OK.....Lets keep the Confederate Statues

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The Confederate states didn't attack the United States, moron. Lincoln invaded Virginia, not the other way around.

Correct. The only casualty of the Reb shelling at Ft. Sumter was an injured dog and all it had was a flesh wound.
Correct. The only casualty of the Reb shelling at Ft. Sumter was an injured dog and all it had was a flesh wound.
That's right....The problem with any war is the victor writes the history, so for these historic figures that have a story to tell to be white washed in America is a catastrophe and a crime in my opinion. It's been going on for years in the classroom and in the public square. That is why I was so proud of Trump yesterday.
Nope, that was a decade later. It WAS around the same time tens of thousands of Klan members marched on Washington and a thousand of them marched in NY. (And Fred Trump was arrested)

Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?
But lets modify them to portray the correct historical context


Lets honor those who created a nation to ensure that blacks would be enslaved forever. That is what the Confederacy was about.......Not Scarlett O'Hara, Not gentlemen fighting for a noble cause, not a cool flag to fly on your pickup truck
Were slaves brought here because we hated them?
Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?
How long has slavery existed...and has finally been eradicated?
He fought because he believed states had the right to secede.
Yes - from the United States Of America, which makes it treason.

Founders made it clear that a revolution against tyranny and bad deals of Federalism was a duty. Even AFTER the Constitution was scribed. And you're ignoring the massive economic and cultural differences that existed between North and South. South was expected to pay for infrastructure and development that was strictly Northern. That set off the earliest rounds of conflicts over taxes and tariffs.

The fight to "retain slavery" in the SOUTH was not the major melting point. It was the fight over extending the choice of slavery to the NEW territories that set it off. Wasn't Congressional pressure on the South to divest itself of the practice that started the war.

If they had all waited 50 years, the tractor and combines would have come along and made slavery obsolete. And if think it's cruel for me suggest waiting 50 years, you need to remember that the Fed Govt itself promoted racial division and segregation for another 100 years after the Civil War.

Govt doesn't have clean hand or moral superiority over the history of this. No way. No how. YOUR "UNITED" states govt sat on their asses for 100 years and was racist in policy and thought. AFTER all those brothers had to fight each other and die.
Of all the interests involved, it's EXACTLY Govt that should keep the cooler head and protect the heritage and history of the place they govern. And keep it out of the hands of the extreme partisans on EITHER side.

THat history and heritage is VALUABLE to their identity and their economy in the case of Civil War landmarks and historical sites.

Nice pivot, didn't even bother to consider your post that I quoted was highly uncalled for.

The monuments don't represent history, they represent celebrating the confederacy and ignoring the realty of their crimes.

They celebrate the sacrifice of the CONFLICT. To remind us of the COST of conflict.

I worked in Keil Germany for extended periods of time. The Germans have purged a lot of that history. But in Keil -- there is a German Naval memorial built similar to an old lighthouse. It has art depictions of the walls of EVERY German military vessel lost in the war.

I'm a raised Jew. And i teared up both times I went there. When you see the 4 stories of ships and men and lives lost -- you see the REALITY of that conflict. About 8 ft tall. 360 degrees around u of just U-Boats lost. With the dates and number of lives lost. They've probably bulldozed that by now.. But it would be a HUGE mistake to just PURGE it as you folks want to do...

Who is against demonstrating every vessel lost by either side of the civil war? Nobody wants to purge history, these monuments were mostly built at the height of the klan or even decades later. I don't see how a statue of Lee or Davis demonstrates sacrifice.

So Andrew Jackson started the modern Democrat party. Should we PURGE that history??
Oh, for fuck sake. No one is purging anything. You do not have any right to publicly display a statue that is offensive to the majority of that city, that state, this country.

Put it in a museum and you can go visit it. Have a gift shop where you sell little 'noose' key rings.

It's a full on ISIS style PURGE because you whining babies got not interest in fixing America's real problems. And the tantrum continues.

ISIS does it because those World Heritage represent ideologies counter to their goal of Islamic rule. It's the same damn excuse. Let's review "This Week in the Purge". Where a band of mental midget certified COMMIES were emboldened by all of your Media support to go vandalize a "symbol" that they objected to.

Here's YOUR hero..


