OK.....Lets keep the Confederate Statues

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Only because the left likes to compartmentalize everyone into their labeled little boxes. Sorry... we don't live in a strictly black and white world like little robots. The real world is more complex than that. You don't get to assign everyone their thoughts and reasoning for decisions and actions based on your partisan grievances 150 years after the fact.

It was compartmentalized

Being a negro meant you were no more than an animal. Not worthy of human rights. A commodity to be bought and sold. The core of southern wealth in the cotton market but unworthy of any of the profit

THAT is what the confederacy was about

That's OK from the standpoint that it was an awful act of mankind --- POView. But a little over-dramatic. You don't trust "animals" with caretaking of your children or running your business when you're away. And tho it was horrific and awful, they were not "animals". And the conditions varied greatly. Only about 2% of the South population controlled about 70% or more of the slaves as the smaller farms got consolidated.
I'm tired of the "only a small percentage owned slaves"
It does nothing to justify 40 percent of the population of the Confederacy being in bondage. Free forced labor was the backbone of the economy. All whites prospered from the cotton money. No slaves did

Being tired of the history, is no excuse to PURGE it from the public memory. We are ONLY discussing this because "your tribe" is so currently BEREFT of ideas and solutions that they have to go back 200 yrs to find something to divide us...

There is NO evidence that the Purge will rid us of the Nazi./Klan scum. There is no evidence that NOT remembering that history ACCURATELY and persistently will "make us better".. But that's what you got. With the country imploding and threats from everywhere -- you want to fuck with culture, history and the heritage (good and bad) of this country.
Nothing is being purged

But people are beginning to ask.......why are those monuments there in the first place?
They weren't put up by the veterans loved ones. The timing seems to coincide with civil rights efforts. A form of payback

Why weren't Yankee monuments put up after the 1880s. Nobody in the 1960s was saying...we need more Yankee monuments

But for some reason, during the Civil Rights struggle......there was a need for more confederate monuments

It's a fucking ISIS like PURGE. You have far left hoodlums allowed to tear down a statue in N.C. yesterday.

ISIS has the same excuse. They are removing symbols that are hateful and in opposition to Islamic Rule.

There's no diff. Morons calling for WASHINGTON monuments to come down. YOU gave them cover and validity. MORE certainly than Trump ever gave the KKK any validity. And the local, state, Fed govt leadership egging this on has dirty hands. Because YOUR govts had a repulsive, racist mindset and policies for ONE HUNDRED YEARS after the Civil War. Your tribe had a Senate leader with authentic KKK credentials for DECADES..

You want an Inquisition? A Purge? Or is this only because your tribe is bankrupt of ideas and solutions and this is ALL you want to do????
The one in Charlottesville? Since 1924.. About the time your Fed Govt was designing and planning the segregated black housing that founded most of today's "hoods"..

Nope, that was a decade later. It WAS around the same time tens of thousands of Klan members marched on Washington and a thousand of them marched in NY. (And Fred Trump was arrested)

Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.

:haha: You're a moron. Sitting there trying to blow a smoke screen. You think that anyone is gonna believe that the horrendous racial mind-set and attitude that allowed the Fed Govt to DESIGN and CREATE actual ghettos out of entire cities and neighborhoods ----- just SUDDENLY APPEARED in 1933???? No mental midget is gonna buy that and it's not plausible given the 100 years of segregation, degradation and HATE that YOUR govt participated in AFTER the South was defeated. LONG AFTER Robert E Lee went back to civilian life and did good deeds..
Nope, that was a decade later. It WAS around the same time tens of thousands of Klan members marched on Washington and a thousand of them marched in NY. (And Fred Trump was arrested)

Oh BS. YOUR Federal govt was designing the current Ghettos and heavy-handedly promoting policies of housing segregation in the 20th Century. Before and AFTER that statue went up in Lee Park. Read the ACTUAL history here....
The History of Racism in American Govt Housing Policy...

You're not absolved of POST Civil War Govt race exclusion/discrimination either.. It would be OBVIOUS to you if KNEW any real history.. .

No, true shit.

In 1933, faced with a housing shortage, the federal government began a program explicitly designed to increase — and segregate — America's housing stock. Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation."

A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

1933...almost a decade after this statue was erected. Your attempt at distraction failed.

What's failed here is your recognition that the GOVT Fed State Locals -- do NOT have clean hands on this stupid indignation about THEIR history...

Nice pet peeve...but it has nothing to do with the statue of Robert E Lee that was erected around the same time 50,000 KKK members marched on Washington DC and Fred Trump was arrested at a Klan Rally in NY.
/----/ Again with this shit? Fred Trump was released and no charges were filed. Why do you always forget to include that tidbit?

I stated fact. He was arrested at a Klan rally in the 20s. (Like this statue was erected in the 20s)
But lets modify them to portray the correct historical context


Lets honor those who created a nation to ensure that blacks would be enslaved forever. That is what the Confederacy was about.......Not Scarlett O'Hara, Not gentlemen fighting for a noble cause, not a cool flag to fly on your pickup truck

There are many statutes that depict the events and people who were enslaved. Some idiots might find them offensive. Does that mean they should be torn down?

Or maybe just tear down the statues you don't like? I would specifically like to know how you think this should work.

