Ok, let's say your a political strategist helping DeSantis.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Let's say you're the top guy in DeSantis's campaign. How would you go about getting DeSantis the nomination over Trump and his cancel culture?
What's your strategy?
Let's say you're the top guy in DeSantis's campaign. How would you go about getting DeSantis the nomination over Trump and his cancel culture?
What's your strategy?
Sit out 2024.

Run in 2028 when there won't be a Democratic Party incumbent. If the blob wins in 2024, he can't run in 2028.
CandyCorn has it right .I have posted in the past its a bad strategy for him to run in 2024. He needs to finish out his secound term and in 2028 see how the political landscape looks then. Running now will make him look like an opportunist to the general public. As far as strategy when he does run Oddball has it correct be yourself on the trail because voters can spot a phony real quick.
Let's say you're the top guy in DeSantis's campaign. How would you go about getting DeSantis the nomination over Trump and his cancel culture?
First tell DeSantis to stop hating on corporations, because they supply the money for a campaign.

Right now, no corporation is going to give DeSantis anything, because they know he's going to turn on them someday.

At least Trump is smart enough to understand that. Don't attack the people giving you the money.
My advice would be to not announce as a candidate (which he hasn't done) and remain as governor of Florida until at least 2028.
My advice would be to not announce as a candidate (which he hasn't done) and remain as governor of Florida until at least 2028.
So, you're saying that attacking corporations is a _good_ strategy?

Oh my.

How has attacking Disney worked out for him so far? Blown up in his face, it has.

Oh, DeSantis is term-limited, and has to step down after 2026. Unless he simply makes another fascist declaration that laws don't apply to Republicans, which is his style.
Sit out 2024.

Run in 2028 when there won't be a Democratic Party incumbent. If the blob wins in 2024, he can't run in 2028.

Sitting out 2024 is not an option in this scenario. It's how do you win this election. Not the next one.
CandyCorn has it right .I have posted in the past its a bad strategy for him to run in 2024. He needs to finish out his secound term and in 2028 see how the political landscape looks then. Running now will make him look like an opportunist to the general public. As far as strategy when he does run Oddball has it correct be yourself on the trail because voters can spot a phony real quick.

DeSantis's 2nd term still ends during the mid terms. Not during a presidential election year.
First tell DeSantis to stop hating on corporations, because they supply the money for a campaign.

Right now, no corporation is going to give DeSantis anything, because they know he's going to turn on them someday.

At least Trump is smart enough to understand that. Don't attack the people giving you the money.

The only corporation DeSantis is against is the one his voters wanted him to go against. Disney, because they were funding attorneys to help bog down the FL courts over something the parents were against. Teachers of young children being exposed to gender ideology. Disney stuck their nose into politics in favor of something parents were against.

I support DeSantis and his legislature for doing this. And so do the majority of FL citizens.
I think DeSantis needs to expose Trumps liberal record.

Notching the 2A
Increasing the debt ceiling twice.
Suspending it for 2 years.
$8 trillion spent.
Much of that covid money going to fraudulent things and to corporations who didn't even need the money.
Trumps funding of gender studies and Planned Parenthood.
His deal with US oil companies to reduce production in April of 2020. 7 months before the Biden/Trump election.
His failed trade deal with China, that didn't reduce the trade deficit. In fact, it increased it.
His operation warp speed and the fact that Trump was siding with Fauci on way too many things.
Trumps Platinum Plan. Giving $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities.
Trumps newfound support for woke Disney.

If/when Trump attacks DeSantis, all DeSantis needs to do is come back with Trumps own record. Because you can't argue against facts. And it'll help keep DeSantis out of the mud. Which is where Trump likes to be, because of his ego. Defeating a lying narcissist is easy, if you keep the high ground.
Fire all the consultants -who do nothing but suck resources from your campaign- and let the man be himself, for better or worse.
Let him be himself:
Fire all the consultants -who do nothing but suck resources from your campaign- and let the man be himself, for better or worse.

So far, DeSantis has been very good at picking people who won't stab him in the back later.
That's just another advantage he has over Trump. Trump sucks at picking the right people.
Let's say you're the top guy in DeSantis's campaign. How would you go about getting DeSantis the nomination over Trump and his cancel culture?
What's your strategy?
He needs to work on sounding less intelligent. He's a big enough jackass, and valiant culture warrior, but he should consider rambling incoherently more. The Harvard AND Yale thing just isn't going to play well with the Trumpster crowd. Maybe he could do some kind of a promo tie in with pro wrestlers endorsing him.
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Let's say you're the top guy in DeSantis's campaign. How would you go about getting DeSantis the nomination over Trump and his cancel culture?
What's your strategy?
I’d sit Ron down and look him in the eyes and tell him that he isn’t president of the USA material. So don’t expect to win. Run, fund raise, get popular, then retire from politics, write a book, and go on cable news shows and make a fortune. That’s what he is destined for
CandyCorn has it right .I have posted in the past its a bad strategy for him to run in 2024. He needs to finish out his secound term and in 2028 see how the political landscape looks then. Running now will make him look like an opportunist to the general public. As far as strategy when he does run Oddball has it correct be yourself on the trail because voters can spot a phony real quick.
DeSantis is just as phony as Ted Cruz. Can’t hide that
I’d sit Ron down and look him in the eyes and tell him that he isn’t president of the USA material. So don’t expect to win. Run, fund raise, get popular, then retire from politics, write a book, and go on cable news shows and make a fortune. That’s what he is destined for

Ok, well that was retarded and completely off topic.

This is about a winning strategy against the life long liberal, Trump.
DeSantis is just as phony as Ted Cruz. Can’t hide that

Phony? Really? Let's take a look at that, shall we?

1. Prohibited the CCP from purchasing land in FL. Farmland and any land near critical infrastructure
2. Enacted universal school choice (Education savings accounts)
3. Kneecapped "ESG" (Environment social justice)
4. $2.7 Billion in tax relief for FL families
5. Enacted the ban on abortions for heart beating babies.
6. Constitutional carry.
7. Enacted the death penalty for pedophiles.
8. Blocked the central bank digital currency
9. TORT reform for pharmaceuticals.
10. Increase pay for police officers & firefighters
11. Stiffer penalties for drug dealers (especially for fentanyl)
12. Ended Disney's self governing status
13. Something about combatting illegal immigration
14. Record increase in teachers pay.
15. Made it so that the unions couldn't deduct from teacher pay checks.
16. Is signing a bill that ends all the DEI programs from their state universities.
17. Is stopping the "pronoun" BS in their schools
18. No more vaccine mandates.
19. Banned Sanctuary cities.
20. Ended sex changes for minors.
21. DeSantis sent illegals to Martha's Vineyard.
22. Put state forces out in the ocean to help the coast guard catch illegals.

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