YOU and your "Media Insurrection" egged these morons on...
Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.
Nice pivot, didn't even bother to consider your post that I quoted was highly uncalled for.

The monuments don't represent history, they represent celebrating the confederacy and ignoring the realty of their crimes.

They celebrate the sacrifice of the CONFLICT. To remind us of the COST of conflict.

I worked in Keil Germany for extended periods of time. The Germans have purged a lot of that history. But in Keil -- there is a German Naval memorial built similar to an old lighthouse. It has art depictions of the walls of EVERY German military vessel lost in the war.

I'm a raised Jew. And i teared up both times I went there. When you see the 4 stories of ships and men and lives lost -- you see the REALITY of that conflict. About 8 ft tall. 360 degrees around u of just U-Boats lost. With the dates and number of lives lost. They've probably bulldozed that by now.. But it would be a HUGE mistake to just PURGE it as you folks want to do...

Who is against demonstrating every vessel lost by either side of the civil war? Nobody wants to purge history, these monuments were mostly built at the height of the klan or even decades later. I don't see how a statue of Lee or Davis demonstrates sacrifice.

So Andrew Jackson started the modern Democrat party. Should we PURGE that history??
Oh, for fuck sake. No one is purging anything. You do not have any right to publicly display a statue that is offensive to the majority of that city, that state, this country.

Put it in a museum and you can go visit it. Have a gift shop where you sell little 'noose' key rings.

It's a full on ISIS style PURGE because you whining babies got not interest in fixing America's real problems. And the tantrum continues.

ISIS does it because those World Heritage represent ideologies counter to their goal of Islamic rule. It's the same damn excuse. Let's review "This Week in the Purge". Where a band of mental midget certified COMMIES were emboldened by all of your Media support to go vandalize a "symbol" that they objected to.

Here's YOUR hero..


YOU and your "Media Insurrection" egged these morons on...
They also lied their ass off (as ususl). RW and others keep stating they are only targeting statues they feel where built in response to civil rights.

The vandal in South Carolina tore one down that was 100 years old...then later pleaded for amnesty for doing the governments job for them.

When she was hand cuffed the crowd of protesters started chanting that the cops were members of the KKK.
All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.
Should we tear down the slave quarters at every Southern plantation that is now on the tour list?
Is it private or public property?

Bzzz! You lose again.

Bzzzz .. I live within walking distance of Civil war battefields and plantations. SOME of them are on PUBLIC land you dolt. Like the Slave Cemetery in the median of the road out to my daughters school..

Doesn't matter anyway, since to local govts these sites represent income and interest to places they govern. And it's their duty to functionally protect the value of that heritage. Not to bulldoze it...
No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.

Nothing can erase the horrors he inflicted on other human beings.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee
They celebrate the sacrifice of the CONFLICT. To remind us of the COST of conflict.

I worked in Keil Germany for extended periods of time. The Germans have purged a lot of that history. But in Keil -- there is a German Naval memorial built similar to an old lighthouse. It has art depictions of the walls of EVERY German military vessel lost in the war.

I'm a raised Jew. And i teared up both times I went there. When you see the 4 stories of ships and men and lives lost -- you see the REALITY of that conflict. About 8 ft tall. 360 degrees around u of just U-Boats lost. With the dates and number of lives lost. They've probably bulldozed that by now.. But it would be a HUGE mistake to just PURGE it as you folks want to do...

Who is against demonstrating every vessel lost by either side of the civil war? Nobody wants to purge history, these monuments were mostly built at the height of the klan or even decades later. I don't see how a statue of Lee or Davis demonstrates sacrifice.

So Andrew Jackson started the modern Democrat party. Should we PURGE that history??
Oh, for fuck sake. No one is purging anything. You do not have any right to publicly display a statue that is offensive to the majority of that city, that state, this country.

Put it in a museum and you can go visit it. Have a gift shop where you sell little 'noose' key rings.

It's a full on ISIS style PURGE because you whining babies got not interest in fixing America's real problems. And the tantrum continues.

ISIS does it because those World Heritage represent ideologies counter to their goal of Islamic rule. It's the same damn excuse. Let's review "This Week in the Purge". Where a band of mental midget certified COMMIES were emboldened by all of your Media support to go vandalize a "symbol" that they objected to.