We are talking about publicaly honoring a nation built on slavery

Communities setting aside their most prominent sites to honor a nation that lasted four years and killed 600,000 people just so they could enslave others

Move them somewhere else and put them in proper prospective

The Civil War was about States Rights

The rights of states to continue to have slavery. You lost. Get over it.
But lets modify them to portray the correct historical context


Lets honor those who created a nation to ensure that blacks would be enslaved forever. That is what the Confederacy was about.......Not Scarlett O'Hara, Not gentlemen fighting for a noble cause, not a cool flag to fly on your pickup truck

There are many statutes that depict the events and people who were enslaved. Some idiots might find them offensive. Does that mean they should be torn down?

Or maybe just tear down the statues you don't like? I would specifically like to know how you think this should work.

We are talking about publicaly honoring a nation built on slavery

Communities setting aside their most prominent sites to honor a nation that lasted four years and killed 600,000 people just so they could enslave others

Move them somewhere else and put them in proper prospective
I really don't think a bunch of morons who didn't bother to learn the back ground of Robert E Lee need to be lecturing others on " perspective".
Lee had a choice

Defend his country or defend a country dedicated to preserving slavery

He chose the latter
He was defending a states right to secede.

Much like California is threatening these days...while liberals applaud.
Who is applauding? Not anyone I know.
But lets modify them to portray the correct historical context


Lets honor those who created a nation to ensure that blacks would be enslaved forever. That is what the Confederacy was about.......Not Scarlett O'Hara, Not gentlemen fighting for a noble cause, not a cool flag to fly on your pickup truck

There are many statutes that depict the events and people who were enslaved. Some idiots might find them offensive. Does that mean they should be torn down?

Or maybe just tear down the statues you don't like? I would specifically like to know how you think this should work.

We are talking about publicaly honoring a nation built on slavery

Communities setting aside their most prominent sites to honor a nation that lasted four years and killed 600,000 people just so they could enslave others

Move them somewhere else and put them in proper prospective

The Civil War was about States Rights

The rights of states to continue to have slavery. You lost. Get over it.

The alt-lets need to get over winning

It's because it's a private university, but hey, let's not let that get in the way of your incredibly over the top response.

Of all the interests involved, it's EXACTLY Govt that should keep the cooler head and protect the heritage and history of the place they govern. And keep it out of the hands of the extreme partisans on EITHER side.

THat history and heritage is VALUABLE to their identity and their economy in the case of Civil War landmarks and historical sites.

Nice pivot, didn't even bother to consider your post that I quoted was highly uncalled for.

The monuments don't represent history, they represent celebrating the confederacy and ignoring the realty of their crimes.

They celebrate the sacrifice of the CONFLICT. To remind us of the COST of conflict.

I worked in Keil Germany for extended periods of time. The Germans have purged a lot of that history. But in Keil -- there is a German Naval memorial built similar to an old lighthouse. It has art depictions of the walls of EVERY German military vessel lost in the war.

I'm a raised Jew. And i teared up both times I went there. When you see the 4 stories of ships and men and lives lost -- you see the REALITY of that conflict. About 8 ft tall. 360 degrees around u of just U-Boats lost. With the dates and number of lives lost. They've probably bulldozed that by now.. But it would be a HUGE mistake to just PURGE it as you folks want to do...

Who is against demonstrating every vessel lost by either side of the civil war? Nobody wants to purge history, these monuments were mostly built at the height of the klan or even decades later. I don't see how a statue of Lee or Davis demonstrates sacrifice.

So Andrew Jackson started the modern Democrat party. Should we PURGE that history??
Oh, for fuck sake. No one is purging anything. You do not have any right to publicly display a statue that is offensive to the majority of that city, that state, this country.

Put it in a museum and you can go visit it. Have a gift shop where you sell little 'noose' key rings.
None alive today were slaves................

None alive were slave owners.............

More Americans died in the Civil War than all the other wars fought throughout our history. The price was paid in blood from both sides. It is a matter of our history...............Those that want to tear down Civil War Monuments simply want to erase HISTORY. No matter how many statues are torn down.......the History is still there.................

Why do these people have to label every damn thing OFFENSIVE in a Free Country......Because they are simply hateful people who believe no one should be allowed to have alternate opinions.......So they destroy monuments to our History........pretty fucking lame in my book.
Oh, for fuck sake. No one is purging anything. You do not have any right to publicly display a statue that is offensive to the majority of that city, that state, this country.
We don't have the right??? Are you serious? This is America ass and we have the right to display anything we want. If it harms your snowflake sensibilities that is your problem. The libs will pay big time for this in 2018.

The Cross is offensive................tear it down...............WWI memorial to those who died there......Poor things are offended so easily.


Should we tear down their grave markers as well since some are so offended............hmmm
But lets modify them to portray the correct historical context


Lets honor those who created a nation to ensure that blacks would be enslaved forever. That is what the Confederacy was about.......Not Scarlett O'Hara, Not gentlemen fighting for a noble cause, not a cool flag to fly on your pickup truck
Let's take down with anything that has to do with MLK, he was a homophobe, and a adulter. I mean if your consistent you should.

Some are offended by this...................poor things..............George Washington owned slaves...........and therefore this must be torn down..................

Where does this end folks............how many more do you feel need to be torn down..............Until there isn't a monument left that you can't criticize.................
I can already see the political ads in 2018 showing our nations great statues of historic figures being carted away by democrat governors and mayors.... wow stupid is as stupid does...no wonder you all lost in November....

Who is still worthy to be on Mount Rushmore..................The fanatics must decide........This monument has people on it that owned slaves....
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