands of Klan members marched on Washington and a thousand of them marched in NY. (And Fred Trump was arrested)
It's not rocket science.

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Anything that sends the Alt-Right into a frenzy like I'm seeing here in this thread is a good thing.

Order some more.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk
Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.

Nothing can erase the horrors he inflicted on other human beings.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

Didya read the article? The slaves he owned were never a plantation operation. He was OBLIGED thru a will to be caretaker of a dead nephews estate and divest those slaves. A task he ABHORRED... Didn't WANT to go to war over slavery. Spent MOST of his in the NORTH. If you read the article, he was NOT the brutal slave driving plantation owner that you WANT him to be.

Only totally invested in the Fate of Virginia. Because his FAMILY was as close to Virginia royalty as you can get. THAT was his Civil War conviction...

He had salt poured into the wounds of the humans he had whipped. That's not the actions of someone who abhorred slavery.

You fell for the "Lost Cause" revision of history.

AP Explains: How Robert E. Lee went from hero to racist icon

A career army officer, Lee didn’t have much wealth, but he inherited a few slaves from his mother. Still, Lee married into one of the wealthiest slave-holding families in Virginia — the Custis family of Arlington and descendants of Martha Washington. When Lee’s father-in-law died, he took leave from the U.S. Army to run the struggling estate and met resistance from slaves expecting to be freed.

Documents show Lee was a cruel figure with his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves captured after trying to escape. One slave said Lee was one of the meanest men she had ever met.
Anything that sends the Alt-Right into a frenzy like I'm seeing here in this thread is a good thing.

Order some more.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

Then here's one for you

The descendants of the Black members of this board, were just as likely to have been tribesmen that sold they're neighbors into slavery as they were to have been slaves.

Interesting stuff, aye?
All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.

Go put Washington and Lee College "in a museum". THat's where Lee is buried. Or the battlefields all over this country. Or their Gift Shops. I I imagine you'd need Federal Inspectors to make sure none of those Gift shops sold little statues or flags.

And of course OUTLAW all those CWar Re-Enactments that people just like to do. Don't allow them on actual public land. More intolerant power whoring from the Left.
Lee abdicated his moral authority to push to advocate and fight for slavery. Fuck em. Stick his statue in the local dumpster.
Apparently General Grant did as well because Union States also had slaves.
The Union's general Sherman also owned slaves and believed slavery would survive after the war.
Isn't it odd that he didn't feel the need to renounce his citizenship and fight against the United States?
Anything that sends the Alt-Right into a frenzy like I'm seeing here in this thread is a good thing.

Order some more.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

Then here's one for you

The descendants of the Black members of this board, were just as likely to have been tribesmen that sold they're neighbors into slavery as they were to have been slaves.

Interesting stuff, aye?
Almost as interesting as the whites providing the market for them to do that and then cramming them into ships, taking them on the Middle Passage and if they made it, taking their language, their religion, their names and selling them and their descendents into eternal bondage.
Anything that sends the Alt-Right into a frenzy like I'm seeing here in this thread is a good thing.

Order some more.

Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

Then here's one for you

The descendants of the Black members of this board, were just as likely to have been tribesmen that sold they're neighbors into slavery as they were to have been slaves.

Interesting stuff, aye?
Almost as interesting as the whites providing the market for them to do that and then cramming them into ships, taking them on the Middle Passage and if they made it, taking their language, their religion, their names and selling them and their descendents into eternal bondage.

And the blacks supplied the cargo

We all know, if the product ain't available, it can't be sold in the first place, and the black slave merchant supplied the product FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Maybe we should take down all statues of black Americans unless they can prove they're descendants weren't slave merchants.
All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.

Go put Washington and Lee College "in a museum". THat's where Lee is buried. Or the battlefields all over this country. Or their Gift Shops. I I imagine you'd need Federal Inspectors to make sure none of those Gift shops sold little statues or flags.

And of course OUTLAW all those CWar Re-Enactments that people just like to do. Don't allow them on actual public land. More intolerant power whoring from the Left.
Lee abdicated his moral authority to push to advocate and fight for slavery. Fuck em. Stick his statue in the local dumpster.
Apparently General Grant did as well because Union States also had slaves.
The Union's general Sherman also owned slaves and believed slavery would survive after the war.
Isn't it odd that he didn't feel the need to renounce his citizenship and fight against the United States?
He wasn't targeted by the federal government to pay a huge tariff.
random statues .. meh

removing historical monuments depicting people/events that have meaning to the country and remind future generations who we once were ? HELL NO !

The Cause was, States' rights. Right wing prefers to remember the bigotry and the stereotype, for their political arguments.
Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.
/----/ Again with this shit? Fred Trump was released and no charges were filed. Why do you always forget to include that tidbit?

I stated fact. He was arrested at a Klan rally in the 20s. (Like this statue was erected in the 20s)
So? He was immediately released and no charges field. Sounds like you just want to throw mud at the Trump family.
No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.
/----/ Again with this shit? Fred Trump was released and no charges were filed. Why do you always forget to include that tidbit?

I stated fact. He was arrested at a Klan rally in the 20s. (Like this statue was erected in the 20s)
So? He was immediately released and no charges field. Sounds like you just want to throw mud at the Trump family.

If you see mud, that's on you. I stated a simple fact. The Klan was particularly active in the 20s. So active that Fred Trump got arrested at a klan rally.
So now you left wing terrorists are digging up dead confederate soldiers graves. Are you assholes insane or what?
:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.

Nothing can erase the horrors he inflicted on other human beings.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

Didya read the article? The slaves he owned were never a plantation operation. He was OBLIGED thru a will to be caretaker of a dead nephews estate and divest those slaves. A task he ABHORRED... Didn't WANT to go to war over slavery. Spent MOST of his in the NORTH. If you read the article, he was NOT the brutal slave driving plantation owner that you WANT him to be.

Only totally invested in the Fate of Virginia. Because his FAMILY was as close to Virginia royalty as you can get. THAT was his Civil War conviction...

He had salt poured into the wounds of the humans he had whipped. That's not the actions of someone who abhorred slavery.

You fell for the "Lost Cause" revision of history.

AP Explains: How Robert E. Lee went from hero to racist icon

A career army officer, Lee didn’t have much wealth, but he inherited a few slaves from his mother. Still, Lee married into one of the wealthiest slave-holding families in Virginia — the Custis family of Arlington and descendants of Martha Washington. When Lee’s father-in-law died, he took leave from the U.S. Army to run the struggling estate and met resistance from slaves expecting to be freed.

Documents show Lee was a cruel figure with his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves captured after trying to escape. One slave said Lee was one of the meanest men she had ever met.

He didn't RUN plantations as a business. Knew nothing about the plantation slave regimens. He did that as FAVOR to family.. He was the Admin for probate of that estate and was trying to get to a point where the slaves would be released.
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