Here's YOUR hero..


YOU and your "Media Insurrection" egged these morons on...
They also lied their ass off (as ususl). RW and others keep stating they are only targeting statues they feel where built in response to civil rights.

The vandal in South Carolina tore one down that was 100 years old...then later pleaded for amnesty for doing the governments job for them.

When she was hand cuffed the crowd of protesters started chanting that the cops were members of the KKK.

The commies held a "press conference" afterwards claiming that the police where just "Klan in Blue Robes" and then they arrested her. Karma.
What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.

Nothing can erase the horrors he inflicted on other human beings.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee

Didya read the article? The slaves he owned were never a plantation operation. He was OBLIGED thru a will to be caretaker of a dead nephews estate and divest those slaves. A task he ABHORRED... Didn't WANT to go to war over slavery. Spent MOST of his in the NORTH. If you read the article, he was NOT the brutal slave driving plantation owner that you WANT him to be.

Only totally invested in the Fate of Virginia. Because his FAMILY was as close to Virginia royalty as you can get. THAT was his Civil War conviction...
Who is against demonstrating every vessel lost by either side of the civil war? Nobody wants to purge history, these monuments were mostly built at the height of the klan or even decades later. I don't see how a statue of Lee or Davis demonstrates sacrifice.

So Andrew Jackson started the modern Democrat party. Should we PURGE that history??
Oh, for fuck sake. No one is purging anything. You do not have any right to publicly display a statue that is offensive to the majority of that city, that state, this country.

Put it in a museum and you can go visit it. Have a gift shop where you sell little 'noose' key rings.

It's a full on ISIS style PURGE because you whining babies got not interest in fixing America's real problems. And the tantrum continues.

ISIS does it because those World Heritage represent ideologies counter to their goal of Islamic rule. It's the same damn excuse. Let's review "This Week in the Purge". Where a band of mental midget certified COMMIES were emboldened by all of your Media support to go vandalize a "symbol" that they objected to.

Here's YOUR hero..


YOU and your "Media Insurrection" egged these morons on...
They also lied their ass off (as ususl). RW and others keep stating they are only targeting statues they feel where built in response to civil rights.

The vandal in South Carolina tore one down that was 100 years old...then later pleaded for amnesty for doing the governments job for them.

When she was hand cuffed the crowd of protesters started chanting that the cops were members of the KKK.

The commies held a "press conference" afterwards claiming that the police where just "Klan in Blue Robes" and then they arrested her. Karma.
Now they are going after the stone monument in Georgia and Teddy Roosevelt at the NY Museum.

Fucking liars.
Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?
Aside from owning slaves, you have no evidence that Lee did any of that. However, you're a leftwing scumbag who trades in smears, so no one is surprised at the filth you post.

The best thing Lee did is whip that mass murderer Lincoln for 4 long years in battle after battle.
What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.

Nothing can erase the horrors he inflicted on other human beings.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee
Yeah...with his support his wife and mother in law freed many and sent them to Liberia. After of course building schools and educating them during a time when doing so was against the law.

Shut up loon.
All the confederate statues should be taken down and put in a museum along with the confederate flags.

Go put Washington and Lee College "in a museum". THat's where Lee is buried. Or the battlefields all over this country. Or their Gift Shops. I I imagine you'd need Federal Inspectors to make sure none of those Gift shops sold little statues or flags.

And of course OUTLAW all those CWar Re-Enactments that people just like to do. Don't allow them on actual public land. More intolerant power whoring from the Left.
What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..

My government? What does that even mean?

What "good deeds" did Lee do that could erase the sins of owning other humans, breaking up families, whipping slaves AND salting their wounds afterwards?

You don't know Lee's post war bio or his pre-war life mostly in the NORTH.. But you accuse ME of not knowing history. GFY.. Then look up Washington and Lee University or the work his wife did post war.

Nothing can erase the horrors he inflicted on other human beings.

The Myth of the Kindly General Lee
Really? Lincoln slaughtered 850,000 people. He burned Atlanta to the ground along with numerous other Southern cities. He had his soldiers rape Southern women, confiscate and destroy their property and kill tens of thousands of civilians.

Compared to that, Lee was a piker.
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