Ok...lets put it out there

We're so deep into uncharted territory that it's impossible to say.

This is a guy who, based on his positions, would be considered a RINO at best, being supported by some of the most conservative Republicans.

He has made a long list of ridiculous, hyperbolic statements that would have sunk another candidate long ago.

And here he is, on top. There is no explaining this.
We're so deep into uncharted territory that it's impossible to say.

This is a guy who, based on his positions, would be considered a RINO at best, being supported by some of the most conservative Republicans.

He has made a long list of ridiculous, hyperbolic statements that would have sunk another candidate long ago.

And here he is, on top. There is no explaining this.

There is explaining it. But you can't do so without insulting the intelligence of every single one of his supporters. And.....you don't want to do that, do you?

Earmuffs, bitch.
My initial thought was he went too far...,then I thought..I say the same things! Lmao.
Did Donald step on his dick?

Is Carson disabled?
Are voters stupid?
Do you want to bomb the shit out of Isis?

Donald Trump begs Iowans not to believe Ben Carson: ‘Don’t be fools, okay?’

Carson shows indications of being clinically mentally ill.
Voters are profoundly stupid.
No bombing of ISIS. Let arabs fight other arabs.
Those other Arabs are now poisoning Europe.
If it's standard politics, the others are not meeting the standard.
If it's standard politics, the others are not meeting the standard.

How so? It's a year out, candidates are saying things about each other, they are promising things, blah, blah, blah.

Trump is promising a wall....Carson wants a double wall....politicians have been promising to build a wall for decades. They have promised to build a wall EVERY TIME they want something but tell us 1ST you have to agree with what 'I' want, and it never gets done. As long as Special Interest Groups line the pockets of politicians and keep them from voting for it, it will never get done. The ONLY way either of these guys would stand a chance in getting a wall built is if they used the precedence set by Obama and issue an Executive Order in the name of National Security to get it done.
- It ain't going to happen, but most people are caught up in the emotion and promise of 'a new guy'.

I can GUARANTEE that NONE of these guys - NONE of them - have the FULL story of what is going on regarding foreign policy, the military, terrorism...but they will once they get in...so until then anything they say is based on a limited knowledge base. Take what they're saying with a grain of salt.

Congress is still divided because of a bunch of ideological, self/party-serving assholes are still in charge, still fighting each other to do what is in THEIR and THEIR PARTY'S best interests, STILL ignore the Constitution, STILL ignore the Rule of Law, STILL refuse to work together, and the Middle Class and country are STILL getting kicked in the privates while these spoiled, millionaire traitors bicker. Until the vast majority of them are booted from office no new President is going to be able to do anything...UNLESS they have 'cahonies' to do what Obama has done, which is to say 'F* the Constitution, F* the Law, F* Congress - I'm doing it myself.

(Mark my words, IF a Republican wins the Presidency and tries to do that, all the Liberals jackasses that have been fine with Obama doing it will be screaming for Impeachment!)
If it's standard politics, the others are not meeting the standard.

How so? It's a year out, candidates are saying things about each other, they are promising things, blah, blah, blah.

Trump is promising a wall....Carson wants a double wall....politicians have been promising to build a wall for decades. They have promised to build a wall EVERY TIME they want something but tell us 1ST you have to agree with what 'I' want, and it never gets done. As long as Special Interest Groups line the pockets of politicians and keep them from voting for it, it will never get done. The ONLY way either of these guys would stand a chance in getting a wall built is if they used the precedence set by Obama and issue an Executive Order in the name of National Security to get it done.
- It ain't going to happen, but most people are caught up in the emotion and promise of 'a new guy'.

I can GUARANTEE that NONE of these guys - NONE of them - have the FULL story of what is going on regarding foreign policy, the military, terrorism...but they will once they get in...so until then anything they say is based on a limited knowledge base. Take what they're saying with a grain of salt.

Congress is still divided because of a bunch of ideological, self/party-serving assholes are still in charge, still fighting each other to do what is in THEIR and THEIR PARTY'S best interests, STILL ignore the Constitution, STILL ignore the Rule of Law, STILL refuse to work together, and the Middle Class and country are STILL getting kicked in the privates while these spoiled, millionaire traitors bicker. Until the vast majority of them are booted from office no new President is going to be able to do anything...UNLESS they have 'cahonies' to do what Obama has done, which is to say 'F* the Constitution, F* the Law, F* Congress - I'm doing it myself.

(Mark my words, IF a Republican wins the Presidency and tries to do that, all the Liberals jackasses that have been fine with Obama doing it will be screaming for Impeachment!)
Oh...ok...ill just shoot myself.
Looks like even the nutters are seeing that Drumpf is an empty suit.

Speaking of suits - When he was on Sat Night Live, he wore an outsized, sloppy looking black suit, with a white shirt and red tie. The suit looks so big that you expect he's also wearing clown shoes. Two SNL characters also wore blacks suit with a red time so it looked like it was just part of the schtick.

But, Drumpf has been wearing that same over-sized black suit, white shirt and red tie in every appearance. Weird because he must have a gazzillion well made and well tailored suits.

He's under a lot of pressure to stop with the his posturing, blustering and lying and actually come up with some substance. He can't do that. That's never been a problem for him before but the presidency is not a reality show. He may well be in full meltdown mode.
We're so deep into uncharted territory that it's impossible to say.

This is a guy who, based on his positions, would be considered a RINO at best, being supported by some of the most conservative Republicans.

He has made a long list of ridiculous, hyperbolic statements that would have sunk another candidate long ago.

And here he is, on top. There is no explaining this.

Sheep follow the most vocal bray.
95 minutes of a Trump rant?


I couldn't get through all of it but what I heard was pretty weird. He sounds downright delusional, out of control. Still no substance - just a lot of disjointed, hysterical blathering. And the audience looks scared that they're in the same room with him.
The Donald stepped on his dick the second he left the TV set of his moronic show.
We're so deep into uncharted territory that it's impossible to say.

This is a guy who, based on his positions, would be considered a RINO at best, being supported by some of the most conservative Republicans.

He has made a long list of ridiculous, hyperbolic statements that would have sunk another candidate long ago.

And here he is, on top. There is no explaining this.

Sheep follow the most vocal bray.

Yeah we notice how you on the left follow that jackass Obama
The pointy silos
are pointy Pointy
annoint Ben Carson
anointy nointy


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